The Ripperie is starting!

891 35 12

-Jack home-

Oliver: Lift with your legs.
Ripper: -Carrying table out in garden- Why aren't you helping me?!
Oliver: Im old.
Ripper: No you're not! You're only like 1400!
Oliver: I'm almost 1500! Now put the table down over there! Theres another table I need you to carry out!
Ripper: -Groans-
Oliver: Stop Slacking.
Ripper: Yes yes..
Oliver: How come I weren't invited to your wedding?
Ripper: Would you have shown up if I did invite you?
Oliver: No.
Ripper: Then why do you care!
Olover: Why does anyone care about anything! Dumb question so dont ask!
Merc: -Sighs while watching Jack and Oliver-
Lidiya: Hey. The potatoes are ready.
Merc: Yes yes.. -Carries Turkey and Potatoes outside to the Table Jack has put in the garden-
???- Hello!
Merc: -Looks at girl- Uh.. Hi.. are you in the ripper Family?
???- Yeah! My names Kiara! I'm 9 years old and I'm Uncle Olivers faaaavorite niece!!
Merc: Oh.. You're 9 years and my height.. I'm Naib and I'm Jack's Husband.
Kiara: Cousin Jack is Married?!
Merc: Yeah. -Nervously Scratches head-
Kiara: I loooove you Cousin Naib! You're so Cute and Tiny!
Merc: We're the same hight..
Kiara: You're tiny!!
Merc: Ah..! Okay..!
???: Kiara dear, who is that..
Kiara: Its Cousin Jacks Husband!
???: I see. He finally found himself a mate. -Reaches out hand for Handshake- Good day. My name is Jacqueline. I'm Kiaras Mom and I'm Jacks Aunt.
Merc: Jacqueline..? Like.. Jack but.. Female?
Jacqueline: Yes. Jack was nicknamed after me. I'm Olivers Favorite sister. -Hair toss-
Merc: You're all pretty confident on being the favorite.. huh..?
Lidiya: -Comes out with pie and stares at Jacqueline- Jacqueline.
Jacqueline: ...Lidiya.
Kiara: Hey Aunt Lidiya!
Ripper: -Comes out with another Table- ...oh no.
Merc: What's wrong?
Ripper: Aunt Jacqueline and Mom has some Beef going on..
Merc: Why.
Ripper: Because if dad didn't meet mom, he were supposed to marry aunt Jacqueline.
Merc: Aren't they Siblings..?
Ripper: Incest is common in my family.
Kiara: Cousin Jack! Hi! It's me! Kiara! Remeber me!
Ripper: Hey Kiara! You sure have gotten big since last time I saw you! Three yeats ago, right? I think you were 6 back then!
Kiara: Yeah! I missed you!
Ripper: I missed you too
Merc: Okay so it's your Aunt Jacqueline and your Cousin Kiara.
Ripper: Yep.
???: I am here!
Oliver: Thomas!
Thomas: Oliver!
Ripper: Oh no..
Merc: What.
Ripper: Uncle Thomas is my Dads Drinking buddy.
???: I wish mom still were alive..
Ripper: Woah! Dont sneak up on me like that!
Merc: Who is this?!
Ripper: This is.. Lukas.. He is Uncle Thomas son and he is kinda.. Emo...
Lukas: I dont know what you're talking about..
Ripper: Right. Wheres Arthur.
Lukas: Probably dead.. gone.. never returning.. he probably hates me..
Ripper: Cheer up, Dont be like that!
Merc: Who is Arthur?
Ripper: He is also my cousin. He is the only one I know about who is able to stop Lukas from bein a Depressed cuecumber.
Jacqueline: Sharpie! No! Get down from the table!
Sharpie: The Chicken is dead!!
Lidiya: Its a Turkey! Not a Chicken! Jacqueline! Control your fucking child!!
Merc: What's going on..
Ripper: That's Kiaras Twin brother.. He's not really what I would call stable..
Sharpie: Uncle Oliver!
Oliver: Dont touch me.
Jacqueline: -Grabs Sharpie and Ties him to a chair- Let's play The Quiet game, okay?
Sharpie: -Nods-
Kiara: Sharpie is my Twin brother! He's actually really nice when theres not so many people around.
Lukas: Theres not going to be alot of people around if everyone dies..
???: Hey! Lukas! Cheer up! It's the Ripperie! You love the Ripperie, yes?
Lukas: Cousin Elizabeth..?
Ripper: oh! Naib! That's my oldest Cousin Elizabeth! Shes like a big sister!
Merc: ...How old is she?
Ripper: I think she recently turned 46!
Merc: Right..
Elizabeth: That's me! Hey, Lukas, Arthur will be here in a couple of Minutes, He just had some Beef with mom on the way here.
Lukas: Okay..
Ripper: Everyone is here except...
Oliver: Sabastian.
Sebastian: Oliver.
Merc: Let me guess. Beef?
Ripper: Yepp.. and there comes... Cousin Julian.. -Groans-
Julian: -Approaces Jack- I heard you have gotten Married. Your loss Jackass.
