Mr.Ripper is SmArT

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Joseph: Hah! Dad!? Compared to him you look like a Todler!!
Mr.Ripper: He IS a todler. Jack has only lived 1/80 of his life.
Feaster: 1/80..? You guys can get 2160 years old?
Mr.Ripper: Correct. In other words, Jack is Just a Child.
Joseph: What the-
Mr.Ripper: Dont talk Fetus boy.
Joseph: .....
Ripper: Why are you here..
Mr.Ripper: I came because your mother wanted to know how you're doing.
Ripper: I'm fine.. please leave..
Mr.Ripper: No. I need to know that you're making the Family proud instead of being a Disappointment.
Ripper: ....
Joseph: Hey! I have heard alot of Stories about you but I need to know ehats real and whats not! Did you try to eat Jack when he was born?!
Mr.Ripper: Yes.
Joseph: Why?!
Mr.Ripper: Because he was weak?
Ripper: I was a Baby!
Mr.Ripper: And you're still a Baby. -Sips Rose tea Fan made earlier-
Joseph: Sick.
Mr.Ripper: ...What's that Jack?
Ripper: -Quickly Hides Hands behind his Back-
Mr.Ripper: JACK!
Joseph: -Hides- Scary.. scary.. scary..
Ripper: -Walks up to his dad and Holds out hands- ......
Mr.Ripper: A Wedding Ring! Are you Married?
Ripper: ..Yes dad.
Mr.Ripper: Show me your Wife!
Joseph: -Covers Mouth Quickly and Whispers to Hastur- Imagine Showing this guy A picture of Jacks wedding..!
Ripper: ...I have a Husband.
Mr. Ripper: I see. Your mother owes me Money then. I knew you'd turn out gay. -Looks at Joseph-
Joseph: ITS NOT ME
Mr.Ripper: THEN GO GET HIM!!
Joseph: AAAAAAA -Escapes through Portal-
Ripper: Really..?
Mr.Ripper: So what's going on in this Kindergarten?
Mad eyes: -Enters room-  Why is there so much Noise?! -Spots Jacks dad- Be Quiet or Get out!!
Mr.Ripper: Finally, An Adult. Hello Sir.
Mad eyes: Finally some Respect around here!! Who are you!
Mr.Ripper: I'm the head of the Ripper Family. Jack here is my Son.
Mad eyes: You're his dad? Good! That means he's not my son! I were forced to walk him down the Isle on his Wedding!!
Ripper: -Backs away Slowly- .....
Mr. Ripper: ...Walked him.. down the Isle..? As in.. my son was a Female at his Wedding?!
Ripper: Dsd I can expla-
Mr.Ripper: I dont need an Explaination!! I already knew you were a Failure as a Son!
Ripper: ....
Mr.Ripper: -Looks at Hastur- What are you supposed to be.
Feaster: ...My names Hastur. I'm 896 years old but we are currently writing a Legend that will follow me for a Couple of Thousand years.
Mr.Ripper: A Teenager. Great. Dont go making trouble around here.
Feaster: ...Teenager..?
Joseph: -Comes Back with Naib, Aesop and Eli-
Embalmer: Is this the Guy you were so scared of?
Seer: He is Huge..
Merc: .....
Mr.Ripper: Finally. Jack! Which one is it?
Ripper: ...Dad, This is my Husband Naib Subedar. I identify myself as Jack Subedar Ripper now.
Mr. Ripper: -Picks up Naib-
Merc: Ah! No! Please dont eat me!
Mr.Ripper: Jack. Take your Friends and Leave. I'm spending some time alone with Mr. Subedar here.
Ripper: Domt hurt him.
Mr.Ripper: Fine. Leave!
Ripper: -Groans and Leaves through Portal-
Joseph: -Follows With Aesop, Eli and Hastur-

