Sack and Specc adventures

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Prospecc and Axe kid: -Walking through arms factory-
Prospecc: And there i was! Just mining in the cave like every other day!!
Axe kid: Shut up! Shut up!! I dont like you!! I just want to go home and play with the other hunters!!
Prosepcc: Hunters aint no play my friend! Where was i..? Oh yeah! AND THEN HE GRABBED MY FOOT!!
Axe kid: The hunters play with me all the time! You wouldn't understand because you're a stupid survivor!!
Prosepcc: Listen up kid, we are on a mission right now! Its no time for childs play and messing around! The one that screws around always dies first! Are you prepared for that!?

Axe kid: You're all talk!!
Prospecc: You wouldn't say the same if you fought the same battles i fought! -Spits on ground-
Axe kid: Ew! What are you doing?!
Prospecc: Getting rid of Toxins.
Axe kid: How do you know you have toxins in you?!
Prospecc: How can i know i dont?
Axe kid: you spit on that lizzard for no reason!
Prospecc: whAT DID YOU SAAAAY!?
Axe kid: -Picks up lizzard and wipes it- Poor guy..
Prospecc: Put that beast back down kid!
Axe kid: Why!
Prospecc: We aint safe before its dead!
Axe kid: im not letting you kill mister lizzard!!
Prospecc: Aah!! Get it away from me..!
Axe kid: ....hehehe..~ -Holds Lizzard close to prospecc- GIVE IT A KISS!~
Prospecc: AAH!! Kid!! Im warning you!!
Axe kid: Hmph! -Puts lizzard on a branch so it can climb up in a tree-
Prspecc: Hey! I cant kill it from up there!
Axe kid: Forget about it! Lets just go find the Pidgeon guy and Hastur!!
Prospecc: -Ghasps- The lizzard was a distraction..! Someone is on to us kid.
Axe boy: Stop being paranoid and walk!! We have been all over Arms factory twice so they're not here!!

Prospecc: Only place left is The assylum then. A terrifying place.. but not as terrifying as my days back in 1996.
Axe kid:.... i dont want to go to the assylum.
Prospecc: Yes you do, you are just under some.. brainwashing spell.. -Ghasps- Quick! Spit on the ground! The lizard from earlier gave you toxins!
Axe boy: NO! I just dont like the assylum!! Its scary there!!
Prospecc: I'll protect you kid! Now make the portal!
Axe boy: I dont trust you protecting me! I rather have someone like Wu chang or Jack!! Or Michiko!!
Prospecc: Hey, you like Candy? I'll give you a candy if you take us to the assylum!
Axe boy: ...Fine!! But then i want all your candy!!
Prospecc: We have a deal then!
Axe kid: -Makes portal and Pushes Norton into it- There! Now be quick! I dont like this place!!
Prospecc: -inhales- FOCUS ON DECODING!!
Axe kid: SHUT UP! We are not in a game now!!

Prospecc: Shh..! Listen!
Seer: .....DON'T RESCUE ME!
Prospecc: Yepp, he's here allright.
Axe kid: Oh the chat!! Um..! DISRUPT THE DECODING!
Feaster: WELL DONE
Prospecc: Hehe..~ Chat always works. They're this way! Come on!!
Axe kid: -Follows Prospecc to the Cells in the end of the map-
Feaster: -Holding Seer with his tentacles-
Prospecc: What the.. I see! Its a battle between men!!
Axe kid: Hastuuur!! -Cries and runs up Hugging feaster-
Feaster: Robbie..?
Prospecc: Dont worry Eli my friend! I will fight the octopus for you!!
Seer: Don't..! Hastur its okay, you can let me down now.
Feaster: -Lets go of Seer-
Prospecc: i demand an explanation for both the tentacle chaos and for calling the hunter by his name!
Axe kid: Hastur! I was forced to take this numbskull with me to find you! It was terrible!!
Feaster: ...-Pats Robbies head- I was just spending some time with Eli
Seer: He's helping me out. Every time my personality changes, he tries to discipline me so i learn to behave.
Prospecc: so mere childs play!
Feaster: I - i wouldn't really call it discipline.
Seer: I dont want to hurt Naib and Aesop anymore. And i dont want to force them into weird stuff they dont like! I need Hasturs help!

Prospecc: Oh yeah! I have heard about you smacking around the twinks! I thought it only were a myth! It brings me back to 1968 when i were alone, Surrounded by hunters in the phantom castle and they all charged at me..!
Axe kid: That was not in 1968, that was 3 hours ago!! And only i charged at you!!
Feaster: Eli..?
Seer: Just go back and tell the guys that im fine! Me and Hastur aren't done here yet..!
Prospecc: Spending time with a monster like that is brave of you, you have my respect!
Seer: ..dont.. call Hastur a monster!! -Punches Prospecc-
Prospecc: Oh no..! He has been cursed! My final battle begins nooow!! -punches Seer-
Feaster: -Quickly Picks up Seer with the tentacles again- Eli..! Ignore him, contain youself!
Prospecc: Yes! Hold him up Octopus! Im going to Slap him!
Axe kid: -Axes Prospecc making him go down in struggle state- Yes! I have wanted to do that ever since we left!! You're so damn annoying!! Hastur says its fine so we are leaving!! Stupid survivor..!
Feaster: Thank you Robbie.
Axe kid: -Groans and makes portal back to the phantom castle kicking Prospecc into it-

-phantom castle-
Geisha: Oh, they're back.
Axe kid: DUMB SURVIVOR! You owe me candy!!
Prospecc: You got toxins, dont you?
Axe kid: GIVE ME CANDY!!
Prospecc: Okay! -Reaches into pocket- Here! Take a snickers!
Axe kid: -Grabs the Snickers and eats it-
Spider: Get rid of the survivor.
Geisha: on it. -Makes portal and kicks prospecc into it so he'll go to the manor-
Spider: So Robbie. What happened?
Axe kid: Hastur is just spending time with a cool survivor.
Geisha: ....Cool survivor? You never called a survivor cool before.
Ace kid: They're all stupid!! But this one punched the stupid Magnet man in the face!! Its the best thing i have seen in my entire life!!
Geisha: That must be the seer.
Spider: Robbie, Go tell Jack and Joseph what happened too. They're in their rooms with Their boys.
Axe kid: Fine.!! I gotta do everything around here..!

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