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Embalmer: -Runs up to main entrance- Naib!
Merc: Hey Aesop. The Ripperie were terrible.
Embalmer: What about that guy?
Merc: The Creep from outside?
Embalmer: Yeah!
Oliver: Oh he ran away.
Merc: What?! How?!
Oliver: He moved his legs?
Merc: You just watched him run away, didn't you?
Oliver: Of course I did. He's not my problem. Jack!
Ripper: yes?
Oliver: I'm leaving. I'll see you in probably three years.
Ripper: Yes yes.. Goodbye.
Merc: He Is already gone.
Ripper: Who cares.
Embalmer: Hey! Theres a stranger in the Manor you know!
Merc: Oh right! We need to catch him!
Joseph: The ghost is free in the Manor?
Embalmer: Yeah! We should find him.
Prospecc: Damn it! Nightingale cant know about this!
GK: .....
Merc: ....Who is that guy?
Embalmer: He is a White monster. Dont get too close or he'll eat your soul.
GK: Rude.
Joseph: Andrew here is Aesops Nemisis. Or.. Old co worker. He is new at the Manor.
Merc: Oh. Nice to meet you Andrew. I'm Naib.
Embalmer: No it's not nice to meet him.
???: Still having a lover quarrel..?~
Embalmer: There! Hey! I'm married to this guy! Stop telling me I'm gay for this freak!
GK: You're Married to the hunter? You really are gross.
Merc: Focus! Aesop!
Embalmer: Yeah.. the creep..
Ripper: Hey! Get over here!
???: How about no!
Feaster: -Sneaks up from behind and grabs stranger- Excuse me?
???: Ah! Octopus!
Seer: Good job Hastur!
Merc: Hey, Let's lock him up in the asylum.
???: Huh? What? No! Dont lock me up anywhere! I'm sorry for disturbing the peace!
Embalmer: Fine. Trap him somewhere else.
Feaster: The pool in my room is still empty. We can throw him down there and remove the ladder to trap him there.
Seer: Yeah! Good job idea Hastur!
Feaster: -Brings stranger to his room and Throws him into empty pool removing ladder-

Merc: Great. Now he cant go anywhere.
Embalmer: Let's start asking Questions.
Merc: he seems scared.. Hey. What's your name? I'm Naib. -Smiles to give a friendly impression-
???: I'm not telling you.. I dont trust you..
Merc: Im just being chill dude, if you tell me who you are we could maybe be friends!
???: ...Not everyone who smiles to you, is your friend...
Embalmer: Naib, He has been through some trauma. I can tell.
Merc: I see.. Hey, Dont you have any friends?
???: I dont need friends.. They're all Fake..! Once they stop talking with you, They start talking about you..
Joseph: Wow. Deep.
Embalmer: I don't care! Why are you taunting me?! Look! This is my husband! -Pats Joseph while being upset-
???: Husband..? Hahaha... Hahahahaha.... Hahahahahaha!!
Prospecc: -Backing away- What the heck guys he is Crazy..!
???: How Ironic! You got your happy end already, right!
Embalmer: Y-.. Yeah..! So what..!?
???: So many people are waiting for their happy endings.. And then there are those who gave up on waiting for the happy ending.. And who is just waiting for the end..
Merc: Guys he is Creeping me out.
???: Yeah.. I'm a Creep. In this world, No one notices your sadness.. No one notices your Pain.. all they notice is your mistakes..
Embalmer: What the hell did the world do to this guy.
Joseph: Hey..! Can you stop quoting deep stuff!
Seer: -Wipes tears-
Feaster: Eli..?
Seer: What he says is True!! Nobody notices your feelings! Just your mistakes! Why did I get shock therapy?!!
Feaster: Oh boy.. Come with me Eli.. -Takes Eli with him to bathroom to wipe his tears-
Postman: ....
Fan: What are we supposed to do with him?
Xie: -Comes out of Umbrella- get rid of him. Obviously.
Ripper: But he already knows about the manor. We cant just let him go.
Xie: Kill him.
Merc: NO!
???: ...You -Points at Xie-
Xie: What.
???: Nothing hurts more then realizing someone means everything to you, but you mean nothing to them..~
Fan: What the.. Dont listen to him Xie!!
???: The greatest pain that comes with love, is loving someone you can't have, am I right?~
Xie: ...Emily -Goes back into umbrella-
Fan: Xie..!
Merc: I see what he's doing! He is messing with our hearts..!
???: Let me go already!
Merc: No!
Acrobat: Hey..! Um.. you said you dont have any friends, right? I'll be your friend if you tell me your name..! I'm Mike Morton! I'm an Acrobat!
Prospecc: Mike..! Dont give him Information..!
Acrobat: Norton..! I know someone who is in pain when I see them..
Prospecc: ....
???: Mike Morton, huh..? You're the kind of guy who tries to make everyone around you smile, but when you need a smile, no ones there for you, huh..?
Acrobat: ...That's.. Irrelevant..
Prospecc: Stop it!
Merc: Guys. He is messing with our heads.
Postman: -Letter- "Please tell us your name."
???: You're really curious huh? Fine. I wont tell you my real name but you can call me.. Q for now.
Merc: ...Q?
Q: That's right! I'm Q to you guys! Q for Question. Since I'm a Mystery person..~
GK: ....Does people get into the manor often..?
Embalmer: No.
Q: Let me out of here?
Merc: No. You have to stay here until we know what to do about you.
Prospecc: Listen up Q, if you even think about causing any more trouble then I will Tie you up in my cave and leave you there for days!
Q: I dont mind..~
Acrobat: -Gets the Hibijibis-
Prospecc: This guy..
Ripper: How did he even find the manor in the first place..
Acrobat: Maybe he's the new Survivor?
Prospecc: Impossible. Andrew just came. There cant come two new survivors within so short time.
Embalmer: Or maybe Andrew isn't the new survivor at all. Let's kick him out.
GK: Shut up.
Embalmer: No u.
Joseph: Stop being mean to eachother.
Ripper: Guys?
Merc: What?
Ripper: ...Wheres Q?
Prospecc: ...AH! HES GONE!!
Embalmer: FIND HIM!
Acrobat: Do not let Nightingale see him..!

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