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-Palace of Silence-

Embalmer: Get out of here. You belong in the voice of the manor.
GK: I dont know how! Besides, I'm hanging out with Victor.
Postman: -Letter- "...You are?"
GK: Yes!!
Embalmer: Heh.. hehehe.. rejected.
GK: Tch...
Joseph: Victor. May I ask why you keep those stitches on even tho you dont need them? The holes have already healed so you cant get an infection anymore, yes?
Postman: -Letter- "I like them. It reminds me of my friendship with Naib and Aesop"
Merc: ....Because we bullied you and forced them on you..?
Postman: -Letter- "Because you have stitches too."
Embalmer: Right..
GK: What the heck.. you two are mean!
Embalmer: You weren't there when it happened so dont judge loser.
GK: Still mean.
Prisoner: You sure have long beautiful hair..~ It looks like the man I once killed.
Joseph: Dont touch my hair. Where did you come from.
Prisoner: Who knows? I could have come from above? Underground? Through that door? Or maybe I have been here all along?~
Mech: We followed Victor!
Prisoner: -Facepalms-
Merc: Tracy..?
Mech: Hey Naib! Have you met Luka yet?!
Merc: Oh. Q. Yes. Dont get too attached.
Mech: But he looks like a werewolf! He is cute! And he has this cool lazy eye and... wait did any of you punch him in the face?!
Prisoner: My eye got shocked while I were working on one of my inventions once. Neither of those guys can take credit for this..~ -Touches eye-
Embalmer: I dont want that kind of Credit.
Postman: -Letter- "Why did you come here in the first place?"
Prisoner: Just checking the place out, you got a problem with that..?~
Mech: We are looking at the electrical wires that connects Phantom Castle, Voice of the manor and palace of silence!
Prisoner: -Facepalms again-
Embalmer: I dont want to get involved in that kind of Business.
Prisoner: -Grabs head- aaargh..! Nnngh..!!
Mech: Dude, get a room.
Prisoner: -Groans-
Ripper: I think he's having a headache.
Prisoner: Haah.. I'm sorry.. Hey, Tracy, want to help me look for some lightbulbs?
Mech: Yes! Of course!! I know where theres a whole box of them!!
Prisoner: Wonderful, I truly appreciate your help!
Merc: What the.. Did he just change?
Embalmer: Dont get involved.. dont get involved.. dont get involved...

-Mike and Norton room-

Prospecc: Eli! You're a man! If you want to play a match then play a match!
Seer: But Emily said I cant Decode.
Prospecc: Then dont decode! You cant train your owl to become like Ibis if you dont play! Instead of decoding, Only kite! Kite around and build up rage to get owls! No decoding!
Seer: ...Yeah!
Acrobat: you sure that's a good idea?
Prospecc: Of cours it is!
Acrobat: Allright then, you should choose your teammates carefully.
Seer: allright! -Runs to sign up a Match-

-waiting lobby-
Seer: Hmm.. let's see.. I should get only decoders.. -Signs up Tracy and Helena-
Mech: Huh..? Where am I? Huh?! A match!? Now!?
Seer: Sorry Tracy but I need a full decoding team!
Mech: Uh, allright!
Helena: woah, it's been such a long time since I played a match! But dont we need one more?
Seer: -Looking through book- ...huh? Luka is a Decoder..?
Mech: Huh?! He is! Wohooo!! Sign him up!!
Seer: -Signs Luka up-
Prisoner: Huh..? Oh, Tracy, this is where you were?
Seer: Luka! Yay! Your first match!
Prisoner: Well, this is exciting!

-Palace of Silence-

Joseph: Survivors are looking for a match, huh..?
Ripper: Do you want to go?
Joseph: Not right now.
Xie: We'll go. Come on Fan.
Fan: -Goes inside umbrella-
Xie: -Goes to Waiting lobby- Wish me luck.
Ripper: I hope you lose!
Joseph: Get stunned!!
Xie: Screw you guys.
Feaster: Make sure Eli doesn't Decode!
Xie: Allright!

Embalmer: Norton! Come here!
Prospecc: -Comes out of room- Yes?
Embalmer: What do you say to a new camping trip?
Prospecc: Now!?  Yeah! Mike! Pack your things!!
Merc: Twinks in the forest 4?
Embalmer: Yes.
GK: What's that..?
Embalmed: You're not invited.
Merc: Yes you are. Dont worry! We go on this awesome camping trip at arms factory!
Embalmer: He's not a twink.
Merc: Pfft. Look at him, he's totally a twink! Let's wait for Eli and Q and bring them as well!
Embalmer: Ew.. Q...
Merc: I dont like him either But Eli likes him so he's coming!
Embalmer: -Groans- I remember the good old times when it were just You, me, Eli and Norton..
Merc: Hey, I know what you mean, but listen, You, me, Eli and Norton can go alone somewhere some other time, allright?
Embalmer: Fine..
Merc: I remeber in those good old times you're talking about, you didn't like Norton, remeber? Now you miss those times! One day you'll probably say "I remeber the good old times when It were just me, You, Eli, Norton, Mike, Victor, Demi, Andrew and Q!"
Embalmer: That's never going to happen.
Merc: Why?
Embalmer: -Smiles- ...Because when I say that, I will be calling Q for Luka.
Merc: -Smiles- See? You know it youself! You start off by disliking someone, but you know you're going to like them in the future!
Embalmer: Yeah, hahaha..
GK: ....Did you guys call me a Twink?
Merc: We have moved past that now Andrew.
GK: ....Do I need to pack anything?
Merc: Yeah, Sleeping bag and entertainment.
GK: Last Question, Why is Demi Coming..? Is she a twink..?
Embalmer: No, but she got Alcohol.
Gravekeeper: ...Of course.
Embalmer: -Smirks- However, Zhou cant drink! Hah!
Merc: What?! Andrew is underage?!
Embalmer: Yeah!
GK: I can pretend I'm not.
Merc: Nope! Demi refuses to serve underage.
GK: Then dont tell her I am.
Embalmer: Dosen't matter, Demi can tell if you're underage.
GK: Fine..
Merc: Now let's pack!
Embamler: Twinks in the forest 4, let's go!


Wu chang: ....
Ripper: -Wheezes- Welcome back!
Wu chang: That was terrible...
Joseph: What happened?
Wu chang: They were only decoders! J needed to attack everyone and not just Eli but that was fine! I got rid of The mechanic and the minds eye but Eli and that new dude was a no!
Ripper: You played against the new guy..? What was he like?
Wu chang: ...He... He decided Ciphers.. without even being with the cipher he was Decoding! He transfer progress from one to another!
Joseph: Ew, that's all? Just down him and he cant decode at all.
Wu chang: I tried! But he has this.. Electric thing around him! And first it stunned me but the next thing that happened were that he released this electric energy from his body and I were reversed!
Ripper: You sure you didn't just accidentally use your own ability on youself?
Wu chang: I'm not stupid.
Joseph: Yes you are.
Wu chang: -Rolls eyes- However, Eli and the new guy got away. They went to meet up with Aesop and Naib.
Ripper: Right.. they're going camping.
Wu chang: I hope Eli is Okay tho.. he walked on the new guys electric rings and I think something weird happened to him after that..
Feaster: ...WHAT?!

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