Chapter Twenty Three | PanicXLudwig

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I was exasperated, I was out of breath, I was crying over Francis who was stretched out in wide-eyed panic and confusion.

"We never meant to 'urt, you," he started reaching his hand out to me.

"No!" I yelled and batted away his hand.

"Tell me everything now!"

They didn't immediately respond that they couldn't but I could still tell they weren't going to say anything.

I cried even harder, I cupped my face in my hands.

"I don't trust you! But I want to! Please don't do this to me, I have no idea what I'm feeling and nobody makes me like this so you can't play with my emotions like this!"

I elbowed Antonio in the chest when he tried hugging me from behind.

"Don't try to calm me down!" I yelled at him, whipping around to face him.

Then I pointed an angry finger to Gilbert, "and you! Stop teasing me! We're supposed to be family, right!? Well, you aren't acting like it! Just like you told everyone at the party, family doesn't treat each other like this, we don't keep secrets!"

"But you're keeping us a secret aren't you?" Francis spoke up and I spun around.

"Sometimes family keep secrets because it's what's best."

"It's not best for me!"

"Please, please Chica. We promise you, we swear on everything we hold dear that we will tell you, we just can't tell you right now."

"And why not!?"

"You wouldn't understand-"

"You're right, because you don't help me understand it!"

"If you really insist knowing right now then we can't be the ones that tell you because you might hate us for it," Francis bellowed.

Gilbert and Antonio grabbed either one of his arms to stabilize the situation as he stood up abruptly.

"Fine, I'll just ask Ludwig he's nicer and hotter than you guys anyway!" I screamed and stormed out of the room for a second time the night-well actually it was early morning now.

Still in my fancy dress but with smudged ugly makeup, I hid my face behind the silver mask I was given and intruded on the party.

The atmosphere was much different than before.

All who remained were the company crew, in other words, the 'family' the trio worked with.

"___?" Elizabetta asked in surprise, "is something zhe matter?"

"Ludwig, I need to talk with you now," I insisted.

"Oh I see," she giggled mischievously.

Ludwig stood up, straightening his tux and took me to the side by the elevator.

"Is something wrong ___?"

"Yes everything, now where are you staying?" I hissed quietly.

"Vhere-vhere am I staying?" He asked nervously and I nodded insistently.

He collected himself and nodded, he pressed the button for the elevator and stepped in with me still red in the face.

Elizabetta gave a knowing sly smile and waved goodbye, mouthing the words 'good luck', as the elevator doors closed.

We waited in silence and went down a floor below the honeymoon suites level.

He took the keycard out of his pocket and unlocked the door six rooms away from the elevator on the left.

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