bOnDiNg TiMe

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Joseph: I dont care what you say, Me and Aesop did it first. Even tho Robbie Came in while we were doing it.
Ripper: Hah! Me and Naib it.. Lots of... lots of times...
Jospeh: Why do you suddenly sound so Down.
Ripper: No way in Telling you, you will bully me forver!!
Merc: We fucked so much without breaks that I gave Jack erection problems. -Eats Marshmallow-
Ripper: NAIB! WHAT?! I cant Belive you sold me out to Joseph like that!!
Embalmer: I would have dont the same.
Joseph: HAH! YOU GOT- Wait what did you say?
Ripper: If you would have done the same then give me something about Joseph!!
Joseph: That is not necessarily!
Embalmer: Hmm.. oh want to hear the rumors about Joseph that has been going around lately?
Jospeh: NO
Ripper: Yes!! What rumor?!
Embalmer: Hey Axe boy, want to tell Uncle Jack what Joseph is?
Axe boy: Uncle Joseph is a Sex offender!!! I walked in on him and He were Showing the embalmer his Vagina!!!
Ripper: -Chokes on his Water and spits it out on Joseph- HAH!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Joseph: Aesop!! You cant sell me out like that!
Embalmer: It was to prove a Point. -Eats Marshmallow as well-
Merc: So Joseph is a girl now?
Embalmer: Apparently.
Ripper: Hey Aesop, Why dont you Make a Baby with your Girlfriend! Maybe your children would be just as sad and depressing as Joseph! HahaAAH!!
Embalmer: ....So Naib, what were this about Erection problems again?
Ripper: Hey!!
Merc: I thought our only chance to ever have sex were in the outside world so I made sure we could do it as much and Often as Possible. I lasted long of course, thanks to experience.. -Peaks over at Eli and then back at Aesop- but Jack couldn't handle so much so he started getting problems.
Seer: I saw that!
Merc: Saw what?
Seer: You looked at me! When you said thanks to Experience!
Merc: I were Joking, I thought we agreed that it has been long enough to joke abo-
Embalmer: Naib.. Abusive Eli is Back..
Merc: ........-Looks at Eli- Sorry.. I didn't know..
Seer: ....Actually.. I want to talk about it.
Embalmer: ...Are you sure?
Seer: I told Emily. She thinks the best therapy is Speaking with the Victims.
Merc: Great! Let's talk! Jack, you can be here but no Interupting!
Ripper: -Carefully fishes a snickers up from Propseccs Bag and Eats it-
Seer: .....Naib, there is something you probably dont know yet about abusive that happened while you were gone.
Merc: What would that be?
Seer: -Looks at Mike and Norton- ...Abusive has found new Victims..
Merc: ...Oh boy.. Did he like... you know... force them to have sex..?
Seer: Almost. So far he has just been violent..
Embalmer: ...Let's clear up what position they have.
Seer: Position..?
Embalmer: Let's say you replaced Them with me and Naib. Who replaces Naib and Who replaced me?
Seer: Mike and Naib Would have the same position. And Norton and Aesop..
Embalmer: Allright. Because we all know this issue can't be fixed, Naib should Go talk with Mike somewhere and Me with Norton. Allright? We can tell them tips and how to overcome Things.
Seer: What about me..?
Embalmer: ...You, Ibis, Feastser, Axe boy, Jack and Joseph wait here.
Ripper: We'll cheer you up Seer!
Joseph: You can trust us!
Seer: -Nods- Allright..! I'll trust you..! -Crawls over to sit on Hasturs Lap-
Joseph: He totally dont trut us.. !
Ripper: Shh..! We'll change that..!

