Tiny Puppets

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-At arms factory-
Prospecc: Dont worry bois! I will stay awake and hold guard! If one of the beasts attacks in the middle of the night i will risk my life to save you!
Embalmer: ....Sure whatever. Lets just sleep. -Crawls into tent-
Merc: Yeah I'll sleep too. -Follows Naib-
Joseph and Ripper: -Tries to enter tent but Feaster grabs their feet with tentacles- Hold up.
Jack: Hastur! I need to sleep with Naib!
Joseph: And i need Aesop!
Feaster: That tent is fit for 3 people. Survivors to be specific. And you Jack, you take the spot for 2 survivors.
Ripper: Great! Joseph, Get your boy out of there, its not enough space for him!
Joseph: Shut up you weren't invited here in the first place!
Ripper: Neither were you!!
Seer: Goodnight. -Enters tent-
Ripper: ....He's gonna sleep with my Naib..?
Joseph: Aesop! Its dangerous!
Feaster: Hey! Behave! The tent were originally meant for the 3 of them so we are sleeping outside!!
Prospecc: I know Kid. I wish i could say the same but its true. He's out there somewhere.
Axe kid: You're just trying to scare me!!
Ripper: ....Robbie, what are you doing?
Axe boi: He said he'll tell me a scary story but its just the same old 1996 crap!!
Feaster: Hey, Prospector, its pretty impressive that you have become so close with Robbie.
Prospecc: Theres nothing i cant do! Give me an Octopus or a Demon child! I will tame it!
Joseph: Lizards too?
Prospecc: i tame beasts. Not devils.
Ripper: What is with this guy.
Propsecc: Mister Ripper! Tell me about that demon hand of yours!
Ripper: ...Demon hand?
Prospecc: it contains some mystic fog, ey?
Joseph: This guy is a pain.
Axe kid: Thats what i said! He is all talk!!
Feaster: -Grilling Marshmallows-
Joseph: ...Hastur where did you get those?
Ripper: -Grills Marshmallows on claws-
Feaster: I found them in that bag over there.
Joseph: ...Thats Aesops Bag! How dare you!
Feaster: Calm down, i didn't check the private pocket.
Joseph: ...Private pocket?
Feaster: The one pocket its written 'Private' on very clearly.
Joseph: .....-Opens Pocket-
Ripper: You sure you should be doing that?
Joseph: Aren't you curious about what Aesop might be hiding..?
Ripper: Nope! Couldn't care less.
Joseph: -Points at Naibs bag- And what about that?
Ripper: .....-Shakes from temptation-
Joseph: Go ahead..! Look..!
Ripper: -Opens Naibs Bag and Empties it- ...Guns.
Feaster: He must be pretty paranoid of bears then.
Prospecc: I keep telling them to not fear bears. Its the lizards that are dangerous!
Axe kid: Can we Grill him?
Prospecc: Demon child craves for human sacrefice?
Axe kid: No i dont care about any humans! It has to be you! Then you can be dead!!
Feaster: You're just going to accept him calling you demon child?
Axe kid: It makes me sound tougher!
Prospecc: I will sacrefice a Snickers to you. -Whips out Snickers and hands it to axe boi-
Axe kid: -Yums it-
Joseph: What are these..? -Picks up Tiny blank puppets-
Feaster: He's the embalmer, right? Those looks like them dolls he has in the coffins.
Joseph: Yes but.. these are tiny.
Axe kid: Tiny survivors.
Embalmer: .........
Joseph: ....-Yeets doll back in bag quickly-
Embalmer: I saw that.
Joseph: saw what.
Embalmer: ...That you went though my bag.
Joseph: Hastur started it!
Ripper: Hah! Coward!
Merc: -Leaves tent- Is that my guns?
Ripper: Robbie borrowed them so he could shoot the prospector!
Joseph: And you call me a coward?!
Ripper: Yes because you are one!
Joseph: You just dont want to get shot!
Feaster: -Just ignores everything while eating the embalmers Marshmallows-
Joseph: ...Fine. Aesop, i apologize for looking in your bag. That was not a really.. gentlemanly thing to do. Neither is lying.
Ripper: You bitch i can read through the lines!!
Joseph: Leave me!
Ripper: -Huge ass claw middle finger-
Jossph: Anyway. What are these tiny puppets.
Embalmer: ...They're experiments. I wanted to make a tiny doll of everyone but i cant use them.
Joseph: Why not.
Embalmer: Dont worry about it. You weren't supposed to find out about it anyway.
Ripper: I see Cowards are attracted to other cowards! Haha!!
Embalmer: ....
Joseph: Ignore him Aesop.
Embalmer: ....-Paint Naib on Tiny puppet- Here you go Ripper. A tiny Naib.
Merc: Hey wait a minute! Aesop didn't you just say these were dangerous?!
Embalmer: Yes.
Merc: You made me the test subject?!
Embalmer: Yes. They carry a curse.
Seer: ...i wish you luck Naib.
Merc: what?! What will happen?!
Embalmer: -Starts Laughing- Im joking. Theres no such thing. Its just a puppet. Look. I made one of Joseph as well. -Holds out tiny Joseph Puppet-
Merc: This is your kind of humor?!
Seer: He's a terrifying human.
Ripper: -Puts Naib puppet in pocket- im keeping this.
Embalmer: Sure.
-Alarm goes on and Survivors disappears to Manor-
Ripper: ...A match now?
Joseph: Isn't it a little late?
Axe boi: Haha!! Magent man is gone!!
Feaster: Come on Robbie. We need to go back to phantom Castle. You might be the hunter.
Axe boi: Yaay!!
Hunters: -Goes to Hunter meeting at Phantom castle-

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