Being a Twink is Contagious

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-Hastur Room-

Feaster: Eli. It's okay.
Seer: Its not..! Why do I keep doing this?! I didn't just attack Norton but Mike as well?!
Feaster: Do you remeber doing this?
Seer: ...I just remeber removing his Mouth stitches.. I feel terrible..
Feaster: What's wrong with that?
Seer: One does simply not touch another bros Mouth stitches! They are personal and should not be messed with..! But I must have terrified him.. Violating him like that must not have been a Very good feeling..
Feaster: Whats the last thing you remeber before Abusive came out?
Seer: Well, Norton came into my room dragging Mike along with him.. and Then I fealt like he started Taunting me.. and then.. Ibis Cheered me up.
Fester: ....Ibis? The Bird..?
Seer: Yes.. Ibis makes me fall asleep so I can calm down. But when I wake back up, Terrible things have happened!! And I remeber everything that happened like it's a Dream..! I remember some parts but not all..!
Feaster: .....
Seer: What..?
Feaster: Nothing. Maybe you should talk to Naib and Aesop?
Seer: Naib is outside the Manor..
Feaster: I mean when he comes back.
Seer: I can try but.. No, I will definitely try..!
Feaster: Good.
Axe boy: -Breaks down door- Okay Mister Pidgeon!! Let's get down to Business!!
Seer: I-I didn't do anything to him, right..?!
Axe boy: Give me Mister Makeups Pants Right now!! And Give me Uncle Josephs pants as well so he can stop Sexually harassing Mister makeup!!
Seer: D-Did I take their pants..?!
Axe boy: Dont play Dumb with me Mister Pidgeon! I saw you trying to steal Mike and Nortons Pants!! I know you're behind all the missing pants around here!!
Seer: ...O-Oh.. I dont have them, sorry..
Feaster: Sorry Robbie, can you come back another time?
Axe boy: I'm not leaving before I get everyones Pants back!!
Seer: -Walks up to Robbie and Grabs his neck rope- I. Dont. Have them!!
Seer: -Let's go Axe boy and Sighs- I'm not going to take your pants..
Axe boy: -Screams while running out of the room-
Feaster: ........I think you scared him.
Seer: He were making fun of me.
Feaster: He's just a kid. He don't even know what he's talking about.


Merc: -Sleeping in the bed-
Ripper: -Laying next to Naib taking some notes- .....mhm.. Yeah..
Merc: Mnn.. Zzzz.. -Nuzzles up against Jack-
Ripper: -Pats Naibs head while thinking- But then it would be unfair so...Hmmm..
Merc: -Drops some Coins out if his Pocket while sleeping-
Ripper: ....Money? -Ghasps- MONEY! YES!! I HAVE SOLVED IT!! -Takes lots of Notes-
Merc: -Quickly wakes up- J-Jack..!! What's wrong..?!
Ripper: I solved it!!
Merc: Solved what?!
Ripper: I have made a new mode!!
Merc: A new mode?!
Ripper: Yes!! I call it... BLACKJACK MODE!!!
Merc: ....B-Blackjack..? As in the poker game BlackJack..? As in the Strip BlackJack you and me once did..?
Ripper: Yes!! I have made a new mode out if it!!
Merc: How..? What..?
Ripper: I will give everyone A new card each round and if someone has over 21 point at the End of the round, they're eliminated!
Merc: Okay..? And how does one get more points..?
Ripper: 1 hunter and 1 survivor team up! They cooperate to take out the other  teams!
Merc: ...How.
Ripper: The team with the highest amount of Points in the beginning of the Round will have the Hunter out in the map Chasing down survivor and Decide if they want a Knocked down survivor to take their card! If someone else has made points, The survivor will be out on the map and Gather chips by Decoding! You gave me the idea that we can Use chips to Buy additional cards for either ones own advantage, or for another teams disadvantage! Also, a Hunter knocking down 2 survivors will give the same amount of Chips as a survivor decoding 1 machine!
Merc: ...Allright. we can try it when we get home.
Ripper: Yes!! We can do this!!
Merc: You know, this is actually not a bad idea..~

-Eversleeping town-

Acrobat: So.. were this your plan?
Prospecc: Yeah! If we move into one of the buildings, Eli cant find us!
Acrobat: I dont have anything against moving out with you, But.. won't It be Cold?
Prospecc: -Sighs- ... Mike.
Acrobat: Oh no, did I upset you..?! I'm sorry..!
Prospecc: You didn't upset me. Actually, you make me quite happy!
Acrobat: I do? I'm happy I make you happy!!
Prospecc: ....yes.
Acrobat: ...You seem upset..
Prospecc: Because I'm confused. I dont understand, or maybe I just dont want to understand..!
Actobat: Norton..? It's okay! You're great! I believe that you'll understand when you're ready!

Prospecc:!! Stop it!!
Acrobat: S-Stop what?
Prospecc: How can you be so Positive all the time?! How can you always look at the Bright side of things?! What would you do if there weren't any Bright sides?!
Acrobat: I-..! I'm just trying to-..!
Prospecc: No! We met only a few days ago so how can you trust me?!
Acrobat: I-.. I belive you're a good person a- and-..!
Prospecc: And how can I... fall in love with someone so fast..
Acrobat: Norton..? It's okay to fall in love you know..
Prospecc: always know what to say..
Acrobat: Not always..! I just say what comes to mind!
Prospecc: Then what's on your mind now..?
Acrobat: I'm happy.. to know that you fell in love with me.. That means you like me, right..?
Prospecc: -Nods and sighs- This is weird..
Acrobat: Life is meant to be a little weird, huh?
Prospecc: Yeah.. Mike..?
Acrobat: Yes?
Prospecc: Tomorrow, can we just forget that all of this happened..? Never talk about it again..?
Acrobat: You want to displace your feelings..?
Prospecc: Yes.. Please.
Acrobat: ...Sure. if that's what you want.
Prospecc: -Quickly Hugs Mike-
Acrobat: -Smiles and Hugs back- Norton, I want you to know that theres nothing wrong about this. It's nothing wrong with you at all.
Prospecc: Thank you Mike..

-Joseph Room-

Embalmer: Let's do something.
Joseph: Robbie will just walk in on us again.
Embalmer: No nothing like that.
Joseph: Then what do you mean?
Embalmer: All we have done lately is Sleep, eat and getting cockblocked. Let's do something else for once.
Joseph: ...Okay. What do you want to do?
Embalmer: Lets play a game.
Joseph: If you think I'm sinking so low that I'll Start playing Yatzy like Jack, you're completly wrong!
Embalmer: No! I mean like.. Let's go for a walk then.
Joseph: ...allright.

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