Chapter One Hundred & Thirteen | GoneXHello

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Eliza whispered her goodbyes to us, not speaking loud enough for us to hear her voice crack. She paused halfway out the door and turned around to stare at me. I shifted awkwardly but held her gaze.

"Treat him vell." She said and she disappeared at inhuman speeds. I nearly choked on my cereal, forgetting how freakishly fast these people could be.

Other than the faint cries of Antonio and Francis the house was a little too quiet so I finished my cereal and stood up slowly. I walked to the couch grabbed one of the pillows and smacked the two with it.

"Ack-que hice!?" Toni sputtered out.

"Why the hell would you idiots give me up? What is that supposed to mean! We've been through too much shit together these last few months to ever be apart so don't accept anything less than sticking together!" I shouted angrily. I didn't know where the anger was coming from.

"But Gil-" Francis tried to get out before I continuously whacked them as I ranted.

"Of course I love Gil! I love all of you! You're like my family."

"Oof, we got family zoned," Antonio joked and Francis laughed but I turned red from embarrassment.

"Not that kind of family," I huffed, "this isn't West Virginia."

Francis muffled a laugh but tried to be serious when they saw the stressed look in my eyes.

"But you do love us?" Francis quipped.

"I-I never said."

"But you did, you said you love all of us so 'ow do you love us?"

I had a million words dying to come out but I wasn't ready for this kind of relationship yet, let alone the possibility of polygamy!?

"I....don't know," I said so faintly it was barely a whisper.

"Take your time to figure things out Chica, but Gilbert, Francis and I already know how we feel about you," Antonio said seriously. His green eyes seemed to devour me, like he was thinking something, thinking about how he felt about me.

Gilbert really really liked me that was obvious but what about Antonio and Francis? Francis seemed kind of parental even though his love was Eros, and Antonio seemed like the friendliest person on earth which fit Agape rather well, but from what I've seen their love shows itself in the form of sex, possessiveness, and protectiveness. Two of those things were not something to build relationships on.

How did my love show itself? Throwing pillows, turning red, crying a lot, demanding the truth, and the occasional cuddles and blackmail. What kind of love is this that we seem to have?

"How can I know that you do?"

They looked a little taken aback.

"Chica, I know it's only been three months but we see our futures with you in. We always show you our love, remember the nights we spent together, the fun things we did with and to eachother, the parties, the games, the dinners?" Antonio argued.

"You have sex with everyone, how am I any different?"

"Well for starters we've never actually penetrated you unless you count our fingers. Second, you live with us, eat with us, cry with us, laugh with us, even though we sleep with others you're the one that it really matters."

"Okay but for me, sex is super personal and embarrassing but it's nothing to you, you do it all the time, you do it nearly every day for centuries of your life, that's like thousands of people. I don't stand out from them."

"You do-"

"Be serious, having 'relations' with me isn't any different than with them. Even if you say I mean something to you, even if you tell me you love me, showing it sexually isn't really showing it at all," I nearly cried. Why was I getting so emotional, this sucked.

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