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-Nightingale secret room-

Geisha: .....Unbelievable. Nightingale is a mother. Hasturs and Yidhras mother! And Cthulhu is their dad?! Does Hastur and Yidhra know about this..!? -Turns around to check what else is in the room- ....Survilance cameras over phantom castle, Voice of the manor and Palace of silence and the manor entrance but not our rooms..  -Looks at Monitor to manor entrance- ....what the heck is Luca doing..
Monitor: -Showing Luca waving a Green flag back and forth-
Geisha: ...-Rolls eyes and Keeps looking- ...What's this. -Finds drawer filled with Skin Sketches and Echoes- Her projects on making new Skins? -Picks up pen and paper and draws a couch- Yes. Why can't I have a perfect couch like this in my room. -Hears sound from Closet door- ....Hello? -opens door and finds the exact couch she drew- ...wait.. what? Huh?! Magic pen?! -Ghasps- ....I can do so much with this. -Opens letter that lays next to pen-

"This pen can create anything you draw In an instant. However, there is a limit to how much you can create at once. Before a new season starts, prepare all the new essences with creative skins. You can also use this pen to write invitation letters to the future participants and it will instantly get sent to them once you have attached an Echoe."

Geisha: .....none of this makes any sense.. but at least i have a couch now. -Keeps looking around and stops by a mirror- Ew. A mirror. It's a pretty mirror but ew. Mirrors. -Touches mirror and hand passes through it- AAH! IT TRIED TO EAT ME! ....Whatever. -Walks through mirror- .....where am I. What is this.

???: Its rude to peep in other peoples things.
Geisha: -Turns around- What!? Who are you! Nightingale gave me the key to this room and sait it belonged to me now so I'm not peeping! I'm simply preparing to be like her.
???: She did that?
Geisha: Who are you anyway! And where is this?!
???: Names Cthulhu. You're in Cthulhu space and you went through Leah's special mirror.
Geisha: ...Cthulhu?! Like in Hastur and Yidhras dad?!
Cthulhu: ....They told you I'm their dad?
Geisha: No I read it in Nightingales documents! Are you and Nightingale married!?
Cthulhu: Theres alot of Questions at once here. Slow down.
Geisha: Answear me!
Cthulhu: excuse me! I am a god! I can end your life with a snap from my fingers! If you dont start treating me with a little more respe-
Geisha: ANSWEAR ME!!
Cthulhu: FINE! No! We're not married anymore! We divorced years ago!
Geisha: How did you meet?!
Cthulhu: I were a hunter together with Leah in the previous generation!
Geisha: Nightingale wasn't always Nightingale?!
Cthulhu: She were Nightingale the 2nd.
Geisha: ...That makes me Nightingale the 3rd? Does that mean our generation is the 3rd one?
Cthuhlu: No your generation is the 2nd. Mine were the first.
Geisha: Who was Nightingale the 1st!
Cthuhlu: Leah's mom! She started the entire Manor!
Geieha: Nightingales mom were the 1st?!
Cthulhu: Yes.
Geisha: Then why didn't Nightingale make Yidhra the 3rd Nightingale!
Cthuhlu: I dont know!
Geisha: There seems to be alot of things you dont know!
Cthulhu: Fine. She didn't want Yidhra finding out that shes her daughter.
Geisha: ...Why did you kill Ibis.
Cthulhu: This took a turn.
Geisha: Answear me.
Cthulhu: Because the rules were broken!
Geisha: Why did you create the rules like that!
Cthulhu: I DIDN'T
Geisha: Then who did!!
Cthulhu: THE AUTHO-
Cthulhu: -Sighs- You're a scary woman. Please only come here at Minimal!
Geisha: I will come back if I have more questions.
Cthulhu: Not more questions..
Geisha: -Leaves-

-Manor entrance-

Prisoner: Congratulations! You're officially a part of the Qperation!
Mechanic: Yay! Can I sit in the fort?
Prisoner: Go ahead. Now I will wave the Qperation falg. -Waves flag back an forth to celebrate the new member-
Mech: -Walks into Flour fort- Hey guys! I'm Qperation too now!
Mad eyes: Tracy!
Mech: Burke! You're Qperation too? -Smiles brightly-
Mad eyes: Of course! I get Whiskey!
Violinist: If whiskey is involved, anything is okay.
GK: -Sighs while still keeping watch on the door-
Ripper: -Runs into entrance- Guys!
Prisoner: HALT
Ripper: -Stops-
Prisoner: Why the hurry!
Ripper: We did it!
Prisoner: Did what!
Ripper: The Pregancy test! Its positive.
Mech: Naib is Pregnant?!
Ripper: Yes! But there is something Weird about it. Emily is checking him right now.

-Naib and Jack room-

Doc: ...
Merc: Yeah? So what's wrong?
Doc: Well. There is not a human inside you.
Merc: Yeah. It's a Ripper. Right?
Doc: Nooo, that's not what I meant.
Merc: ...Something is wrong?
Doc: Well, we need to do an incision once it starts Hurting.
Merc: You're confusing me.
Doc: Naib. Look at the ultrasounds here. What do you see?
Merc: I see a Circle.
Doc: That's right. Do you know what that Circle is?
Merc: No? I'm no doctor.
Doc: -Sighs- Thats an egg.
Merc: ....what?
Doc: you heard me. Thats an egg.
Merc: I'm gonna lay an egg?!
Doc: Listen. This egg will just keep growing and growing but your body isn't capable of Expanding! So once it's too big for you to have inside you, we'll do the incision and take the egg out. However, it wont be done growing so you need to keep it warm until it hatches.
Merc: like a bird?
Doc: Yes. Like a bird. I will make a pouch for you.
Merc: a what?
Doc: Like Kangaroos have. Then you can have a Warm pouch to put it in. And dont you ever dare drop it.
Merc: I get it. Fine.
Embalmer: -Runs in- Naib! You're having a kid?!
Merc: I'm having an Egg.
Embalmer: EGG?!
Merc: -Nods-
Embalmer: Are we all gonna have eggs?
Doc: Most likely. -Leaves-
Embalmer: ...Egg?
Merc: Yeah. An egg.

(Hello again. I'm just making a little update on everything. I have started writing the new generation ficc but I havent posted anything yet. Once I post it I will put the link in this story. However, I am concidering some things. The new ficc will be about the new generation when they have grown up. The age will be 15 - 29 and they might sometimes talk about their childhood. However, the new generation will not appear in this ficc. Only the eggs.

I also want to share why I chose eggs! Yall probably wont care about this but i will say it anyway.
I am currently taking care of 3 bird eggs and that inspiered me.

Lmao anyway, That's all, have a NiCe DaY)

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