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-Emily and Xie Room-

BQ: -Covering Axe boys soul in ice cubes- Emily. These seems to melt a little too fast.
Doc: I know, Robbies heat is very strong, but we just have to keep cooling it down. -Mixing some Medicine-
BQ: Is this what a Fever is like for him?
Doc: Yeah, he heats up. -Slowly pours medicine into the opening of Robbies neck-
BQ: you're such a great doctor Emily!
Doc: Oh, Thank you! I am very happy that I finally get to help the hunters as well! I have learned alot about different species.
BQ: Species? What am I?
Doc: Well, I have categorized you in the Undead group together with Wu chang and Ann.
BQ: What about Robbie?
Doc: Supernatural. Since he can't die and is a living spirit, I gave him supernatural together with Luchino.
BQ: I see! You're so smart!
Doc: Thank you, heh..~
Axe boy: -Wakes up- Mnn.. Ah! Aaah?! Where am I?! Where is my body?!
Doc: Calm down Robbie, We will try to put your bag back on, allright?
Axe boy: -Tries to move- Help!!
BQ: -Holds Robbies spirit still- Calm down little king..!
Doc: -Grabs bag thing and throws it over robbies spirit tieing It back to his body- There, Do you still feel like you're floating?
Axe boy: Uh..? No.. -Shakes head-
Doc: Good. If you feel like you're floating again, Then please come back to me.
Axe boy: Okay..!! -Returns to Phantom Castle-
BQ: Thank you for all your help Emily!
Doc: Heh, No problem. You're really nice Mary! We should hang out more!
BQ: Yeah! That would be nice! Are you doing something now?
Doc: Right now..? No, I'm just going to take some notes of Robbies Condition and then I'm free
BQ: Great! If you want, we can bake some cakes together!
Doc: Sure!

-Mike and Norton room-

Nightingale: -Walks in- Hey.
Acrobat: ....Hello..
Nightingale: I just want to say that the lake is finnished.
Prospecc: Lake? What lake?
Nightingale: Mike Bought the Lake a couple of Minutes away from the manor. We have finnished Fencing up the entire lake and made a Passageway from the manor to the lake. We have also made a little cabin there with 4 bedrooms. A total of 12 people can stay there at the same time. The first room has one king size bed, the seccond room has one bunk bed, The third one has two king size beds and the last room has one Bunk bed and one king size bed. There is also a livingroom, bathroom, and a Kitchen. Take care of the cabin.
Acrobat: You.. you build an entire cabin?
Nightingale: Yes. However, you're still grounded. I will not open the passage way to the lake before you're done being grounded.
Acrobat: Oh.. okay..
Nightingale: And do remeber that this is a Cabin! Not a House! You cant live there, Only visit there! I'll let you stay there for max one week at a time! Then you need to spend one week at home again. Allright?
Acrobat: Allright.
Nightingale: -Leaves-
Prospecc: You bought a Cabin and a Lake?!
Acrobat: no, only the lake. Nightingale made the cabin by her own choise.
Prospecc: But this is great! If you dropped the ring in that lake, we can get it back!
Acrobat: Heh, Yeah. I guess. -Smiles-

