F for Norton x Morton

932 38 11

-Xie and Emily room-

Geisha: Where is Norton!!
Minds eye: I see him! I see him!!
Geisha: Helena! What is happening!!
Minds eye: Norton! -Cries-
Geisha: Helena..! We cant help Norton if you dont tell us what you see..!
Minds eye: He's Unconcious..! No hes alive! Uh.. I dont know what I'm looking at!! ...Norton..?
Geisha: What is his occupation?
Minds eye: ...I have never seen this place before! He looks Burried!
Feaster: That won't really tell us anything.
Seer: -Cries- Mike...
Geisha: Eli too? Hey! What do you see Eli?
Seer: Poor Mike.. He is Sad.. and lonly..
Geisha: Eli?
Seer: -Shakes head- It's nothing dangerous. Just sad.
Ripper: This is too creepy for me to handle.
Joseph: Really? YOU are going to be the one to say that?
Minds eye: Michiko..! Please find Norton!
Geisha: We dont know where he is.
Minds Eye: Where did you last see him?
Feaster: ...my room.
Geisha: Let's all go..! It feels like an Emergancy!
Xie: Emily! Take care of the other survivors!
Doc: -Has Black goo coming out of her eyes as she watches TV-
Xie: ...Good. just keep watching.

Feaster: -Runs to room and Tries to Open the door- ...It's stuck!
Geisha: Open it!
Feaster: Im trying!
Ripper: Joseph, Help me! -Tries to Push open door With Hastur-
Joseph: -Helps as well- What the hell is Blocking the door..?!
Xie and Fan: -Looks at Eachother and Helps as well-

Feaster: Its no use! It wont open!
Guard 26: -Comes running and drops bomb in front of door-
Ripper: Oh lord.. take cover!!

-Everyone hides from bomb as it blows up the door-

Feaster: -Looks inside- ...? Oh god what has happened to my room..?!
Ripper: -Walks inside- ...This is a Jungle.
Joseph: -Walks In- where is your bed?
Geisha: Its under those Vines.
Xie: What about your pool?
Feaster: My pool! Wheres the pool water?!
Joseph: Dude theres a Giant Tree in your pool.
Feaster: ...oh no..
Ripper: What!
Feaster: ...He fell in. Norton must have fallen in!
Ripper: What?! So this Jungle is all Norton!!
Geisha: Find his Body!
Feaster: -Jumps into empty pool and Examins tree- ...I found him
Ripper: Is he okay?!
Feaster: -Looks closer at Norton- No. Theres a Huge tree growing out of his chest, along with alot of flowers. The Tree roots are wrapped around him and.. his eyes are closed.
Geisha: IS HE DEAD?!
Feaster: ....maybe.
Joseph: Mike is going to kill every single one of us.. -Climbs down to Hastur and checks Nortons Condition- Holy fuck. -Leans against tree- ....
Ripper: Did you find something?!
Joseph: Theres a Heartbeat inside the tree!
Geisha: ...Hey, as long as everything In here looks green, He is alive! Do not let the tree die!
Feaster: I need to take Vera back to my old room. She needs water.
Joseph: But what about Norton?!
Geisha: Until Emily is cured, there is nothing we can do.

Acrobat: ...Norton?
Geisha: Oh no..
Acrobat: -Crawls on all four up to pool- .....
Feaster: Listen Mike. He is not dead he's just-
Joseph: Shhh.. Let's go..
Xie: ....
Fan: ....
Geisah: Let him have some time alone..
Acrobat: -Lays down next to Nortons body and Nuzzles against him and the Tree- .....

Geisha: -Looks at Mike before being the last hunter to Leave the room- ....
Xie: Opens door His and Emilys room.
Postman: -Dancing ballet- did you find Norton?
Fan: Yes. But he needs to stay where he is now for a while.
Postman: Mike lef-
Feaster: Yes. We met him. He needs some time alone.

Merc: ...I'm bored.
Ripper: How are you feeling Naib?
Merc: Better then ever!~ it's a Beautiful day! -Smiles brightly-
Ripper: I take that as bad.
Joseph: Michiko, Any updates from Eli and Helena?
Geisha: Helena. Eli. Do you see anything?
Minds eye: .....
Seer: .... I see something..
Geisha: What do you see?
Seer: ....I see Ibis..
Geisha: What.
Ripper: Where?!
Seer: ...Its not real.. its impossible..
Geisha: But you two see the future!
Seer: No we dont.. we see something.. and if we dont make it the future, we will.. be porcelain..
Minds eye: -Nods-
Geisha: But Ibis is Impossible..! How are we supposed to make that happen?
Seer: I dont know..
Geisha: But everything you have seen so far has happened. Almost.
Minds eye: ...Eli were about to Have his arm turned into Porcelain earlier because the scene with Mike didn't happen.
Geisha: But it did!
Eli: Because we Caused it. We told Mike to go. -Legs starts turning porcelain-
Geisha: ....Xie! Get the doctor out of that Chair and start looking for a Cure!!
Xie: Of course! -Walks to Emily trying to figure out of a way to help her-
Feaster: Well. I'm gonna go put the perfumer back in the water. -Leaves while carrying Vera-
Ripper: Should we maybe, like.. lock this door for the night?
Geisha: We need at least two people who can stay here with them. Not including Bonbon. And yes, lock the door.
Guard 26: -Still running back and Forth serving Fiona Chips and Soda-
Xie: I'll stay here with them. Mostly because its my room.
Joseph: I'll stay t-
Geisha: No not you.
Joseph: Why not me!
Geisah: You were responsible for Red! We only had ONE red and you were able to lose track of him and now his body is A Jungle!!
Joseph: Fine! Someone else take care of them then!
Fan: I'll stay here with my brother.
Xie: Thanks Fan.
Geisha: Good. Find me if something happens. I'm going to bed. -Leaves-
Ripper: -Hugs Naib- Don't worry! You'll be healthy again soon..!
Joseph: -Smiles and gives Aesop a little kiss- I love you, dont make things too difficult for Wu chang, allright?
Feaster: ...
Seer: ....Hastur..?
Feaster: I'll be back tomorrow Eli. Do you think you'll be allright?
Seer: -Nods-
Feaster: -Hugs Eli then Leaves with Jack and Joseph-

Xie: Hey bro.
Fan: -Worried about Victor- ...How will he be able to sleep if he has to Dance all the time..
Xie: ...
Postman: I'm very tired..
Fan: I think theres only one thing we can do for now. We need to give him some Anthesia so he wont feel his bones Crack.
Xie: I know where the Anthesia is. Hold up.
Postman: That's going to hurt when I wake up..
Fan: I know but you can't dance all night. You need sleep.
Postman: -Nods-
Xie: -Gives Victor an Anethesia shot- There. You shouldn't feel anything now.
Postman: -Stops dances and lays down trying to sleep, But struggles from the sounds of his Bones shattering-
Seer: Owch, Sounds painful..
Postman: -Nods- Tomorrow is gonna be painful..
Minds eye: ....why did I catch this weird disease..
Seer: ...I think we're all wondering the same.
Fan: ...We just need Emily to be cured and she'll know what to do..
Xie: She's not even talking anymore.. or moving. Shes just watching TV with the Priestess while this weird goo comes out of Their eyes and mouth. I'm a little creeped out by this.
Fan: ...You should all sleep.
Seer: -Nods and tries to sleep-
Minds eye: Okay.. I miss Michiko.. -Goes to sleep as well-
Merc and Embalmer: -Already sleeping-
Cord: -Sighs- .....
Xie: Dont worry guys.. me and Fan will make sure nothing bad happens while you sleep.

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