Goodbye Hanahaki

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-Red Church-

Axe boy: -Skipping down the red carpet throwing Flowers- I'm a flowerboy!!
Cord: I thought yoh said he was going to be a Grooms man?
Perfumer: They weren't able to get him into a Suit.
Cord: Ah.
Prospecc: -Walking back and Forth stressing and tugging his hair- Nnngh..
Reptile: Hey, Hey! Norton! What's wrong?
Prospecc: Naib had a bad feeling and now I have a bad feeling too..!
Reptile: Why?
Prospecc: I Jinxed the wedding..!
Reptile: Theres no such thing as a-
Prospecc: Shh..! Dont say that..! You'll Jinc the No Jinx..!
Reptile: You're obviously stressed. Take some deep breaths.
Prospecc: -Exhales and Inhales deeply-
Reptile: Good. Now concentrate about one thing! You're getting married!
Dancer: -Puts on Music box with Wedding music I
Reptile: Now..! Now..! Its starting! Good luck! -Moves-

-Bridesmaids walks down the Carpet-
Seer: ...This is Embarrassing..
Postman: -Nods-
Embalmer: Heh, Trust me, Most of us were forced into a dress before.
Merc: -Wheezes- You look good Aesop! Nice dress Eli!
-Bridesmaids sits down next to Grooms men-
Axe boy: Twinks!!
Seer: Shh!
Merc: Ew what is on your face?
Postman: ....
Merc: Aesop! Is that the best you could do? It was your chance to do Clown Pa-
Embalmer: Shh..! Stop. Victor isn't a bad guy.
Merc: What? Victor the postman you mean?
Embalmer: Victor.
Merc: What did he do to you!?
Embalmer: Naib! We been acting like.. -Stops and moves closer to Naib to whisper- We have been acting Like abusive Eli twoards Victor.. nobody should go through that..!
Merc: What's that supposed to mean?
Embalmer: We have gotten used to Violence. If we dont get Violated, we are the violators. Let's just be nice to Victor, okay..?
Merc: -Looks at Victor- ....
Postman: ....-Smiles-
Merc: -Reaches out hand- ...I'm Naib. I'm terribly sorry for what me and Aesop have done, but I hope we can put it behind us.
Postman: -Happily shakes Naibs Hand and nods-
Embalmer: Hey theres Mike..!
Prospecc: -Gulps and shakes a little being Nervous-
Acrobat: -Walks down Isle blushing a little and waving to his friends-
Prospecc: ...Woah.
Merc: He looks alot better then the three of you. -Wheezes-
Embalmer: Of course he does, he's the bride..!
Acrobat: -Arrives next to Norton and smiles brighty-
Prospecc: -Whispers- You look Great..!
Acrobat: -Whispers- Thanks..!

Priestess: -Clears throat- Ehem! We are gathered here today to celebrate Mike Morton, And Norton Campbells wedding. Do you, Norton Campbell take Mike Morton to be your husband, to be true to him in good times and in bad, In sickness and in health, and to love him and Honor him all the days of your life?
Prospecc: ...I do.
Priestess: Do you Mike Morton, Take Norton Campbell to be your Lawfull husband, to have and to hold, from this day foward, for better, for worse, for Richer, for poorer, in sickness and in Health, Until death tears you apart?
Prospecc: -Being Nervous still having a bad feeling-
Acrobat: -Looks at Norton and then looks at Vera-
Perfumer: -Holding Marthas hand smiling-
Acrobat: -Smiles and Looks back at Norton- ..I do!!
Prospecc: -Smiles in relief-
Priestess: You can now kiss the Bride.
Prospecc: -Lifts Mikes Vail and kisses him-