Merc: .....
Mr.Ripper: you're my son in law.
Merc: -Nods-
Mr.Ripper: Good. You're going to be the new head of the Ripper family once I'm dead.
Merc: What..? But Jack is-
Mr.Ripper: A huge disappointment. I know. I heard he were the Female at your wedding Which means you're the man. Here. Drink some tea. -Pours Naib some Rose tea-
Merc: How can I become a Ripper..? I mean, I'm a Mercenary..!
Mr.Ripper: Mister Subedar. You became a Ripper the Day you married my daughter.
Merc: Son.
Mr.Ripper: Whatever. I expect you to do as I say and take some Control. However, you need a Child which can take your Place once you die.
Merc: Uh. I kinds have.. a son..?
Mr.Ripper: Show me my Grandson!
Merc: Uh.. -Pulls out Whistle and calls for pet-
Mini Jack: -Comes Running and Hugs Naib-
Merc: This is Tiny Jack.
Mr.Ripper: Jack Jr?! Were he born yesterday?
Merc: No, He doesn't get bigger. He is more like a Pet then an actual Ripper.
Mr.Ripper: Whatever. He's the future godfather. But this is about you. Once you're 1450 years old, You're ready to take over the Ripper Family.
Merc: Yeah. Right. Because I'm totally gonna live that long.
Mr.Ripper: Good. I'm going to stay here for a Couple of Days so show me my room.
Merc: Of course.. -Takes Mr.Ripper to Jacks old Bedroom-
Mr. Ripper: Thank you. The bed is too small but i can live with that.
Merc: Right..
Mr.Ripper: You have a Worried look on your Face. What's wrong.
Merc: Uh.. my friends are kind of Sick right now and I just have alot to think about.
Mr.Ripper: What Sickness.
Merc: Clavus Virus.
Mr. Ripper: Clavus? Allright. Wheres the Orange Nails.
Merc: What?
Mr.Ripper: Bring me the Orange Nails!
Merc: Okay okay!

-Emily and Xie room-

Joseph: I swear to god he is Terrifying!
Ripper: of course he is Asshole!
Xie: And tall.. Jack, are you going to be this tall one day?
Ripper: Yes. Probably.
Mad eyes: Why are we having a Party in Legs Room?!
Geisha: Why is Burke here.
Fan: He followed Joseph.
Feaster: Your dad called me a Teeanger!
Ripper: He calls me a Toddler!
Joseph: He called me a Fetus!
Ripper: Cause you are a Fetus!!
Embalmer: I didnt think I would ever meet Jacks Dad.
Merc: -Walks into Room- Hey! My dad in law wants to See Victor and Martha.
Ripper: Why!
Merc: Something about the Orange Nails.
Xie: They're sleeping. Just take the beds with you.
Merc: -Brings the Beds back to Mr. Ripper-
Ripper: Look at Naib! He's not even scared of my dad!
Joseph: That's a Good thing!
Ripper: No it's not!
Feaster: Calm down.
Fan: He brought my Sick Victor to the devil!
Ripper: My dad Is not the devil!

-Back at Jack's old room-

Merc: I brought them. What are you going to do?
Mr.Ripper: My wife got The clavus Virus once. I know what to do with Orange nails.
Merc: What? I thought only hunters go the clavus Virus?
Mr.Ripper: My wife isn't a Hunter.
Merc: Oh..
Mr.Ripper: You know, Jack lived with us until he were 16 and then he went to "live his own life" or whatever. Me and Jacks Mother lived next to a Farm where they did a Couple of Experminets. I never throught I'd ever hear about the Clavus Virus ever again.
Merc: Hold up! What?! Are you saying Jack is Half Survivor?!
Mr.Ripper: Of course. Why do you think he's so Tiny?
Merc: Tiny? What? HOLD UP!
Mr.Ripper: Let me correct myself. Jack could choose which one he wanted to be but he chose Hunter. If he tried to play as a Survivor he wouldn't succeed because he were never trained for that.
Merc: What the heck..
Mr.Ripper: Anyway. Let's fix these two. -Grabs their hands-
Merc: Be careful with them.
Mr.Ripper: Trust me I know what I'm doing. -Grabs Lighter and Burns their Nails-
Mr. Ripper: -Finnishes- There. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. They're cured.
Merc: What..? -Looks at Martha and Victors Nails- You just burned the color off!
Mr.Ripper: Yes. However, That only works on Orange.
Merc: What about Black? Green! Pink!.. Red?!
Mr.Ripper: Dont know but it shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
Merc: Good! Help me out then!
Mr.Ripper: Alright. Under one condition.
Merc: What.
Mr.Ripper: -Gives Naib a large Ruby Ring- This is an Family heirloom. Promise me to become the head of the Ripper Family once I'm dead. And then teach Jack Jr. Over there about being a man and make him the next one after youself.
Merc: Uh.. Sure.. How many is there in the Ripper Family..?
Ripper: Well, Jack is an Only Child, but he has a little over 65 cousins.
Merc: What..? .....Fine. -Grabs ring- it's a Deal, Now please help me Cure my friends.

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