ThE tRuTh HuRtS

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-Feaster room-

Merc: Get out of the water or you might say something you dont want others to hear!! -Pulls legs up and dries them with towel-

-Everyone gets out of the water-

Embalmer: I think it's too late.
Barmaid: What? Why did the water go black?
Embalmer: Mike have some special Ice cubes he got in France stored in some of his nitrobombs. I guess the black one Is the truth Cube.
Cord: Naib, you're not really pregnant!! So I dont get why you keep hurting!!
Merc: -Ghasps- How dare you say something like that about our child!!
Ripper: Naib only pretends hes pregnant so Nightingale will give him special Privilages!!
Merc: Jack!!
Doc: I were the one who poured Ipecac syroup in Naibs mouth to make him Vomit. Then I pretended to not know that Naib knew that he were pregnant.
Cord: What?!
Joseph: I'm ashamed of my height.
Ripper: Shut up Joseph I wanted to hear a deeper and darker secret!!
Joseph: When Jack were on his honeymoon i peed in his bed because i hate him. No I didn't. That's a lie. DAMN IT I thought I could trick him.
Embalmer: Its probably impossible to lie with that stuffs effect.
Ripper: Hah!!
Prospecc: I'm actually scared of being fucked by Mike!!
Embalmer: Woah, he isn't going to take it like a man this time?
Prospecc: I didn't want to say that! A-and I am going to take it like a man!!
Acrobat: I secretly feel bad about ever coming here cause people keeps saying I ruined Veras Chance with Norton..
Doc: Ooh nooo! Mike come here! -Hugs Mike- Don't ever reguet coming here, allright? Norton and Verea weren't even a thing, people just thought they were! Look at Norton! He is very very happy with you!!
Prospecc: -Hiding under Feasters bedcovers Crying- The world is Scary!!
Doc: ...Okay not right now, but I have never seen him as happy as when you arrived!! You're great Mike!!
Acrobat: -Nods- Thank you..
Merc: Man up Norton!
Embalmer: How do you think me and Naib fealt? We been fucked by hunter dicks for months. And who knows what Eli has done with Hasturs tentacles.
Merc: Survivor dicks are a piece of cake!
Acrobat: Thank, that makes me feel better about myself! No it doesn't, that's a lie. Woah, I can't even use Irony?
Priestess: I get turned on every time I watch Lord Hastur do the Naughty to Eli. AH! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!!
Doc: Woah!!
Merc: This were unexpected
Priestess: I lied in the Fiona scrolls once saying Lord Hastur dont Bless the gays.
Embalmer: Oh we already knew about that one.
Merc: She probably still reguets it.
Joseph: I'm scared that Mary will come kill me when I sleep.
Embalmer: The blood queen..?
Joseph: Shes Crazy!
Ripper: Mary isn't even scary, Try having room next to Michiko. She gives me the chills.
Merc: Woah, So Jack is Scared of the Geisha
Cord: I have always been in love with Naib which is why i Hate the Ripper..
Joseph: ...Dont worry, I hate Jack too.
Cord: Ah!! AAAH!! Emily can we go..!?!
Doc: Yeaaah I guess that was pretty personal..!
Cord: -Grabs Emilys Arm and pulls her out of room-

Merc: Uh.. I never knew anything about this
Embalmer: Even if Naib didn't love Jack, Naib would still be Gay.
Feaster: .......
Priestess: Dont worry lord Hastur!! I will protect your secrets!
Feaster: I dont have any secrets.
Ripper: Hastur don't have a single thing to hide?
Feaster: Not really, no.
Priestess: ...yeah! He is Lord Hastur afterall!!
Seer: It was me...
Feaster: hm?
Seer: It was me... I were the one who decided that Movei...
Priestess: WHAT?!
Merc: Oh boy..
Embalmer: Eli..
Feaster: -Wraps tentacles around Eli- Shh shh..
Seer: Does this mean.. it's my fault Ibis died...?
Feaster: No no! Noo!! Eli, start off by explaining why you chose that Movie
Seer: I don't know.. I just saw a picture of you and Lady Yidhra on the cover.. i wanted to see you in the movie and I also thought it would be a good source for the Eli scrolls... I didn't know the Infinity snake would be mentioned...
Feaster: S-See..! No bad intentions!
Priestess: I'm sorry Eli..!! I am the one who went around saying that it was the one who picked the Movies Fault..!
Merc: Woah.. Jack.. We should probably go..!
Ripper: But I'm intreste-
Merc: -Kicks Jack's leg and pulls him outside anyway-
Embalmer: Us too Joseph. -Leaves-
Prospecc: I'm too scared to go home!! My poor Virgin ass!!
Aceobat: Don't Worry Norton, you'll be fine. -Pulls Prospecc by the leg leaving the room as well-
Barmaid: Uh.. I hope all of that ends well.. and all.. -Points at egg and then leaves-

Feaster: Eli.. Dont cry..
Seer: I killed Ibis!!
Priestess: Eli! Please calm down..!!
Feaster: You didn't Kill Ibis..!
Seer: Ibis can never forgive me!! I'm not the right person to take care of her child!! She probably be scared leaving it with me now!! -Screams and Cries-
Feaster: ELI!!
Priestess: He is having a panick attack!! Hold him down!!
Feaster: -Straps Eli to bed with tentacles- Shh..! It's okay Eli..! Listen to me..!
Seer: Its all my fault!!!
Feaster: Eli, Can you hear me? Breath slowly, Deep breaths, okay..?
Seer: -Inhales and Exhales while nodding-
Feaster: Good.. Now listen to me.. You Love Ibis. Okay? And Ibis loves you too! She knows that you would never want any harm upon her, or her child.. Allright..?
Seer: -Keeps Inhaling and Exhaling deeply and then nods- O-.. Okay..
Feaster: Good.. Get some rest.. -Strokes Elis Cheek and hugs him- I will be here right next to you..
Priestess: -Writes down everything that just happened- This is good Material for the Octos!!
Seer: -Relaxes and then closes eyes- Thank you Hastur..

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