Twinks in the Forest

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Feaster: ..What do you guys need feom the manor..?
Seer: We need our stuff. Pyjamas. Sleepingbags. The tent. A portable stove. And some food and snacks of course.
Embalmer: ...And some cards.
Merc: -Heads to his room to grab his stuff-
Seer: Dont take more then you need Naib, we're only going to be there for 1 night!
Merc: Got it!
Embalmer: ...I'll go to the kitchen and fix the food and stove.
Seer: Thank you Aesop.
Prospecc: Hey! What are you twinks doing!
Embalmer: ...We're going camping.
Prospecc: Camping?! The twinks are doing something manly! Nothing is more manly then camping! Im coming with!
Seer: no wait.. this is supposed to-
Prospecc: -Runs to his room to get his stuff-
Embalmer: -Sighs- I guess thats 3 hours of sitting around the camp fire listening to his stories.
Feaster: -Shurgs-
Seer: -Laughs a little and then goes to get his stuff-

-All the bois gathers back with bags and stuff they need-
Seer: Naib. What is that.
Merc: A sniper gun. We can hunt for bear. And Deers or Moose.
Gamekeeper at Phantom castle: -Sneezes-
Embalmer: -Looks at Prospecc- ...
Seer: Hey Naib, Do you really think its a good idea to have a gun laying around Aesop..? When we are asleep..?
Merc: ....You're right.. Aesop is a little scary..
Embalmer: ......-Staring at Prospecc-
Merc: ...Dont worry. I don't think the two of us are on the top of the hit list.
Prospecc: Fresh air and Nature!
Embalmer: ....Yes. fresh air.. and nature..
Feaster: ...Eli? Is he safe..?
Seer: I dont know.
Fester: ...Lets just go. -Makes portal to Arms factory-

-The bois sets up a tent in the corner of the map and then makes campfire-
Seer: Well, This is not so bad!
Embalmer: Wheres Ibis..?
Seer: I sent him checking the area for bears.
Prospecc: Bears are no big deal! What you really should be scared of is lizards! They're everywhere!!
Merc: We can eat lizards.
Prospecc: -GhAaAaSp-
Merc: ....Dont worry, the 'toxins' burns out.
Prospecc: I see you're a man of nature youself Naib!
Merc: .....
Embalmer: -Grilling some marshmallows over the fire- .....
Owl: -Returns to Seer-
Seer: No bears.
Embalmer: So then it will just be a peaceful night between us.
Prospecc: Hahaha.! Its never peaceful! Danger can jump out at any time!
Embalmer: -Stuffs Propsecc Face with Marshmallows- .......shus.
Embalmer: Now try saying Chubby bunny.
Prospecc: HmmPghnnmw!!
Embalmer: You failed.
Merc: Hahaha! Nice way of making him shut up.
Seer: -Whips out a deck of cards- We're playing Idiot. Loser is idiot.
Embalmer: Norton already lost.
Prospecc: -Trying to chew all the marshmallows in his mouth-
Merc: -Looks at his cards and starts playing-
Embalmer: Hmm..
Seer: ...-Smiles-
Merc: -Grabs the owl- No cheating Eli. -Whips off Elis headband-
Seer: Damn it.


Ripper: Come on come on..! Run..!
Joseph: I have shorter legs then you! Im running as fast as i can!
Axe kid: -Sliding past Joseph and Ripper on wines and into the shack- Im faster then both of you.
Ripper: Shut up you have abilities to make you fast!
Joseph: No arguing.! Quick! Into the basement..!!
-Bois runs into basement-
Ripper: Oh my god. What are you doing here!!
Feaster: ...I am about to ask you the same.
Joseph: We are here to protect our boys!
Feaster: Im here to protect Eli.
Ripper: He dont need protection!
Feaster: If his personality starts changing im here to fix it! Now shut up or they will hear us!
Axe kid: Why are we camping in the basement!?
Joseph: Because that damn Seer has an Owl patrolling over the entire map! It wont find us here.
Feaster: I see we were thinking the same thing.
Axe kid: Did anyone make a plan for how we can spy on them..?
Feaster: ...Eli wont use Ibis after its dark. Then we can sneak out and hide behind the logs and watch them.
Ripper and Joseph: -Laughs-
Ripper: Amatures!
Joseph: Me and Jack will go right now!
Axe kid: Why!
Ripper: Pssh! I can be Invisible! We are not in a battle now so they won't notice my presence!
Joseph: And i will use the photoworld.
Feaster: photoworld..? Allright. I can go though that too.
Jospeh: Easy peasy. -Takes picture-
Ripper: -Goes invisible and then heads out near the Bois tent-
Seer: Naib its your turn.
Merc: -Dying from Laughter-
Embalmer: Its not that funny.
Merc: Look at Norton!!
Prospecc: -Almost dying from suffocation-
Seer: -Slaps Nortons Back so he'll spit out the marshmallows-

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