Fiona breaks a rule?!

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-Ripper room-

Ripper: Pfft! You wuss! Take the shot!
Joseph: Shut up you didnt do yours either!
Ripper: We are going alphabetic!
Joseph: You start on the Petter J as well! And after J you have A so you start!
Ripper: Aliases! Photographer and Ripper! P and R!
Joseph: -Rolls eyes and does the shot-
Ripper: Eyyy! You next!
Postman: Me?!
Ripper: Yeah! Shit shot shot!
Joseph: -Chokes- How many percent is this?!
Ripper: 60%!
Joseph: We're gonna get so drunk..
Postman: -Does shot-
Ripper and Joseph: Eyyy!!
Postman: Woah Thats strong!
Ripper: -Does shot- Aah..~ Thats good shit.
Postman: Huh..?
Joseph: Whats wrong?
Postman: I just got New mail?
Joseph: What?
Postman: -Opens bag and takes out recorder- To..  Jack..
Ripper: -Grabs recorder- Me? -Starts tape-

"-Panting- Hello? Is this on..? Jack..? Its me.. Naib..! Right know I'm hiding under the bed..! I'm scared..! He just killed a bunch and now.. he has become a monster..!"

"Is that for Jack..? Say hi to Joseph for me.."

"Yeah.. Aesop is here too.. if we dont make it, I love you Jack..! Oh shit he is coming..! Aah!!"

Ripper: .....-Wheezes- They're playing hide and seek!
Postman: really? Oh! Then it makes sense!
Joseph: our good boys having fun in Vegas, huh? Hahaha!~


Embalmer: ...?
Merc: ....? The.. the recorder just disappeared out of my hands.
Embalmer: What the..
Merc: Shh..!
Seer: -Walks slowly around Room-
Merc: -Covers mouth and holds breath-
Embalmer: -Holds breath as well- ...
Seer: ...Hey. I thought I told you to meet me at the bathroom. I guess if you two are going to be cowards, I'll go talk with Mike and Norton instead.
Merc: -Ghasps and looks at Aesop-
Embalmer: -Nods slowly and Crawls out from bed- ....Let's go to the bathroom.
Merc: Yeah.. let's go..

-Cord room-

Perfumer: Wow Martha, didn't know you felt that way twoards Naib.l
Cord: Well I thought it was obvious for everyone.
Perfumer: Well I knew you were friends but not anything else!
Cord: Anyway, want to talk about you and Norton?
Perfumer: Well, when Norton first got to the Manor, he got well Along with Kevin.
Cord: Yes i remember that.
Perfumer: Since Kevin were such a Ladies man, Norton started copying it and he kept calling me beautiful and Elegant lady. And it was only me so I came to the conclusion that he were flirting with me so.. I kind of fell in love..
Cord: Awww, Yeah, I remember Norton always calling you nice things.
Perfumer: Yeah.. but I guess the reason he never really asked me out was because deep down he knew he were gay..
Cord: Wow. Deep.
Peefumer: Im happy you wanted to have this talk with me Martha. It's been a while since I could talk with someone like this.
Cord: Dont worry about it.

*Knock knock*

Cord: ...Come in?
Axe boy: -Entere room and starts opening drawers and Cabinets-
Cord: H-Hey wait Hey!!
Perfumer: What's he doing here..?!
Cord: Why are you in my room?!
Cord: Because you knocked!! What do you want!!
Axe boy: Tch!!
Cord: Hey! Answear me!
Axe boy: I'm bored!!
Perfumer: Why did you come to Martha of all people!
Axe boy: Because you are here!
Perfumer: Me? Why does that matter?
Axe boy: You're Nortons Friend! I dont trust anyone else..
Cord: Axe kid, we are having a serious girl ta-
Axe boy: Yeah yeah yeah! You want to divorce my dads, bla bla bla! I dont care! I just dont want to be alone!
Perfumer: Dads..? We're not trying to divorce them, we are just.. talking about them.
Axe boy: I said I dont care!
Cord: -Sighs- I guess he can be here as long as he don't want us any harm.

-Hastur room-

Priestess: -Laying on Floatie ring in pool- Hmmm..
Feaster: -Chilling in Hammock- What's wrong?
Priestess: I just wonder about Elis Emergency call to Lady Yidhra.
Feaster: Its probably nothing. Just take care of Spero and everything will be fine.
Priestess: -Nods-
Nightingale: -Walks into Hasturs room- Fiona, someone is here to see you.
Priestess: Oh! Yeah! -Runs to Manor entrance meeting the two octos- You're back! It has been a while! Hold on I have some new scrolls here I'd like to ge-
Dude 1: Priestess Fiona! Please help!!
Dude 2: Its terrible!!
Priestess: What?
Dude 2: The Snoiks! There was a huge massacre in Snoik territory!
Priestess: Um, what?
Dude 1: There are roumors that the snoik prophet was seen at the place and slaughtered his own men as a symbol of surrender!
Priestess: Hold up, Eli killed a bunch of Snoiks?
Dude 2: Yes! But the octos are taking the blame and we will all get executed if we dont prove that it was the snoik Propht himself and not the octos!
Priestess: -Gives dudes Scrolls looking very angry- ....Never tell such a lie. Rli would NEVER kill his own followers! Deliver these scrolls immediately or lord hastur will curse you!!
Dudes: But priestess Fio-
Priestess: Go tell the world the truth!! Some octos killed a bunch of Snoiks and now we are going to commit surrender!! -Grabs coat and Quickly leaves the manor- I'm sorry Nightingale.. this must be Fixed..

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