-Prisoner Room-

Feaster: -Runs in- Dude!!
Prisoner: Dont dude me Octopus!
Feaster: Listen to me! You cracked Elis Brain!
Prisoner: So what, Dont come tell me this, I already know!
Feaster: You need to fix it!
Prisoner: Do I look like a Doctor to you?!
Feaster: No but take responsibility of what you have do-
Nightingale: Hastur! He is Grounded!!
Feaster: -Holds up Eli- Look at him! He has to fix this!
Seer: Derp Derp lolololol Derp
Nightongale: ....I dont see anything wrong.
Feaster: Earlier, He only replied me with yes!! Now he is-
Seer: Derp.
Feaster: ....Yeah.
Nightingale: Then take him to Emily!
Feaster: I tried but shes not in her room!
Nightingale: Then wait for her in Palace of Silence. She'll return eventually.
Feaster: Fine.
Seer: Derp.
Prisoner: Yeah go!
Feaster: -Brings Eli to phantom castle Lobby- Tch.. That prisoner is nothing but trouble.
Seer: lol derp.
Geisha: -Comes through Portal with Xie-
Feaster: Michiko?
Geisha: Hey.
Xie: End me.
Geisha: What are you doing here Hastur?
Feaster: Waiting for the doc to come back.
Xie: Why, she's not in our room?
Feaster: No.
Geisha: Hey, Hastur, wanna know a secret Xie told me?
Feaster: Sure.
Xie: Hey!
Geisha: you asked me if I could keep a secret and I said no but you told me anyway! This is what you get!
Xie: -Rolls eyes-
Geisha: Xie Crushes on Emily but Emily knows he likes her and yet she pretends she dosen't know because she dont like him.
Xie: You're mean!
Seer: Lolololol Derp derp!
Xie: Screw you too!
Feaster: Dont blame him! His brain is Fried!
Fan: Hey? What's going on here?
Feaster: Waiting for the doc.
Fan: -Looks at Xie-
Xie: ...what.
Fan: um.. well.. I kinda saw her on a Date with Mery..?
Xie: ...What?
Geisha: What?!
Feaster: Where!
Fan: The.. kitchen..?
Xie, Geisha and Feaster: -Runs to Kitchen-
Doc: You bake some delicious cakes Mary!
BQ: You think? Thank you! I'm happy you like them!
Feaster: Emily! I need your he-
Geisha: Mary!! How come?! You leave me for Emily?! What about us?!
BQ: W- What?! We weren't even a Thing! You rejected me!
Geisha: But you liked me!
BQ: Well not anymore..!
Geisha: -Ghaaaasp!!-
Xie: Emily! I thought we-.... I thought... uh... nevermind... -Slowly walks away-
Doc: ...Yes Hastur?
Feaster: I need your he-
Geisha: Oh come on!! Emily! You're just going to hurt Xies feelings like that?! You cant avoid talking about this forver!!
Feaster: Emily!! I need your he-
Doc: I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!! I dont want to lose my friendship with Xie!!!
Geisha: Does a friend really hurt their friends feelings like that?! Over and over again?!
Doc: ....
Feaster: Urgh! Nevermind! -Leaves with Eli-
Seer: Derp!
Doc: Fine.. I'll talk with Xie..
Geisha: Good.
Doc: -Leaves- ....
BQ: .....-Sighs-

-Xie and Emily room-

Xie: -Hiding in Umbrella in the corner of the room-
Doc: ...-Picks up umbrella and Hugs it- Xie..?
Xie: ....
Doc: Please come out.. I want to talk..
Xie: ....
Doc: -Shakes umbrella-
Xie: -Falls out- Ah! No..!
Doc: -Hides umbrella behind back- Talk with me..!
Xie: ...Fine..
Doc: ...I really appreciate our friendship.. I dont want to lose you..
Xie: ..but..?
Doc: -Sighs- ....Xie... I'm a Lesbian.. i cant change the way I feel..
Xie: Why cant we try..
Doc: ...Being gay is not a Choise..
Xie: ....huh?
Doc: ...what?
Xie: Nothing.. that's just.. what I told Michiko..
Doc: ...Then you understand, Right..?
Xie: -Nods-
Doc: ...good. However, Please dont change our friendship because of this..
Xie: ...I wont. However, Let me move out.
Doc: Huh? Out if this room..?
Xie: ...Yeah. I'm moving back into me and Fans Umbrella. Please give it to him once I'm back in.
Doc: Oh, I see.. sure..
Xie: -Smiles and goes into Umbrella-
Doc: -Sighs and Walks into Fan and Victors Room-
Postman: -Letter- "Hello Emily, Can I help you?"
Doc: Oh, Hi Victor! Yeah, This is the wu chang Umbrella. Xie has decided to move back inside it so, Please give it to Fan.
Postman: -Letter- Sure! I'll give It to him! -Takes Umbrella-
Doc: Thanks...

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