Chapter One Hundred & Eleven | TracyXFuture

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"Tracy is the fun girl we fucked at the hotel in New York right?" Gilbert asked rather bluntly and I shot him a glare and he shut up.

I trudged downstairs where Eliza was already wide awake reading. Taking a closer look I noticed she was reading my story, the sequel to twelve curses and I blushed. I was always a little nervous to see how people I knew would react to what I wrote.

I answered Tracy as I made it to the end of the stairs and sat down at the table in the kitchen. "Hey girl," I said drowsily, a little tired, my nightmare sleeping away my energy.

"Hello-" Eliza began and blushed when she saw I was on the phone, "oh."

Gilbert laughed at her and sat down on the couch opposite hers. Antonio reached for cereal in the cabinet and poured some in a bowl for me, sitting across from me at the table while Francis drank from his metallic bottle, not wanting to ask for blood whilst I was on the phone.

"Giiiiiirlllll!" Tracy cheered, drawn out.

I winced and held the phone away from my ear.


"It's been forever!"

"It's been less than a month."

"That's still forever! How's your third book coming along?" She asked enthusiastically.

"I started writing it like two months ago, I've been pretty busy here so it's still got a ways to go, sorry." I apologized.

"Busy? Like with the boys?" She accused excitedly.

I blushed, "n-no."

"Holy shit you stuttered!" She tasker in the background I heard Howard loudly ask her, "she finally get the d!?"

"Hell no Howard!" I shouted back and both he and Tracy moaned in frustration.

"You know how stressful your life is?" She asked.

"Um...yeah? It's my life?"

"Exactly, you know how to get rid of stress? Sex!" She shouted and I heard someone in her office shush her.

"We tell 'er zhe same zhing!" Francis shouted from the living room where'd he'd joined Eliza on the couch by the window.

I rolled my eyes and heard Tracy laughing loudly.

"Okay so do you have the basic plot?" She asked, starting to get to the real questions involved in her job.

"Yes, the first few chapters are written-"

"Let me read them!" Gilbert exclaimed from the couch and he and Eliza simultaneously jumped to their feet.

"Me too!" She exclaimed, I blushed taking that as her liking the book she was currently in the middle of.

"I take it you have fans in your house?" She chuckled and I agreed.

"Yeah, Gil and Liza seem to like it."

"Who's Liza?"

"A girl that's staying with us right now."

"She cute?" Tracy asked.

"Umm...I guess?"

Eliza glared and Gil laughed until she began beating him with a pillow.

"She single?"

"No. What Happened to the Felix dude you were dating?"

"Didn't work out, I'm taking a break from men, they're exhausting."

"so are women, we are often personas If drama."

"You're not wrong but at least I know how they feel," she sighed. "So do you have an expected final draft date?"

I thought about it for a moment. Currently, my life was extremely confusing and I had no idea when I'd even get to continue writing.


"What? Girl, you're usually way more responsible," she gasped and I rolled my eyes.

"Well sorry but life is confusing and complicated," I snapped sarcastically and I heard her sigh.

"Speaking of complicated have you heard from Lynette?" She questioned hopefully.

"Huh? No why?"

"She suddenly dropped off the grid kinda like you used to do so I figured maybe you knew."

"Eh..." I tried to find an excuse for her, "she's probably clearing her mind somewhere, that girl is crazy strong she'll be fine."

"That doesn't mean I'm not worried. The first time you disappeared I nearly had a heart attack and then you came back like it was nothing."

I shrugged innocently, "what can I tell ya, life of an adventurer."

I could feel her rolling her eyes by the brief silence before she laughed nervously.

"Okay...well get working, you have a deadline and if Lynette contacts you please let me know, I'm worried about her."

I agreed and she hung up. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and saw the four giving me worried expressions.

"Did you disappear a lot?" Antonio asked and I shrugged.

"I was fine."

"Ninety-nine percent of your stories involve you not being fine," Francis argued and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm alive so all is good."

"You've almost died three times since we met you, once you actually did die," Antonio clucked worriedly.

"Okay, the time I died wasn't my fault, my offensive Gilbert." He made a disgruntled face and I continued, "other times mostly not my fault. Shenck and his minion totally attacked me and the other time I was dared to drink the bloodshot so I had to."

"No you did not have to," Gilbert grumbled.

"I remember that night well," Eliza trailed off, "hell of a kisser by the way."

I banged my head on the table, I forgot a video of that existed, and that it had happened.

"I'm not a lesbian I swear," I mumbled.

"Well...." The four trailed off simultaneously.

"What do you mean well? Gilbert and I nearly fucked last night and Antonio and Francis try that on the regular and you think I'm into girls?"

I blushed, having announced my shameful activity, I really needed to cut back before I was addicted or something.

Gilbert laughed at my bluntness and my cheeks only turned redder and I huffed and began eating my cereal. But they weren't done questioning me.

"So...why did you disappear that first time Tracy mentioned?"

"Political reasons."

"Uh...what?" Eliza asked.

"Maybe you'll know someday." Hopefully not.

"So this Lynette, is she french?" Francis asked, grinning mischievously and I sighed in defeat. Even as close to me as they were they loved their old habits, then again it's hard to expect men who've been Polygamous for centuries to suddenly go for one girl.

"No she's not, she was born and raised in Georgia with a Maine accent and she's chaste for religious reasons so I doubt you'll get her into bed with you."

"I never said I was interested in that."

"Your tone greatly implied that, Je ne suis pas stupide," I sassed and he pretended to be offended, leaning back with his hand over his heart.

Eliza looked around the room and then finally to Gilbert and she sighed sadly.

"I should be going. But first, Gilbert can I talk to you?"

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