Its getting worse?!

901 37 14

-Fan and Victor room-

Postman: -Starts writing letter but struggles writing- .....
Fan: What's wrong..?
Postman: -Shrugs-
Cord: ...Is there something you want to imply? You should give me a Try.
Fan: -Smiles a little finding it funny that there is only Rhymes-
Postman: -Gives Martha pen and paper-
Cord: -Tries to write something- ....
Fan: Is there something wrong with the paper?
Cord: -Thinking out how to say a sentence with Rhymes- uh.. This will shame me as a Cord, It seems like I can't write a single word!
Fan: That's a problem.. if you lose your ability to write and can only speak in Rhymes, it will be hard to communicate with the both of you.
Cord: -Rests in Fan and Victors bed- ...
Fan: ...I cant stop thinking that there is something more to Orange.
Cord: Please dont imply such a fact.. it's hard enough that all my bones are Cracked..
Fan: I get that but why not just speak at all? Then technically they wont crack.
Cord: Its not that easy! AAH!! OW HELP ME!! -Lots of Cracking sounds are heard-
Fan: Ah! Dont speak..!
Postman: .....
Fan: Thank god you have stitches on.. -Packs Martha into a Cord burrito- Listen, from our earlier results, Your bones crack, but they also seem to heal really fast. I guess cracking your bones is punishment for not speaking in rhymes, then you get healed again, just so you can get cracked again later.
Cord: -Groans- .....
Postman: .....
Fan: .....
Cord: ....
Fan: This silence is too awkward. I'm going to put some music on. -Slaps on the music box playing Some funky music-
Postman: -Starts Dancing- ..?!
Cord: ...?
Fan: Victor what are you doing.
Postman: -Shakes head while doing Funky dance-
Cord: A step closer to our goal. It seems like he has lost control.
Fan: That rhymes..?
Cord: -Nods-
Fan: Weird. -Turns off Music-
postman: -Still dancing-
Fan: ...Hey, Victor?
Postman: -Dances up to drawer, pulls out scissors and cuts stitches-
Fan: No! Dont speak!
Postman: Its not Rhymes! I know what orange is!!
Fan: You do?
Cord: ...?!
Postman: -Still dancing- Martha! What was the last thing you said to vera before you noticed you got the Disease?
Cord: .....We live in the Palace of silence, Can you belive it Vera? ....its like the manor has started a whole new era...
Fan: ..I see! Once you start doing something, you cant stop?!
Postman: She was just unlucky! She Rhymed and now she cant stop!
Fan: And.. you cant stop dancing..
Postman: yeah! But I'm starting to get tired.. this is not good..
Fan: Why did you even start dancing?
Postman: I didn't..! Or.. I just tapped my feet to the rythm of the music and then suddenly my whole body started moving instead.
Fan: tapping your feet counts as dancing. Just sit down and tap your feet.
Postman: -Sits down and taps feet on the floor in some kind of rythm.-
Cord: -Sighs-
Fan: Well if you do something and then cant stop doing it, then we have a problem. It looks like the Virus picks something you're doing at random.
Postman: How so?
Fan: Well you walked earlier, But you can stop walking. The virus just chooses an random action you do and then makes you stick to it.
Postman: ...that means there is probably more to the other colors as well..

-Hastur And Eli room-

Feaster: ...Why did I get pink.. what are you two doing..
Acrobat: -Poking Hasturs Tentacle with One of Elis feather pens-
Feaster: That's a Pen Mike.
Perfumer: HOOH!
Feaster: I dont even understand what you're saying anymore.
Acrobat: -Hisses and tries to bite Hasturs Tentacle-
Feaster: If you're hungry, you should have said so. -Cuts off One tentacle and gives it to Mike and Vera- Dont worry, it grows back out.
Perfumer: -Runs to Tentacle and tries to eat it-
Acrobat: -Tries to eat it as well-
Feaster: -Sighs not really sure what to do-
Prospecc: -Comes running into room- Where is Mike!
Joseph: -Follows- Hey! I thought I told you that we'll stay in my room!
Prospecc: I need to know that Mike is doing allright!
Feaster: Joseph. I have figured out more to the Pink nails.
Joseph: What.
Feaster: They're not Cannibals or cave men like you said. It's like they're a new Species of Animals. They're just trying to survive by eating, Sleeping and Communicating. However, They have started Developing they're own Language. Look at them as wild dogs.
Joseph: I see.
Prospecc: Mike!!
Acrobat: -Tackles Norton-
Prospecc: -Hugs Mike- You're okay, Yes?! You're not hurting anywhere?
Acrobat: Mitola santropos bigol!
Perfumer: Katolo mikaso ramone..
Joseph: That's a very.. what language is that?
Feaster: I dont know. I think they invented it themselves.
Acrobat: -Nuzzles Norton-
Prospecc: Aww, but he's cute! -Pets Mike-
Joseph: He bit you earlier, remeber?
Prospecc: Whatever! If Mike wants to bite me, he can!
Joseph: I cant research your red nails if you dont cooperate!
Prospecc: Then let's do it in here where I can have controll over Mike!
Joseph: Fine!
Perfumer: -Chokes-
Feaster: Ah! Vera! What's wrong!?
Perfumer: -Holds her hips-
Feaster: -Moves Veras hands- oh lord.. come with me! -Picks up perfumer and opens floor pool-
Joseph: Hastur what are you doing!?
Feaster: -Throws Vera into pool-
Feaster: ...She is.
Joseph: What?!
Perfumer: -Is able to breath again. But under water-
Joseph: Explaination!
Feaster: There was gills on her hips. She needed water.
Joseph: What exactly is pink?!
Acrobat: -Licking Nortons Face-
Feaster: ...They're evolving.
Joseph: What's that supposed to mean?!
Feaster: You know about all the theories that says humans has evolved into humans! The Carles Darwin theory!
Joseph: ...Yes, I have heard about that. What about it?
Feaster: ...its like that. They're evolving to something greater then themselves.
Joseph: They're turning into Animals Hastur! That's not something greater then themselves! The perfumer cant be above water, right?!
Feaster: They're still humans. They just get.. animal Traits. And personality. -Looks at Acrobat-
Joseph: I'm pretty damn happy that Aesop dont has this weird color!
Feaster: ....
Ripper: -Enters room and Tackles Prospector- IM GOING TO KILL HIM!
Ripper: -Stabs Norton with Claws-

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