Bird king

882 40 6

-Jack Naib Room-

Postman: Okay, I think I got all the rules now.
Joseph: ...Yeah but you have to start on workerbee tier.
Postman: What's that?
Ripper: We all got Tiers depending on how good we are. We all start on the bottom and then we work our way up. Survivors starts at Firefly and Hunters at Tarantula.
Postman: Oh, I understand. What are your Tiers?
Joseph: ...I'm a manticore.
Ripper: -Smirks- Hahah! Loser, I'm Evil Dragon, The best Hunter tier!
Joseph: Smug bastard.
Postman: Woah, Best tier? Who else is Evil dragon?
Ripper: Eh. Joker and Violetta.
Postman: Spider  and Clown dude? Then who else is manticore?
Joseph: We're alot on Manticore. It's me, Mary, wu chang, hastur and michiko.
Postman: Allright! Jack! Ig you're Evil dragon, Do you play against the best survivors?
Ripper: Well of course! The Champs! Wanna know who they are as well?
Postman: Yeah!
Ripper: Well let's start with the Obvious, Naib.
Joseph: Tch.
Ripper: Heh..~ There is also the Seer, The perfumer, the Mechanic, the prospector and the enchantress.
Postman: Woah. I want to get on their tier!
Joseph: Good luck with that. It ain't so easy.
Postman: Really? What is Aesops tier?
Joseph: He's a mammoth.
Ripper: Hah!
Joseph: Shut up!
Ripper: Anyway, if you want to have a good tier you need to work hard. When you're in a low tier, its usually your teammates fault that you lose. It's like this all the way up to elk Rank. When you are Mammoth rank or higher, you start worrying about you being the one to fuck up for the team.
Postman: seems tough.
Joseph: Just start practicing and learn to  communicate with your team.

-Wu chang, Emily room-

Doc: Look at this room! It's so big! I have my own room for meds! It's like my own pharmacy! And my own bench for research! And best of all, a new place to do my examinations and Surgeries! Look Xie!!
Xie: Wow. Sounds good. I'm happy you got the room you wanted.
Fan: ...Hey Xie, Look.. we have a bridge.
Xie: -walks over to Fan- ...a bridge, huh?
Doc: Does it look like the bridge you died with..?
Fan: Look like..?
Xie: This is an Exact copy.
Doc: ....oh. Why would Nightingale put that here..?
Xie: No no. We like it.
Fan: Yeah. We missed the bridge.
Doc: O-.. okay. I dont really understand, but if you like it, that's good..!
Fan: ...So! We live together, huh?
Doc: Yeah, I was thinking of how we should schedule it!
Fan: Schedule?
Doc: Yeah, do we switch in sleeping here every other day or every other week? What do you think?
Fan: ....
Doc: What?
Fan: If we don't share it, Nightingale will see through our lie.
Doc: Oh, right. That would be bad.. But there is only one bed!
Xie: Its fine! We can sleep In 
our umbrella!
Fan: Dude!
Doc: You would? Thank you!
Fan: Hmph.. why not just sleep under the bridge like a Troll.
Xie: Hush!

-Fiona Bonbon room-

Priestess: -Ghasps and runs over to desk- My own work bench for prophecy!~
Guard 26: . . . . . .
Priestess: -Runs to closet- All my skins!~
Guard 26: . . . . . .
Priestess: A labyrinth for portal practice!!~
Guard 26: . . I . . . L O V E . . . Y O U . . .
Priestess: Yeah yeah. Do you know any other words?
Guard 26:  . . .
Priestess: I take that as a no.
Guard 26: . . . I . . . T A K E . . . T H A T . .
Priestess: Take what?
Guard 26: . . . . .
Priestess: Oh, you were just copying what I were saying!
Guard 26: . . . -Waddles over with new Flowers for Fiona-
Ptiestess: Yeees yes. They're very pretty, but now we're going to have some fun! -Smirks-

-Hastur Eli Room-

Seer: Heh..~ We have ran out of wine Boys.
Merc: Hnngh.. I promised Jack I wouldn't drink too much..
Embalmer: How do you think Chungus is doing..?
Seer: He should have been here drinking with us..
Guard 26: -Enters room- . . . . .
Merc: Hey look. Its Fionas new Boyfriend.
Guard 26: -Apprlaches seer and Hugs him-
Seer: What's going on? I'm being hugged guys!
Embalmer: -Wheezes-
Guard 26: I. . . L O V E. . . Y O U. . . D A D
Seer: What!
Merc: Hahaah!! Dad!!
Seer: Hey, Guard, I'm no dad you kno-
Guard 26: B I R D . . . D A D . . .
Seer: Me!?
Embalmer: Eli Clark, The amazing Bird papi!
Merc: -Wheezes-
Seer: -Stands up dramatically- I.. am the bird king.
Embalmer: Yes! Hahaha~
Merc: All Hail the bird king!
Seer: Come with me son! -Runs out of room-
Guard 26: -Waddles after Eli-
Embalmer: Where is He going?
Merc: Haha, I dont know. -Tries to drink out of an empty bottle-
Embalmer: Should we be worried? -Lays down in Elis Bed-
Merc: Nah.
Priestess: -Enters room Laughing- Amazing! I told Boomboom to do that! Hahah!
Merc: ...wait. so Eli is not his dad?
Embalmer: The bird king isn't the one we thought he was.
Priestess: -Smacks them both- Cant you guys do anything fun without having it involve Alcohol? You're going to turn Alcoholics!
Merc: Naah. Dont worry.
Seer: -Comes back- I have returned with gifts!
Guard 26: -Comes back in carrying a couple of wine bottles-
Merc: Wooo! Eli!
Embalmer: -Claps-
Priestess: -Facepalms-
Seer: -Sits down and pours more Wine in Naib and Aesops Glass- Enjoy!
Merc: -Sips wine- Hey, Give him some! -Points at Bonbon-
Priestess: He's a Robot.
Seer: Here Guard! Drink up! -Pours wine into Bonbons beak- Nom nom!
Embalmer: Hahaha! The penguin is Drinking wine!
Guard 26: . . . ?!?!?!?!?!
Priestess: You're going to break him.
Guard 26: -Releases Bomb-
Merc: Oh shit he's gonna blow up!!
Embalmer: Ruuun!
Seer: -Takes Cover-
-Bomb explodes and the entire room gets covered in Wine-
Priestess: -Was in the splash zone- ......
Merc: Awsome!!
Embalmer: Hahahah! Fiona you got hit!
Seer: oh lord, Hastur is going to kill me. Worth it.
Priestess: My clothes.. Boomboom!
Guard 26: . . . I M . . . S O R R Y . . .
Priestess: Yeah yeah, let's get out of here  before these guys give you any more Wine. -Leaves-

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