Rituals for everyone!

701 40 17

-Naib and Jack room-

Ripper: Everyone listen up. Nice the ritual is preformed, you need to live the rest of your life with your partner. You will only be able to have kids with that person and your life force will increase Drastically together.
Embalmer: Naib.. How old can you get?
Merc: Last time I Checked, 5000.
Embalmer: Wow.
Ripper: Pay attention. This is like marriage but more serious! A marriage can be divorced but this you can't undo!
Joseph: We get it. Just start already.
Ripper: Allright. Who wants to go first?
Seer: ...I'll go. Um.. if it's okay with Hastur.
Feaster: -Nods- Of course. -Holds Elis Hands-
Ripper: Great. First, I need to know who is going to be the Carrier.
Seer: T-.. The carrier?
Ripper: Yes. When My dad performed the ritual on me and Naib he made Naib the Carrier.
Seer: Then I guess I'll be the Carrier?
Merc: Wait! What's the Carrier?!
Ripper: -Sighs- If we are going to repopulate, Then one of us have to do the female job!
Merc: WHAT?!
Ripper: Dont worry, you have been through this once before.
Merc: -Groans-
Seer: Its fine. I'll be the carrier.
Ripper: Then let's begin. Emily, Please?
Doc: -Takes blood Sample from Hastur- ...Um, hastur has black blood, are you sure Eli can handle that?
Ripper: Of course. Just continue.
Doc: -Nods and mixes blood with Cthulhu tears- Allright. Ready Eli?
Seer: Yeah.
Ripper: Wait! This is an Important moment! Do you want to share any words?
Seer: Uuh.. Hastur, I know you're a god and all and I'm a prophet and our love is pretty much a sin, but.. I'll sin any day for you..
Feaster: -Smiles and Hugs Eli- I'd sin for you too.
Doc: ...can I go now?
Seer: Yeah.
Doc: -Stings Eli with Needle and Insterts the liquids- There. It's done.
Ripper: Good. Next!
Merc: Calm down Jack, I know that you're a little upset but this needs thinking and time.
Ripper: Fine.
Merc: Anyone wants to go next?
Joseph: Me and Aesop.
Embalmer: Wait..
Joseph: What?
Embalmer: I.. just want to think about this..
Joseph: ..Why?
Embalmer: ....-Runs away-
Joseph: Aesop..! -Runs after Aesop-
Ripper: ...Anyone else?
Merc: ....
Prospecc: Mike..? Do you want to go?
Acrobat: -Holds on to Norton and smiles- Yeah.
Prospecc: Then I guess we're next.
Ripper: Who will be the carrier?
Acrobat: I'll be the Carrier. Norton doesn't really have the personality for a mom. Heh..
Prospecc: You sure Mike? I can be the carrier if you want.
Acrobat: No, it's fine Norton. I already know you'd do anything for me.
Prospecc: -Smiles- If that's what you want.
Doc: -Takes Bloodsample from Norton- Allright, let me mix this.
Ripper: Any words?
Prospecc: Mike. You're perfect. No other word can describe you better.
Acrobat: -Nods and Smiles- I can say the same thing about you.
Doc: Allright. One Ritual coming up. -Stings Mike with needle-
Acrobat: Nngh.. Is it over?
Doc: Yep. Congratulations.
Merc: Anyone wants to be next?
Perfumer: Martha? Can you imagine us spending the rest of our lives together?
Cord: -Nods- Of course I can.
Prospecc: Wohoo! Lesbians!
Perfumer: Shut up Norton!
Prospecc: -Wheezes and stays Quiet-
Cord: I'll guess we're next.
Doc: I'm very happy for you.
Ripper: hmm.. I dont know how to do this since they're girls.
Cord: Just do the same thing as everyone else did?
Ripper: Yeah but I dont know who'll be the carrier.
Perfumer: It doesn't matter.
Cord: I'll take the Cthulhu tears. I cant imagine something so disgusting inside Veras Body.
Perfumer: Aww, You'll do the Disgusting things for me?
Cord: Of course. You're like a Model, Can't let Gross things mess you up.
Merc: Lesbians, am I right?
Cors: Shut up Naib!
Doc: -Takes Blood sample from Vera-
Ripper: Any words?
Perfumer: Martha, I love you.
Cord: I love you too Vera.
Prospecc: Lesbians!
Merc: Lesbians!
Cord and perf: SHUT UP
Doc: -Stings Martha- There you go. It's done.
Merc: Fan. Victor. Want to do it?
Postaman: -Letter- "I'd love to if Fan is up for it"
Fan: Pfft. I almost died from Hanahaki. That's how much I love you so let's do it.
Prisoner: -Runs into room- DID SOMEONE SAY HANAHAKI?!
Prisoner: -Puts down gun- I'm watching all of you. -Leaves-
Merc: Q is Crazy.
Postman: -Letter- "Let's just do the ritual. I'll be the carrier"
Fan: Thanks, I hoped you would say that.
Doc: -Takes Bloodsample of Fan-  Too mad Xie ain't here to Witness it.
Xie: -Inside Umbrella- ......
Fan: He's fine. All he wants is some alone time right now.
Doc: I understand.
Ripper: Any words?
Fan: Nope.
Postman: -Smiles-
Merc: Why?
Fan: Being Silent is me and Victors Thing, so we have nothing to say.
Postman: -Nods-
Doc: You do you. -Stings Victor-
Merc: That's all? Except Aesop and Joseph. They're not back yet.
Ripper: Emily? What about you and Mary?
Doc: Well, you said this is more serious then a wedding so we need some time to think. We are only dating afterall.

-Aesop and Joseph Room-

Embalmer: ....
Joseph: Aesop? ... you know I love you, right..?
Embalmer: You treat me like Eli used to treat me and Naib when we're alone..
Joseph: I lose control sometimes.. I know.. but i still love you..
Embalmer: ...Naib saw you when we were at Mikes Cabin.
Joseph:  ...he did?
Embalmer: Luckly, he thought we were roleplaying..
Joseph: I see..
Embalmer: ...This needs to stop.
Joseph: Aesop.. I love you with my entire heart.. I promise to work on my behavior.. just forgive me..
Embalmer: ...I will.. I love you too afterall..
Joseph: -Hugs Aesop- Thank you..
Embalmer: -Smiles- Want to do the ritual?
Joseph: -Nods- More then anything!

-Back at Jack and Naib room-

Ripper: I still think we need more. What about Q?
Doc: You cant force relationships Jack.
Ripper: Didn't Xie and Andrew Date?
Doc: Woah, Xie Dated Andrew?
Xie: -Rushes out of Umbrella- NO! I WAS  FORCED!!
Fan: Oh! Xie! You're out!
Xie: I... Yeah..
Joseph: -Comes back with Aesop- We're ready.
Embalmer: Joseph is going to be the carrier.
Joseph: Wait what?
Embalmer: What? You have something to say?
Joseph: Yeah! I don't wa-.. I mean.. Sure. I'll be carrier.
Ripper: HAH
Joseph: Screw you Jack!
Doc: -Takes Bloodsample from Aesop-
Ripper: Any last words to your Masculinity?
Joseph: -Punches Jack- All done.
Merc: Dont Taunt him Jack.
Embalmer: We already said our words earlier. Just do it.
Doc: -Stings Joseph- All done.
Joseph: I dont feel any different.
Ripper: Of course not. It's not like you turn into a woman.
Joseph: Then what's the point if this?!
Ripper: You're able to have kids. That's all.

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