Chapter One Hundred & Thirty Seven | PastXPresent

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Even vampires have a weakness to exploit, that's part of the deal when you're born into the world. And if a creature has a weakness, someone exists who knows how to exploit it. My bosses...they sniff out weaknesses without even needing to look your way.
That's why I always knew this day would come.
The day the path I took so long ago would catch up to me...

A path stained in blood. I had no idea that's where my life was headed when I began to explore this world. But this world is bloody, and I should've known better than to search the darkest places; those places are abandoned for a reason.

When I first began my journey, it was just the states, it didn't take even a year to go through them all, and it didn't take more than a week of that for my bad luck to catch up to me and send me to the hospital in a freak accident. I don't even remember which one; there have been so many.

That luck or lack thereof continued to haunt me wherever I went to the point I set up codes with my mother. At first, all this bad luck had been clumsiness, nature, or really unfortunate timing, but after a month, it was human.

From the time I was young, something propelled me forwards to help others, and if that meant jumping in front of a car or standing in the way of a knife, I didn't care. I'd do it without a second thought, and I did, and I ended up in the hospital.

My medical debt grew the more I traveled, and it worsened in Canada to the point I thought I'd surely die.

Chased by tall angry men, I didn't know what to do, and I ran. I had a knife, I had a phone, I had a flashlight.

I had no idea I was near a business sight selling illegal herbs. They didn't care that I saw this by mistake, they saw me, and they began to shoot.

The skies opened up, and it rained.

I was out of breath being chased by snarling dogs as I ran off the path into mud and clay and scratching myself on trees and thorns as I tried to outrun them. The accumulated mud only made my footprints easier to see, and when my shoes sank into the soil, I had no choice but to leave them and let my feet get cut by whatever I ran through.

I thought I'd outrun them as I hid behind a tree, but I hadn't. I had a hand over my mouth to quiet my breathing, but even in the rain, the dogs tracked down my scent. I kicked them away; they were more like beasts than dogs, so my heart didn't break when I fought them.

Their owners arrived, and one carried an ax and aimed for my head. I managed to duck, and I screamed in anger as I took out my knife and plunged it into his chest. I was panicked and in a daze, and I plunged it into his chest again and again and again until my hands were dripping with blood up to my wrists.

The dogs hadn't survived my kicks either; it seemed, so their owners had no barks to follow, but they found us anyway.

I couldn't outrun them in the state I was in, so I didn't bother. I'm not sure if I gave up on saving myself or actually had confidence I could win; I was just in a daze, forcing my emotions deep down to die as I took the mans ax and swung it deep into the head of the first man to arrive with a gun in his hand.

The gunshot rang out, but I had no idea it'd hit my stomach; I didn't feel anything, I was already in too much shock, and my adrenaline didn't allow me to stop to think about my own safety.

I took the man's gun, and using past experience at a gun range, I struck three of them dead, but there was still one more.

He wasn't bigger than the others, but he was faster, and it was harder to track his erratic movements. He kicked me against a tree and plunged his foot into my chest, I heard my ribs crack, but I didn't feel them. I could hardly breathe, and my gun was empty, so I reached out to stop his blows with little success. He knocked me to the ground, and for once, my luck improved just a fraction as I was in reach of my pocketknife, and as I turned around, blade drawn, it slashed his throat without me even trying.

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