Nightingales secret room

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-Mikes Cabin-

Perfumer: Aah! What a paradise! Three days doesn't feel like enough!
Cord: Remeber what Mike and Nightingale said. Staying here too long is bad.
Geisha: -Holding Helenas Hand- I love Mike's cabin.
Minds eye: I wish we can return here some day!
Lucky guy: Dont bring me!
Mech: I can see the entrance! -Runs up to door and opens it-

Prisoner: HALT
Perfumer: Aah!! Luca!
Prisoner: Andrew! Check em!
GK: -Slowly walks over to the girls- ...please open your mouths..
Cord: Why.
GK: you want Luca to Shoot you..?
Cord: -Sighs and Opens mouth-
GK: -Checks all the girls and Lucky guy- They're clean..
Violinist and Mad eyes: -Drinks Vodka- ......
Gardener: I'm going to my room. -Leaves-
Doc: Oh no. Is Emma still sick?
Priestess: Boomboom? I'm home?
Guard: . . .
Priestess: ...that's weird. Usually, boomboom would come running over to me..
GK: The air is really.. tense here..
Prisoner: Hey. Michiko. Eli wants to see you.
Mech: Luca..? What has happened here..?
Prisoner: When one person falls, everyone else mentally falls with them.
Cord: What's that supposed to mean.
GK: Nightingale is dead.
Perfumer: WHAT?!
Cord: HOW?!
Geisha: NO!!
Minds eye: -Cries-
Mech: N-.. Nightingale died..?
Luca: I had to put her down.
Cord: IT WAS YOU!?
Priestess: ....
GK: He's not lying. She really did ask him to.
Cord: NO
Prisoner: Go back to your rooms!
Perfumer: You're not the boss of us..
Prisoner: As long as there is No Nightingale, there will be no rules! I will not live in that kind of Chaos! That's why is Started the Qperation!
Mech: ...You mean Cooperation..?
Prisoner: No, Qperation. Sounds more like me.
Geisha: -Leaves-
Cord: That Qperation is Bullshit. -Leaves-
Perfumer: Who is a part of the Qperation..?
Prisoner: Me and my followers! Burke, Bonbon, Antonio and Andrew!
Doc: Wasn't Fan and Victor with you earlier?
Prisoner: They went to repopulate and never returned cause they Chickened out.
Doc: -Sighs- Well, I'll go check on Emma now. I'm worried about her. -Leaves-

-Eli Hastur Room-

Geisha: -Walks In- I heard you were looking for me..
Seer: -Wipes tears- Uh.. Yeah..
Geisha: How long have you been Crying for..?
Seer: Um.. since yesterday..
Feaster: ...
Seer: -Hands Geisha Letter- Nightingale asked me to Give you this.. it's the last thing she left with us..
Geisha: -Takes letter- ...Her last words to me..?
Seer: -Nods-
Geisha: -Opens letter-  do you want me to read out loud for you..?
Seer: You will..?
Feaster: -Smiles at Michiko-
Geisha: -Reads Letter-

"Dear Michiko.
I wrote this letter a long time ago. I have decided to give it to you when I know I'm near the end of my life. If you're reading this, I am most likely dead, or currently dying.
You remind me so much of myself when I first came to the manor, so i have always fealt this special connection to you. This is why i have decided that once I'm dead, I want you to be the new Miss Nightingale of this manor. Please take care of the future participants like I did with you.
Dont give up.
-Miss Nightingale."

Geisha: ...Woah.. -Looks into Envelope- There is a Key to Nightingales secret room..
Seer: You're going to be the next Miss Nightingale..?!
Feaster: What.
Geisha: ....woah. this is a big decision to make.
Feaster: ...You should do it. It was Nightingales Last wish.
Geisha: -Nods- ...yeah.. I will do it!
Seer: You own the Manor!
Geisha: ...-Leaves room and walks to Nightingales room- ...this is my room now..
Feaster: -Follows- I have always wondered what was inside that secret room.
Geisha: Hastur.. I think it were secret for a reason. Let me do this alone..
Feaster: -Nods and waits outside-
Geisha: -Takes a Deep breath and Walks in- What's.... this..? -Looks around and picks up some files-  There is alot of stuff in here.. -Picks up A Nightingal mask- ...I guess this belongs to me now.. -Puts on mask and starts looking through the files-

"Jack Ripper. Siblings: None.
Son of Oliver Ripper and Lidiya Ripper.
Occupation: Olivers house. "

Geisha: Whats all of this..? -Sees letter next to Jacks information and opens it-

"Dear Nightingale. My son is old enough to leave my house and I want you to give him the kind of memories that you gave me when I was young. I have trained him every single day to became a hunter. He has a dream about being a serial killer so he has the mind to be one as well. I will send him to the manor next week.
Please take good care of him. He's my only son and I love him from the bottom of my heart.

Geisha: Wow.. Does Jack know about this..? -Looks through other files-

"Michiko Geisha. Siblings: None.
Wife of Miles-"

Geisha: -Quickly covers papers- ...How did Nightingale know this..!? -Looks through all papers-

"Hastur The Feaster. Siblings: Yidhra."

Geisha: ...What? They're Siblings..? -Keeps reading- "Son of Cthulhu and.." ...WHAT?! ...SON OF CTHULHU AND LEAH NIGHTINGALE?!

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