Hastur is Mood.

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-Hastur room-
Seer: Hastur come heeere..!~
Feaster: Eli.. Whats happening.
Seer: Hmm?~ Nothing, Now come here so i can hug you!
Feaster: ...This is not your abusive personality. And its not your Normal one.
Seer: -Hugging feaster tentacles- I love this one and this one and.. all of them!! -starts kissing tentacles-
Feaster: ...I guess this personality isn't a bad thing.
Seer: Im lovable!
Feaster: -Hugs Eli- You're lovable no matter what personality you carry.
Seer: Hastur!!~ Let me kiss you!~
Feaster: Where.
Seer: Your mouth!
Fester: ...I dont have a mouth.
Seer: -Tries kissing spirit fog thingy but ends up kissing his eyes instead-
Feaster: -Sighs- Whatever makes you happy, go ahead.
Seer: Yay!~ -Nuzzles Feaster-
Feaster: ...This isn't that bad.. we'll call this personality lovable then.
Seer: You are lovable! -grabs Hasturs hand and kisses it-
Feaster: All you want to do is just kiss me different places?
Seer: You can kiss me too you know!!~
Fester: ....-Makes octopus suction on Elis bacc-
Seer: Aaah..! I like that! Hey! Ibis! -Grabs his owl- (Ibis is Latin for owl)
Feaster: what are you doing now?
Seer: He needs some love too! -Kisses his owls head-
Owl: -Just sits there being edgy-
Seer: Give mister Hastur a kiss!
Owl: .....-Just kisses Hasturs tentacle and then flies back to sit on Elis shoulder-
Feaster: Is all he do sleep eat and protect..?
Seer: He's a good boy! I trained him myself! He is my eyes!
Feaster: intresting.
Seer: -Sits down on Hasturs bed- ....
Feaster: Eli..?
Seer: Its all my fault..! -Starts crying-
Feaster: No no no..! Come here..! -Hugs Eli-
Seer: -Cries loudly-
Feaster: Shh shh.. its fine.. its fine.. -Picks Eli up and rocks him-
Seer: -Cries less but still crying-
Feaster: Lets go get you some food.. -Leaves room carrying Eli to kitchen-
Axe kid: Hah! Whos the Crybaby Now?!
Feaster: You.
Axe kid: No im not!! Im not!!!
Feaster: ...Go away Robbie im Busy. -Throws Axe kid out of Kitchen-
Seer: -Clinging on to Feaster while sniffeling-
Feaster: Heres milk bottle. -Feeds it to seer-
Seer: -Calms down and drinks it-
Feaster: -Feeds Seer while walking back to room- See..? Everything is okay..~
Geisha: Wow Hastur.
Fester: Michiko..
Geisha: I didn't know you were such a good parent.
Fester: ...Im not a parent. Im just trying to have all his personalities calm. Maybe they'll mergen into one so Eli can be 1 person.
Geisha: Oh? And what is this one called?
Feaster: ...Crybaby.
Geisha: And you're his daddy..
Fester: ....-Walks into his room-
Seer: .....
Feaster: Good Eli. -Uses tentacle to stroke his hair-
Seer: Thank you Hastur..
Feaster: Don't worry about it.
Seer: ...Do you think Naib and Aesop hates me..?
Feaster: No.. They care alot about you.
Seer: ...okay.
Feaster: If you want to, I can make sure the 3 of you get to talk it out.
Seer: But Ripper and the Photographer will..
Feaster: I'll take care of those. Dont worry.

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