The talk With Cthulhu

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-Mike Cabin-

Geisha: -Walking out in the field with Helena-
Minds eye: This fresh air feels very nice!
Geisha: Yeah.. Watch out for Sheep, they can be infected.
Minds eye: I can't see any sheep.
Geisha: Right! I'd tell you if there were any of course!
Minds eye: -Smiles- You're so nice Michiko!
Geisha: Helena..
Minds eye: I mean it! You're so nice to me!
Geisha: Helena, Remeber when I asked you if you wanted to share a room together in the Voice of the manor?
Minds eye: Yeah?
Geisha: Well.. You probably didn't understand what I were refering too. Ehat I meant is that.. um.. Would you like to date me..?
Minds eye: Date?
Geisha: I mean! I understand if you don't want that! But like-
Minds eye: I'd love to! I have never been on a date before!
Geisha: Really? You'd date me?!
Minds eye: Yeah! You're fantastic Michiko!
Geisha: -Hugs Helena- No You're fantastic!
Minds eye: -Laughs and Hugs Michiko-

Doc: -Sighs- Thanks for your help Tracy.
Mech: Now that the Canoe is out of the water, we can try using it!
Priestess: Wait. We can't get It back out in the water yet. Theres holes in it.
Doc: Where?
Priestess: -Points at Holes-
Doc: ...Bullet holes? -Rolls eyes- God damn it Luca.
Mech: How do you know it was Luca?
Doc: He's the only one who has been here who has a gun. Except for Martha but she's been in the Jacuzzi with Vera all day.
Priestess: Do you think you can fix it?
Doc: I dont know.
Mech: I wanna ride the Canoe once it's done! It seems so fun~
Priestess: Yeah. And we can Fish.
Doc: Allright! Let's get this Canoe Fixed!

-Hastur and Eli Room-

Prospecc: ...Well, Nightingale told me to come to you two.
Feaster: I see. So you're sterile and you want to ask Cthulhu for help.
Prospecc: -Nods slowly-
Acrobat: Please help Norton...
Seer: -Wipes tears- We need to help them Hastur! Imagine if that was me!
Feaster: ...Fine.. but dont we need Fiona for it..?
Seer: awe needed Fiona for Opening the gate. We never Closed it.
Feaster: ...I have to speak with Cthulhu alone?
Seer: If Norton stand in Yidgras place, you can bring him too.
Feaster: But.. Yeah.  Okay. Norton. Come with me for a second. -Walks into bathroom-
Prospecc: -Follows Hastur-
Feaster: -Closes door- Listen. What happens in Cthulhus Space, Stays in Cthulhus space!
Prospecc: Whats that supposed to mean?
Cthulhu: If Cthulhu gives you any other information then how Sterile you are, then keep it a secret!
Prospecc: Allright?
Feaster: -Sighs and Leves batheoom- We're ready.
Seer: Good! Dont worry Mike! Everything will probably turn out fine!
Acrobat: Yeah.. I hope so..
Seer: Hastur. Please stand in your Circle. Norton, You stand in the big Infinity snake Circle.
Prospecc and Feaster: -Does as they're told-
Seer: Not tell Cthulhu to open up.
Feaster: aperiam in porta...
Prospecc: ...aperiam in porta...?

