New skins!

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(This were written the day after the evil reptilian came into the game, that's why he hasn't appeared in the story before now-)

-At Phantom Castle-
Ripper: Im heeere!~ So there is a new match now? Whos the hunter?
Geisha: Theres not a new mach.
Joseph: What? Then why were we summoned?
Robbie: I want to Be the hunter!!
Dreamwitch: No match. The new essence is open, thats why we are gathering.
Feaster: New skins?
Joseph: Im leaving.
Nightingale: You have a new skin Joseph.
Joseph: ....I guess i can stay. Let me see my skin.
Nightingale: Wait. We are going through the new S tier skin, and the new A tier skins first.
Ripper: Do i have a new skin?
Nightingale: No.
Ripper: Tch.
Nightingale: Anyway, The theme of the new essence is doctors and psycopaths.
Joseph: Psycopaths?~ That seems fitting for a hunter..~ Hand over my skin!
Nightingale: The hunters are doctors.
Joseph: What.
Nightingale: Im jot supposed to tell the hunters the survivors skins, but if it makes you happy i can tell you that Aesop has a Patient skin.
Joseph: -Smirks and starts Chuckling-
Nightingale: Lets start. Burke, you have an A skin.
Mad eyes: Me?! This will be my first A tier! Hand it over lady!
Nightingale: -Adds A tier skin to Burks Skin selection-
Mad eyes: -Puts on Confident Dean skin- What?! Is this a blood bag?! Im not that old! Im just a couple of hundred years!
Geisha: and the seccond A skin?
Nightingale: Thats for a Survivor.
Geisha: ...The S skin too?
Nightingale: The S skin is for a hunter.
Axe boi: Meee!! Me me!!
Nightingale: No, you got an S skin recently.
Axe boi: Because i was a new Hunter!!
Nightingale: Thats right. So the S skin is for the new hunter.
Ripper: Theres a new Guy?
Geisha: Who?
Nightingale: -Opens random door- This is the evil reptilian, Luchino.
Axe kid: No way..
Reptilian: Hey, Its a pleasure to meet you all.
Geisha: Whats that.
Reptilian: My Tail.
Ripper: You're a Lizard?
Reptilian: Ima Reptile, yes.
Grisha: A hunter Animal..?
Joseph: Hey! Dont judge the new guy! We have Hastur, he is also an Animal!
Feaster: Actually im a go-
Ripper: Shush Baby ocotopus or the fishermen gonna come get you.
Wu chang and Ripper: -Laughs at Feaster-
Reptilian: okay.. I hope we can just get along.
Axe kid: -Suddenly screams and Hides Behind Geisha-
Geisha: Robbie? Whats wrong?
Axe kid: Its him! Its the Lizard!!
Reptilian: Is that a kid..?
Geisha: Yeah, Robbie is the youngest of us, He was our newest hunter before you came.
Axe kid: We need to hide!!
Reptilian: -Grabs Robbies hand and Shakes it- Its nice to meet you Robbie, im Luchino.
Axe kid: -Freezes and then screams again- AAAAA Im gonna get toxins! I need to spit them out!! Twu! Twu!! ....I CANT SPIT!!!!! -falls down on the floor and starts Crying-
Reptilian: ...Toxins?
Geisha: Robbie! Its okay! Does Luchino scare you?
Joseph: Can i see my skin?!
Nightingale: Oh right, Joseph, Heres the hypnotist for you. Violetta, you have the Surgeon.
Joseph: -Puts on new Skin- Not bad.
Spider: I love it.
Nightingale: Im leaving for the Manor now. Enjoy and be nice to Luchino. -Leaves-
Joseph: Luchino, You come with me, Violetta and Burke to the Assylum.
Reptilian: The assylum..? Why?
Joseph: The theme of the skins, we will meet up with the survivors who got new skins there.
Reptilian: Should i change?
Joseph: Yes.
Reptilian: -Puts on Crystalline-
Mad eye: Why didn't i get a Skin covered in crystals! I would have looked at least 100 years younger!!
Joseph: ...Thats pretty cool. Lets go.
Reptilian: -Follows Joseph-
Mad eyes: I got Scissors for hands!
Spider: So do i.
Mad eyes: Thats not hands! They're claws!
Joseph: Ignore them. Luchino, you're quite intresting. Want to tell me about youself? Are you a Human?
Reptilian: I became like this after an Experiment.
Joseph: Oh so you're a professor?
Reptilian: Weeeeeell
Joseph: I already like you better then the other idiots.
Reptilian: Who?
Joseph: The Ripper, You can call him Jack, unless you want a Headache from his annoying humming an Narcissism, you should stay away from him.
Reptilian: Thanks for the advice.
Joseph: Well, he's one of the most feared hunter thought so i guess he has some good qualities too.
Reptilian: So you and Jack dont like eachother?
Joseph: Nope! But we hang out anyway.
Reptilian: Why?
Joseph: .......I actually dont know.
Reptilian: ...Alright.
Spider: This is the assylum. Lets just wait here.

-At Manor-
Merc: So? Who is going to play?
Embalmer: We didn't get any Setup..?
Doc: No. We all just got summoned here without Warning.
Mech: I hope theres nothing serious going on..
Minds eye: -Hides behind Aesop-
Nightingale: -Enters room-
Seer: ....Nightingale?
Gardener: Nightingale!
Cord: Hey, whats happening?
Nightingale: A new essence has come out.
Perfumer: Yaaay!! That means new skins!!
Nightingale: Yeees. But im Sorry Vera, you dont have any new skins this time.
Perfumer: Aww..
Nightingale: Theres one A tier skin for one of you. The theme is Doctors and Psycopaths.
Doc: Huh? Does that mean i get a new skin?
Nightingale: No, The hunters are the doctors. Survivors are psycopaths.
Prospecc: That seems Good! Let us see the A skin!
Nightingale: -Nods and gives Mech her new skin-
Mech: Wow! This is awesome!!
Perfumer: Wow! Y-you look a little scary..! Hehe..
Doc: whats the condition?
Nightingale: Uncontrollable.
Mech: I love it!!
Nightingale: Thats good. The rest of the patients are Aesop, Eli, Margaretha and Norton.
-Everyone puts on new skins-
Seer: Wow. Whats this.
Nightingale: Your condition is Restlessness. And not even a straitjacket can hold you.
Seer: -Nods- I like it.
Merc: -Pokes Aesop- Is it just me or do you also feel a little safer with Eli in that thing? Hehehe..~
Embalmer: .......
Merc: ...too early? Alright.
Embalmer: I look Normal, whats my condition?
Nightingale: Role-play paranoia you will act like you're a psychiatrist and refuse to admit that youre a patient.
Embalmer: Sounds good.
Nightingale: Norton, Yout condition is just Paranoia. You wear the pot to protect youself.
Prospecc: Safety first bois!
Nightingale: Aaand Margaretha, your condition is Aphasia, your unable to communicate with others. But you posess amazing Musical and artistic talents.
Dancer: -Nods-
Nightingale: Thats all. The hunters are waiting for you at the assylum.
Mech: Lets go! I want to see the hunters Skins!
Nightingale: -Makes portal for them and the new skin survivors goes through-

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