We got more then 1 problem now.

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-Phantom Castle-

Embalmer: this is clearly a big problem. You don't remeber Jack?
Merc: No, who is Jack?
Embalmer: -Points at Naibs Ring-
Merc: -Looks at Hand- Woah! I'm married?
Embalmer: Let's just.. go see jack and then tell me how you feel. -Goes to Jacks room-
Ripper: how did it go? I bet Nightingale Held back her Vomit when she saw you.
Merc: ...Is this Jack..?
Embalmer: Yes.
Merc: -Shakes head- This is a sick prank, Hey you! Aesop said this is my room! Get out.
Ripper: What?
Merc: You're in my room.
Ripper: Yeah?
Embalmer: ...Jack. Naib lost his memories of you.
Ripper: ....H-He did..?
Merc: Okay first of all, I'm not gay, seccond, im not married and third, get out of my room.
Ripper: How do we get his memories back?
Embalmer: ...Ask someone for help.
Ripper: ....-Walks out and Knocks on Geishas door-
Geisha: -Yawns- ...its early. What do you want.
Ripper: Naib Lost his memories of me. Please help me.
Geisha: ...-Walks into Jacks room- Hello Mercenary.. How are you feeling?
Merc: Great.
Geisha: ...But you dont remeber Jack?
Merc: -Sighs- No! I have never even seen Jack before!!
Geisha: -Looks at Ripper- Um.. try recreating events to Jog his memory or something. Maybe he will get some deja vu.
Ripper: How?
Geisha: Start by wearing your mask and go from there.
Ripper: -Puts on mask- Allright.
Merc: Woah! Ripper..!
Geisha: ....oh.
Ripper: He remebers me!
Merc: How can I forget you, you slaughterer!
Ripper: -Sighs-
Geisha: ...He hasn't forgotten about you. His memories has just gone back in time.
Embalmer: ....Naib, what do you remeber about Eli?
Merc: ......I dont want to talk about it in front of them..
Embalmer: ....His Memories is between the time Me and Naib Got abused and the time He fell in love with Jack.
Ripper: Is that it..? I have lost Naib..?
Geisha: -Whacks Jack-
Ripper: Hey! What were that for!?
Geisha: What happened to the guy who literally forced Naib to take a Bath even tho he kept pushing you away and Forced him to sleep in your bed when he just wanted to go home?
Ripper: ..That's right! Naib fell in love with me because I.. pushed him so much.
Embalmer: And because you actually cared for him. Dont forget that part.
Ripper: Hey Naib! Let's take a Bath!
Merc: I just took a Bath in Aesops Room.
Ripper: Now you're doing on in my room! -Picks up Naib and Runs into bathroom-
Merc: -Struggles- N-no..! Let go of me you demon!!
Geisha: ...So we're back to this, huh..?
Embalmer: ...-Walks back to Josephs room-
Joseph: Hey, how did it go?
Embalmer: Jack is Bathing Naib against his will right now.
Joseph: Again?
Embalmer: Yes.
-Someone Knocks on door-
Joseph: ...Come in?
Queen: -Walks in- Hello, I came to introdu..
Joseph: WHAT
Queen: JOSEPH?!
Jospeh: YOU'RE ALIVE?!
Embalmer: ....Am I missing out on something here..?
Joseph: Uh..! I am sorry for.. you know..! Dont hurt me.
Queen: -Tackles Joseph- I thought you were dead!! But now we're finally back together!!
Joseph: Mary! Listen! We are not together!!
Embalmer: What.
Joseph: Remeber how I told you I have been Married to someone before.. and then decapitated her..?
Embalmer: That is Her?
Jopseh: ...Yes. but I were sure she was dead!!
Queen: Dont worry! Now we can be together forever!!
Joseph: Listen to me Mary! I'm Gay and I'm Married!!
Queen: Yeah, to me!
Joseph: No to Aesop!
Queen: But you never divorced me so now you are both me and His Husband.
Joseph: No! Only Aesop!
Queen: You're Mine!!
Embalmer: -Backs away-
Joseph: She might seem nice and Cute but trust me she is Crazy!!
Queen: I'm not Crazy! He took my Virginity when I were 13!!
Embalmer: That was her too?
Joseph: Mary Calm down!!
Queen: I AM CALM!!
Joseph: You havent Changed a Bit!!
Queen: Oh yes I have changed! I am Stronger and I'm going to Decapitate you myself!!
Joseph: Mary! It were long ago! Let's forget about everything that Happened, okay?! That were like a different life!!
Queen: Come to be My love!!~
Embalmer: ...Does she love you or hate you, I really cant tell.
Joseph: Both! She wants to kill me but at the same time she Loves me too much!! She is crazy!!
Embalmer: -Hides- If you're going to kill Joseph, Please dont kill me as well.
Queen: Dont worry! I respect you for understanding my feelings twoards Joseph~ So Short and Manly~
Joseph: I'm not short!!
Queen: Hahaha..~ Come to Meee..~
Joseph: Michino!! MICHIKO!!!
Geisha: -Walks into Josephs room- Ehat do you Want Joseph.
Joseph: Get rid of that Monster..!
Queen: That's a little rude, dont you think?
Geisha: Dont call Mary a Monster, do you have no maners?
Queen: Its okay. I'm sorry, I just wanted to Introduce myself.
Geisha: I apologize about Joseph. He can be a little.. yeah.
Joseph: Hey! You snake!! Michiko, she wants to Kill me!!
Queen: Now why would I do that?
Geisha: Joseph, go to bed you're tired. -Leaves with Mary-
Embalmer: -Nods-
Joseph: I did not need her to come back to life!! And she still looks young!
Embalmer: Maybe she is trapped in time just like you.
Joseph: Oh hell no..

-Forest outside of Manor-

Axe boy: -Cries- Where am I..?!  What is this..?! I'm getting all soaked..!
Prospecc: ROBBIIIIE?
Axe boy: ..Mike and Norton!! MIIIKE!! NORTOOON! HELP MEEEE!! -Trips- ...WAAAAAAH!!!
Prospecc: -Quickly runs up to Robbie and sits down in the Mud to Help Robbie up- Hey! Are you okay..?!
Acrobat: -Sits down in the mud as well and Hugs Robbie- We were worried about you..!
Axe boy: I thought you didn't care about me anymore so I run away..! -Sniffles-
Prospecc: Hey, if course we are about you Robbie..
Acrobat: We would never abandon you, you know..
Axe boy: -Hugs Mike and Norton while Sniffeling-
Prospecc: Let's go home, okay..? It's dangerous here..
Axe boy: -Nods and holds Mike and Nortons Hands while starting to walk back home to the Manor-

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