Merc: Hey Mike, let's take a walk around Arms Factory, I can get to know you a little better as well!
Acrobat: Sure! Of course!! -Gets up and Follows Naib-
Merc: -Walks against the Factory while having Mike follow him- Do you enjoy the manor?
Acrobat: Yeah! I already made so many new friends and I already feel like I belong here! Like home!
Merc: I'm happy you feel that way, do you feel safe?
Acrobat: ..Yeah..! I do..! I was nervous when I came here but I feel really safe so yes!
Merc: Is it because of Norton..?
Acrobat: ...Maybe? ..Yes. I feel safe when he's around.
Merc: That's good. That's how it is with me and Aesop.
Acrobat: You feel safe with Aesop..? I thought you were alot stro-
Merc: Strength has nothing to do with it. When me and Aesop were Elis Victim I were scared. Extreamly Terrified. But even so, I still felt safe because Aesop were there with me. A strong bond is worth alot more then Strong arms.
Acrobat: You seem to be really smart..!
Merc: I'm just speaking out of Experience.. I'm sure you understand somewhere within you what I mean.
Acrobat: Well.. yeah.. last time Eli attacked us, Norton Protected me..
Merc: Do you think he did that because he knows he's strong, or because he cares about you?
Acrobat: ..Because he cares about me..! You're right..!
Merc: -Smiles and Sits down in a Valuting Window- So tell me, what did you experience with Eli so far?
Acrobat: First time he just pinned us down and I were confused. Norton told me to Struggle and Just try to get away and then Robbie came and Saved us. The seccond time.. he forced us to Kiss and then he... -Slowly touched his mouth stitches-
Merc: He went right for the stitches, huh..? He usually did that with me as well. But never with Aesop. I dont know why. He does it because he knows How uncomfortable it makes us. I mean, Its personal you know..!
Acrobat: Yeah.. I cried.. I haven't done that in a while..
Merc: ...This is going to traumatize you for a long time. I'm very sorry, but it's just something you need to try to mentally prepare youself for..
Acrobat: ...Allright.. Do you have any tips..?
Merc: ...If you are Taking my role, You will be Forced to do many things.
Acrobat: What do you mean..?
Merc: ...The first time he forced me and Aesop to get sexual, Aesop told me to just close my eyes, relax, and try to think of something else until it was over. But Eli saw through it and made me be the one to.. 'interact' instead.
Acrobat: Oh.. a-.. are you saying he will make me.. put my.. i-in.. Norton..?
Merc: Maybe. I dont know about you two but that's how it was for me and Aesop.
Acrobat: -Takes a Deep breath- Poor Eli..
Merc: -Looks at Mike- E-..Eli..?
Acrobat: Yeah.. Isn't it that owls fault..? He dont really want this, right..?
Merc: Oh so you know about that. Yeah. Try to not Look at Ibis. It will make you more Scared.
Acrobat: Thank you Naib..! It makes mee feel a little better being able to talk with you..!
Merc: No problem. We're Bros now. Oh and about the mouth Stitches..! I know having Eli removing them is uncomfortable, but Emily will alway give you new once right after..!
Acrobat: ..Thank you..!

-Near some corner of Arms Factory-

Prospecc: Just tell me about Eli.
Embalmer: Never make eyecontact with Ibis.
Prospecc: Why not.
Embalmer: It will affect your behavior without you noticing. But it will scare Mike.
Prospecc: Okay. And what do we do when he uses sexual abuse?
Embalmer: Well, For you, just lay still and Tell Mike you're fine.
Prospecc: Wait, I'm the bottom..?
Embalmer: Yes but don't worry!
Prospecc: Oh god.. I'm a Twink..! I'm a twink for real now..!
Embalmer: You still call us Twinks..?
Prospecc: Yes! Homosexual male bottom is a Twink! You and Naib are with Photoboy and Ripper so its only Natrual knowing you're the bottoms!
Embalmer: ...I'll keep that in mind.
Prospecc: So what is the best tips you have?
Embalmer: Abusive Want you two to be Humiliated and in pain.
Prospecc: And the tips is..?
Embalmer: That was the tips.
Prospecc: I dont get it.
Embalmer: You will sooner or later.

-With Tent-

Joseph: And then he stripped Robbie from his powers!!
Ripper: What?!
Feaster: He is nice here but he is definetly someone you don't want to be in a match with..
Ripper: He takes speed and Abilitys..
Axe boy: He is really not that bad..! You guys are just scared because you haven't played a match with him yet..!
Seer: .....
Feaster: Is something wrong Eli?
Seer: I wonder if the guys are okay.. I feel really bad..
Feaster: Eli, they know it's not your fault.
Seer: But..
Joseph: Don't worry. They will never hate you.
Seer: ...Thanks..
Axe boy: Hey! They're coming back!
Merc: -Sits down on rippers lap and Grabs the marshmallow bag-
Acrobat: -Sits down next to Axe boy-
Prospecc: -Sits next to Mike-
Joseph: -Pats lap- Aesop!~ Come here!~
Embalmer: .....Hey Joseph, stand up for a few seconds.
Joseph: ..O-..okay..? -Stands up-
Embalmer: -Sits down and Pulls Joseph down to make him sit on his lap-
Joseph: Aah!! Y-you're reversing the roles..!
Embalmer: What roles. You're my twink now.
Joseph: Twink?!
Prospecc: I should never have told Aesop that..
Ripper: I'm confused.
Merc: What you just heard were Aesops way to tell Joseph that he is his Bitch now.
Ripper: Hah! You're someones Bitch Joseph!!
Joseph: You're someones Wife!!
Merc: Jack, Behave, no fighting now, okay?
Seer: -Looks at Norton and Mike- How did it go..? Did you learn something..?
Acrobat: I think I'm pretty much prepared now..!
Prospecc: I'm going to be a Twink...
Axe boy: -Moves Near Eli-
Seer: ...Can I help you?
Axe boy: I know you steel Pants..!
Seer: God damn it.
Merc: What is that all about?
Embalmer: Remeber how Axe boy would come into our rooms and tell us to put our pants back on?
Merc: ....yeah?
Embalmer: He came to the conclusion that Eli has been the one stealing our pants all along.
Merc: I see. So no more 'Put your pants back on Mister spring man!' From Robby anymore, huh? I'm going to miss that.
Merc: Oh right
Ripper: Anyway! When we wake up tomorrow, everyone has to come to entrance of the Manor with me! I'm going to introduce you all to the new Mode!

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