Ripper: Screw you Julian!
Julain: No, screw you!!
Merc: Another beef..? -Looks at Julain- ....Um.. Elizabeth..?
Elizabeth: Yes Honey?
Merc: Oh.. um.. Is Jack and Julian twins..?
Elizabeth: Jack and Julian are Cousins. Why?
Merc: ...They look Identical.. The only difference is..
Elizabeth: That Jack has Black hair while Julian is Blonde? That Jack is Masking himself up while Julian has beautiful Freckles?
Merc: ....Pretty much. Yeah.
Elizabeth: Well.. Uncle Oliver and Uncle Sebastian are Twins.
Merc: ...oh.
Sebastian: Just because Oliver were born two minutes before me, He turned into the head of the Family which is Unfair. Clearly, I'm better fit for it.
Oliver: shut up.
Sebastian: It doesn't matter. Julian is going to Marry Jack and then Julian will be the new head of the Family.
Oliver: Yeah, about that. Change of Plans. Jack has married someone else.
Sebastian: What!?
Merc: -Hides behind Elizabeth-
???: Sorry we're late! Arthur weren't behaving so we had to stop!
Elizabeth: it's fine mom!
Lukas: Aunty Angelica..! Which means..
Artur: Screw you mom! I'm not fucking 25 years!! Treat me like my age!!!
Merc: uh.. How old is he..?
Elizabeth: 26.
Merc: Oh..
Angelica: Why do you need to be so Rebellious?!
Arthur: Grrr...
Angelica: -Sighs-
Lukas: Arthur..!
Arthur: ...Oh.. uh.. Hi Lukas.
Elizabeth: Oooh..~ Why so Shy?~
Arthur: Shut up Lizzie..! Its none of your Business!!
Lukas: -Smiles- I were worried you wouldn't come..!
Arthur: Well.. I weren't planning on coming but you know.. I knew you would be here so it was worth it.
Lukas: You came because of me..?
Arthur: S-.. Shut up.. Maybe..
Kiara: -Squeals- Cousin Arthur and Cousin Lucas sitting in a Tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Arthur: Shut up! Damn family! -Blushes and looks away-
Julain: You're in my Personal space!
Ripper: You're in my Garden!!
Lidiya: EVERYONE! Please sit down. Theres name plates at the table!!
Merc: -Nervously looks for his name at the end of the table- Uh.. Why am I here..? Isn't this for The head of the family..?
Oliver: Its for the one with the Ruby ring. -Sits next to Naib-
Ripper: -Sits on other end of the table- Why am I in moms old seat..
Julian: Why do I have to sit next to Scum like yo-
Ripper: Dont even say it loser.
Lidiya: Jack! Behave!
Ripper: Yes mom..
Lukas: Look Arthur! We sit next to eachother!
Arthur: Right.. Hehe..
Kiara: I heard that!
Arthur: No you didn't.
Angelica: Hey there Sebastian..~ I heard you won the lottery and lost the ticket..~
Sebastian: Shh..!
Oliver: Hah! You what?!
Lidiya: Oh boy..
Merc: ....I feel out of place.
Elizabeth: Trust me. We all do.
Merc: Do you think you can summarize everyone to me..?
Elizabeth: I can try.. let's start with the ones you know.. Oliver. The head of the family married to Lidiya and their son Jack. Then there are Oliver's siblings his twin brother Sebastian, younger sisters Angelica and Jacqueline, and Younger brother Thomas.
Merc: Right.. Start with Sebastian.
Elizabeth: Sebastian and Oliver has never really gotten along. He has his son Julian. Julian is pretty.. Selfcentered. Everyone thought he and Jack would end up together even tho they hated eachother.
Merc: Allright.. and what about Jacqueline..?
Elizabeth: Shes Olivers Youngest sister. She is Sharpie and Kiaras Mother and she dont really get along with Lidiya.. She were looking foward to Marrying Oliver but That never happened. However, Oliver really cares for her.
Merc: I see.. and what about Angelica?
Elizabeth: Shes me and Arthurs mom. She is what I would call.. A troll. She likes to make fun of her siblings and she makes alot of Fun of Arthur..
Merc: Yeah.. about Arthur..
Elizabeth: Yep. He's agressive! But he changes that when he's near Lukas. Just look at them, They're Obviously in love but they keep avoiding the question when anyone asks them.
Merc: Allright and Thomas last?
Elizabeth: He is Oliver's Youngest brother and He is Lukas dad.. hes mostly drunk and talks nonsense so I dont know what more there is to say about him..
Merc: ....This is all very confusing to me..
Elizabeth: You'll get used to it..

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