Feaster: -Opens eyes- Allright Norton. Wake up.
Prospecc: -Opens eyes- Huh..? Woah?! We're not in the manor anymore?!
Feaster: Bow down to Cthulhu. -Bows down-
Prospecc: -Bows- ....
Cthulhu: You have returned with a Friend. Norton Campbell. Prospector. Married to Mike Morton. Preformed Olivers Ritual.
Prospecc: Yeah it seems like you know lots about me.. I need some help with-
Cthulhu: You're sterile and want me to fix it.
Prospecc: ...Uh.. yeah.
Cthulhu: Do you know why you're Sterile Campbell?
Prospecc: ...No?
Cthulhu: Well. You do know. You just have to ask the right Questions. Let's have the talk.
Feaster: -Groand and Knocks head against floor-
Prospecc: ...the talk?
Cthulhu: what does male haves to make kids?
Prospecc: ...Sperm?
Cthulhu: That's right! And then you probably know that Sperm are fast swimmers! They need to reach the Egg first, or before they die.
Prospecc: Yeah I know all this.
Cthulhu: You do now. Imagine that your sperm is damage or Injured. What do you think would happen?
Prospecc: They wont be able to Swim fast enough?
Cthulhu: Yes. And if your swimmers aren't fas enough, what happens?
Prospecc: I'll be Sterile.
Cthulhu: That's right. Now, think. One does not turn sterile from a single hit in the nuts, so What could have damaged your swimmers so badly it would make you sterile?
Prospecc: ....The Cave..
Feaster: What.
Prospecc: The Radioactivity in the cave I was trapped in with Luchino..!?
Cthulhu: See? Seems like you knew the answear all along.
Prospecc: ...So that accident will not stop haunting me, huh..?
Cthulhu: Have you heard the expression, "Everything is Possible" ?
Prospecc: yeah..
Cthulhu: Well that's a lie.
Prospecc: what..?
Cthulhu: If everything were possible, I would be able to fix your little swimmers and make you... Not sterile.
Prospecc: .....So its impossible..? ....
Cthulhu: Yes.
Feaster: .....Bullshit.
Cthulhu: What?
Feaster: Stop Telling him Bullshit! I know you can fix him!! You can do anything!!
Prospecc: Hastur..! You probably shouldn't yell at the Lord..!
Feaster: What Lord! He's selfish and doesn't care about your emotions!!
Cthulhu: ...Do you care about my Emotions, Hastur?
Feaster: ....I ...
Cthulhu: If you really care about your friend here, then make a self sacrefice. I will help him a little, but in return, You and Yidhra have to Visit me once a week.
Feaster: -Looks at Norton-
Prospecc: .....
Feaster: ...Fine..Just help him..
Cthulhu: -Snaps Fingers- Done.
Prosepecc: Wait.. what did you do?
Cthulhu: I fixed some of your swimmers. Abot 10% of them. You're not sterile anymore but there is still a tiny tiny chance for you.
Prospecc: Thank you..! I Really Appreciate it!
Feaster: Good good. Now let's go. From this experience, you probably learned that Cthulhu is a jerk.
Prospecc: What happens In Cthulhus space, stays in Cthulhus space. -Smiles at Hastur-
Feaster: -Stops- ...You know what? Let's stay for dinner!
Prospecc: Huh?
Feaster: Cthulhu! We're eating dinner here!
Cthulhu: What a pleasure! -snaps fingers and large table with food appears-
Prospecc: Woah! Thats alot of food!
Feaster: -Reaches into pocket and gives Norton a little package-
Prospecc: huh? Sterile tests?
Feaster: Go check it out. Do not stop until it turns positive.
Prospecc: what? But where! There is no rooms here! Just one big space!
Feaster: Cthulhu! He needs a bathroom!
Cthulhu: No he dont.
Feaster: Yes. He does.
Cthulhu: -Sighs and snaps fingers making a Bathroom-
Prospecc: ...uuuh okay? -Enters bathroom-

Feaster: -Eats- ...
Cthulhu: Why are you acting like this Hastur.
Feaster: Shut up dad... I know you. You're evil.
Cthulhu: Maybe. Maybe not.
Feaster: Hey! My friends means everything to me!
Cthuhlu: I know.
Feaster: ...Imagine that your good friend Oliver were sterile! Huh?! His son Jack is one of my best friends! Dont you want my kids to have best friends as well?!
Cthulhu: ...
Feaster: Excuse you for ruining life for your grandchildren. -Shuts up and eats-
Cthulhu: ...-Snaps fingers-
Feaster: I heard that. What did you do.
Cthulhu: ...Fixed 100% of your friends swimmers.
Feaster: Huh..?
Prospecc: -Runs out of Bathroom- It says I'm okay! -Bows down to Cthulhu- Thank you!!
Feaster: -Looks away and Smiles-
Cthulhu: ....Everything has a price..
Feaster: Yes yes me and Yidhra will Visit you every week
Cthulhu: No. The price for life is death.
Feaster: ..what? Who did you kill?!
Cthulhu: They're not dead Yet. But they're dying. Slowly.
Feaster: What?!
Cthulhu: Dont worry, you can visit them any time when you're up here with me.
Feaster: ...Norton let's go! This is an emergency!!

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