Chapter One Hundred & Nineteen | MeetingsXReunion

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I told myself I was fine, but I was sweating like a murderer under interrogation.

"Chica?" Antonio waved his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. "Chica?"


"Are you okay?" He asked, serious concern hinted in his voice. I nodded, but on the inside, I was dying.

"We can turn around," Francis offered, but Gilbert blew him off.

"No ve cant or ve von't get to stand against Kuro," he hissed, and Francis sighed and continued to drive.

The three of them were dressed extra fancifully today since today they were dealing with the crime of an association member.

"I remember when Kuro was sweet and shy, and Kiku was zhe crazy one....zhen zhe atom bombs dropped, and it changed everything for zhem. Kiku decided it was better to keep the peace, and Kuro wanted revenge and awoke to 'is darker side...war changes everyone even centuries-old vampires," he reminisced sadly, "but it doesn't excuse assault like zhis," he added.

Gilbert and Antonio nodded.

Antonio held my hand in the seat next to me. Gilbert had sat with me last time he'd argued so now it was his turn; I guess that makes sense.

"Ju excited to meet the kids?" Gilbert asked me, turning around to face me, and I nodded excitedly, taking my mind off the more troubling aspects of the visit.

"Yeah, Wendy is cool, and I don't even know what the others look like. So real quick, why does Peter go back and forth between living with the Kirklands and with Timo, Berwald, Mathias, and the others?"

"Because Arthur knocked up Berwald's young neighbor and obviously he couldn't let her know peter was half-vampire, so he lived with Arthur for a while, but Berwald came to like him and peter much preferred Berwald so it's sort of a custody battle and Arthur doesn't even care if he loses he just feels obligated," Antonio explained.

"Oh, old is peter, and doesn't his mom notice since she's the neighbor?"

"Neine, Berwald, and Arthur erased her memory of it and got rid of hospital documentations, any record of Peter's existence. Peter visited Berwald in the first place so he could see his mother, she likes him, but she doesn't remember why, it's kind of sad, but it's vike vhat for most dhampires. To answer the first part of your question, he's twelve. Feels like yesterday he vas born, Arthur showed him off to everyone but Arthur isn't a great parent, so ve didn't see peter much cause Arthur had trouble with him and didn't vant everyone to know how vittle control he had vith the kid. Pretty sure he just puts on anime for the kid and feeds him, and the rest of the time, Peter is vith his uncles, aunts, and adopted co-parent, Berwald."

"Interesting story...does peter find it sad, cause it's kinda sad, I'd hate to think it was normal..."

"Vell Vendy's Mom doesn't remember her either; neither does Kyle's, or Erwald's or Raphael's. So Ja, it's normal for vhem."

"That's sad..."

"Well, its just life. If the mother's remembered them, they'd become vampires or be killed, and most fathers don't want an awkward eternity with the baby mama...." Gilbert said, speaking from experience.

"Who are their fathers?"

"Uh, vets see...Wendy and Kyle are half-siblings, and Jett's adopted siblings and ve aren't really sure who the parent vas, but he left the two behind, and their mother knew until ve erased her mind. Erwald is Berwald's kid from like the vone time he slept vith a voman, Raphael no one is sure of either parent, he survived a fire of the father assumably burning evidence, the mother died in childbirth, and the vampire-community got word that child wasn't human so Eliza and Roderich took him under everyone's noses and he has a place of his own right next to Roderich and Eliza though he prefers being left alone."

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