-Everyone claps-
Postman: -Gags-
Embalmer: You dont like kissing?
Merc: -Laughs and Pats Victors back- Heey, it's a wedding, of course there would be a kiss!
Postman: -Shakes head and covers mouth-
Embalmer: ...oh god.. Emily..!
Doc: Hm?
Embalmer: Help Victor!
Prospecc: ..Oh no it's happening... Something bad is happening!!
Acrobat: W- What..?!
Prospecc: We Jinxed it..!
Priestess: Norton! Listen to me! The wedding is Comfirmed! You and Mike just got married!
Prospecc: We did, yeah?!
Priestess: Yes.
Prospecc: -Sighs in Relief and Hugs Mike Tightly-
Acrobat: I love you Norton.. But we should see what's happening, Allright?
Prospecc: Yeah, Let go..! -Runs to Victor-
Doc: What the heck?! Why does he have stitches..?!
Merc: ....
Doc: -Opens stitches-
Postman: -Opens mouth and lots of Flowers falls out of his mouth-
Doc: What the.. Black cat Petunias..!
Fan: ....-Walks up to The scenery-
Xie: The postman has Hanahaki..?! Like Fan..?!
Ripper: Oh boy.. Hes dying.
Joseph: What the heck is Hanahaki?
Ripper: Shh.
Doc: Open your Mouth!
Victor: -Opens mouth and Struggles breathing because Flowers are covering his Throat-
Doc: You stitched your mouth shut to keep the flowers inside?! Are you insane?!
Victor: -Nods-
Embalmer: ....
Doc: I dont know what to do..! Just confess!
Fan: He already did.
Doc: Fan..?
Fan: -Tearing up-
Xie: Fan..! You have Emotions again..?!
Fan: -Shakes head-
Doc: Fan! You know who he likes?!
Fan: Yes. Me.
Doc: WIN WIN!!
Fan: ...Okay.
Xie: You know what to do Emily..?!
Doc: We can fix Both of them! -Gives Xie Black cat Petunia from Victor-
Fan: What am I supposed to do with this?
Doc: Eat it! And victor needs to...
Xie: ...Eat a Red Hibiscus..?
Doc: .....
Embalmer: ...He has an Red Hibiscus!
Doc: Aesop.. it needs to be a Hibiscus from Fans Hanahaki to work..
Embalmer: He does!! He told me and Eli that Fan gave him a Red Hibiscus!! Check his pocket!
Doc: -Quickly checks pockets- ...Hibiscus..!
Doc: Victor! Eat it!
Merc: There are so many flowers in his throat, How is he supposed to eat that..?!
Doc: Fan! Haven't you eaten the Black cat Petunia yet?!
Fan: Its gross.
Xie: ...Fan! You can get your emotions back..! Just do It..!
Postman: -Tears up looking at Fan-
Fan: ....-Eats Petunia-
Postman: -Petunias in his body slowly disappears-
Doc: -Smiles happy for finding a cure-
Xie: ...What about Fan..?
Doc: ..Victor, can you eat this red hibiscus..?
Postman: -Nods and Quickly eats Hibiscus-
Fan: -Smiles-
Xie: -Ghasps-
Doc: Ah..! It works!
Prospecc: ...The wedding is not a Failure..!
Acrobat: Its perfect!!
Prospecc and Acrobat: -Tackle hugs Victor-
Postman: -Laughs and Hugs back-
Embalmer: -Looks at Naib-
Merc: ...Emily.. me and Aesop.. we-
Postman: Helped me alot..! I almost died earlier, but.. Naib and Aesop helped me Breath easier.
Doc: ...okay?
Merc: ...
Embalmer: ....
Doc: Anyway, I need to mut new stitches on you so your mouth wont be affected..
Postman: I'm fine with that! Its cool, I get to Match Naib, Aesop and Mike, right!
Doc: ..Good way to look on the light side. -Puts new Stitches on Victor-
Postman: -Stands up and Shakes Mike and Nortons hands and writes a letter giving it to them-
Prospecc: -Takes letter- "Congratulations" aw, thank you Victor!
Acrobat: Thank you Victor! I'm happy you're Healthy!
Postman: -Nods and walks to Fan-
Fan: -Laughs a little and Hugs Victor- We're not dead, huh? -Stands up while Hugging victor making his feet leave the ground-
Postman: -Wiggles being scared to fall-
Fan: Hehe, Sorry. -Puts him back down-
Postman: -Looks up at fan and Makes a little heart Symbol with his hands and then hugs his legs-
Xie: I'm happy my brother is back to Normal..! And that he found someone he loves. That loves him back.. -Looks at Emily-
Doc: Yeah it's a Huge relief that they had Hanahaki for eachother or else it wouldn't have worked.
Xie: -Nods-

Joseph: -Smirks and Pokes Jack- Hey, Look..! Wanna go pick up some Brides maids?~
Ripper: -Laughs and smacks Joseph- Your husband is a Trap, I'm gonna go pick up the Groomsman, Hehehe..~ -Leaves and runs over to Naib-
Joseph: Bitch. -Runs up to Aesop-

Nightingale: Looks like everything Is like it's supposed to be.
Geisha: ...Fan is in love with a Survivor?
Burke: I knew legs were gay!!
Geisha: Nightingale, You said you have closed the Pitside world, yes?
Nightingale: Yes.
Geisah: Were is The Acrobat and the Prospector going to have their honeymoon?
Nightingale: They're going to live in Hasturs old room for a week.
Geisha: ...At phantom castle?
Nightingale: Yes.
Geisha: -Smirks- How fun..~

Merc: -Stares into nowhere- .....
Ripper: aib.. Naib.. HEY NAIB! Are you okay?!
Merc: Huh? Yeah, what's up?
Embalmer: ...You have been staring out the window for ten minutes without responding.
Merc: I did? Heh, Sorry, I must have been in my own Little world. I was just thinking about swimming.
Embalmer: ..But you hate swimming.
Merc: Huh? Yeah, I know, But i have been Swimming alot in me and Jack's room!
Embalmer: Oh cool, You should teach me how to swim some day.
Merc: Yeah.. I would..  love to..
Seer: Ob bou we're losing him again.
Doc: Naib! -Snaps Fingers- Are you okay?
Merc: Sorry! Yeah, I'm just tired. Wanna go home Jack?
Ripper: Hell yeah. -Leaves with Naib-
Doc: I'm worried about that.
Prospecc: Dont worry, He been mining all day. He really is Tired.
Doc: Allright.
Nightingale: -Claps hands- Everyone go home! Its sleeping time!
Joseph: Come Aesop!~
Embalmer: Yeah, Let's go.
Nightingale: -Gives Mike and Norton Keys- Here. For Hasturs room.
Prospecc: Thanks! Let's go Mike!

-EnD oF sEaSoN 1-
That only took like 110 chapters.

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