WhAt?! Is out boi Q finally getting a ship!?

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Feaster: -Grilling Hotdogs with the doc-
Seer: I want one!
Feaster: -Gives a hotdog to Eli- Who's my little sausage boy.
Seer: Me!
Postman: -Sitting on a bench next to the doc- ....
Fan: Do you want a hotdog Victor?
Postman: -Looks up at Hastur-
Feaster: -Gives Norton a Sausage- Here you go.
Prospecc: Thanks! This is such a Treat! -Eats hotdog-
Postman: AAAA
Fan: What's wrong..?!
Postman: Norton is-
Fan: Shh!
Postman: -Stresses out-
Prospecc: Mike! Dont you want some food?!
Acrobat: dude! I'm coming!
Fan: -Grabs Victor and runs inside-
Merc: Dude whats up with Victor? -Chilling in the Jacuzzi-
Embalmer: Dont know. Probably just cramps.
Ripper: -Footflirting with Naib under the water-
Merc: ...
Embalmer: Jack, how is your dad?
Ripper: Why do people keep asking about that? I dont know, I havent seen him since the Ripperie and I probably wont see him again before the next one!
Embalmer: And your mom?
Joseph: Pfft. Jack dont have a mom. He killed her.
Merc: Yeah he does, I met her.
Joseph: ...No? He killed his mom!
Merc: Jack sees his family every 4th year! He does!
Ripper: Its true, I killed my mom.
Merc: but I saw her!!
Ripper: Yeah shes not dead. Duh.
Joseph: a Killed person is a dead person!
Ripper: Not if you have done the Ritual!
Merc: The blood Ritual we did..?
Ripper: Yeah!
Merc: ....sooo if someone kill me
Ripper: You wont die.
Merc: so a Zombie.
Ripper: ...yeah kind of.
Merc: Your mom weren't a Zombie! She looked completely normal!
Ripper: Have you ever seen a real Zombie?
Merc: ...no?
Ripper: Yeah, you have. My mom.
Merc: ....
Embalmer: ....
Joseph: ....
Ripper: -Wheezes- I'm Joking! Hahah, There is no things like Zombies. Pfft. Losers.
Joseph: ...so? Your mom is..?
Ripper: My mom is-
Prisoner: -Throws Bucket of cold water into the Jacuzzi-
Embalmer: AAAAAAAA -runs inside-
Merc: Son of a bitch! -Grabs LucasA4rm and Pull him into Jacuzzi-
Prisoner: -Wheezes-
Joseph: Aesop! Waaait! -Runs after him-

Prisoner: So what's going on dudes?
Merc: We were Talking about Jacks mom
Ripper: Q is my mom
Merc: No he's not! I met your mom! Lidiya!
Prisoner: Pfft! Hey Jack~ Come do your mommy a favor and give me a foot massage!~ -Lifts up feet to Jack-
Ripper: -Wheezes- Gross mom!
Merc: -Facepalms and leaves the Jacuzzi-

Feaster: Aaaand keep your knees stright and touch your toes.
Acrobat and Seer: -Touches toes-
Prospecc: Ah! I cant do it! That hurts! My body ain't that flexible!
Acrobat: Keep your knees stright Norton or else you're cheating!
Prospecc: Mike, I would never cheat on you with my Gay knees
Seer: Pfftt!
Feaster  Allright let's say us done with Yoga.
Prospecc: I want to see Hastur in Yoga pants!
Seer: Yeah!!
Feaster: I cant wear Yoga pants, I dont have actual legs.
Prospecc: Uour human form does!!
Feaster: ...How do you know about that.
Prospecc: Do you really think I dont read the Fiona scrolls? That's my bedtime story! I sleep better after having a good laugh.
Feaster: -Rolls eyes-
GK: Hastur has a human form..?
Feaster: no.
Seer: Yeah he do!
GK: Show us!
Feaster: I think we have had enough Yoga time today, Let's call it a night.
Prospecc: Mike! Get the Yoga pants!!
Feaster: -Runs to hide-
Seer: Get him!

Postman: I cant handle it!
Fan: Victor Calm down..!
Postman: Why dont they have any shame?!
Acrobat: -Walks in- Hey, I'm just here to get my sunglasses.
Postman: .....
Embalmer: -Walks in having a Carpet wrapped around himself- Hey Mike, Hi Victor, Hey Fan.
Postman: ...H.. hi..
Embalmer: -Walks over to Mike- I know you probably heard it enough but this is such a great Place you have bought.
Acrobat: Yeah, I love it.
Embalmer: -Pokes Mike- Sooo, I heard you and Norton going at it yesterday! Wanna tell me about it?~
Acrobat: -Blushes and laughs looking away- Dude, You're embarassing me
Embalmer: Come ooon~ there is nothing to be embarrassed about~ Everyone knows what you and Norton when nobody sees~ Let's go have a dude talk!
Acrobat: -Sighs and Shakes head- Sure, Sounds fun.
Embalmer: Wanna come Victo-
Postman: NO-
Fan: -Covers Victors mouth- He'd love to. -Runs out or room with Victor- Listen, this is great!
Postman: Why..!
Fan: Because.. you know.. Maybe you can learn how to deal with the fact that having... I.. intercourse is normal..
Postman: Intercourse..!?
Joseph: You mean Sex?
Fan: AHH! When did you get here!!
Joseph: I been here.
Postman: -Takes a deep breath- Okay.. I should do this.. I can handle this kind of Conversation.. -Walks back into room- so where are we going?
Embalmer: Up there! -Points at a tiny mountain through the Window-
Postman: ...Why? Isnt that illegal?
Embalmer: Its within the Border Nightingale sat up. It only takes like 3 minutes to climb it and it's so close. Let's go!
Postman: O.. okay..


Ripper: so. Q. It's only us here.
Prisoner: Oh yeah! I'm flattered but scary guys ain't my type!
Ripper: That's not what I meant! I am a married man!
Prisoner: Pfft! I know! I were joking.
Ripper: Scary guys. What is your type?
Prisoner: Hmm. Maybe a dark soul who can drive me mad by not liking me back? With long dark hair and the smile of a demon.
Prisoner: -Wheezes- Hey! I'm joking! There is no way a guy like that Exists!


Nightingale: Welcome to the Manor Antonio.

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