A final goodbye

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(WoAh I almost started crying when writing this chapter, I broke my own Heart Fffffff)

-Jack room-

Seer: -Laying passed out in Jacks bed-
Merc: Eli..
Embalmer: This is unbelievable..
Priestress: I can't accept this reality..! I mean, what..?! Ibis got eaten?!
Merc: ...I'll go check on the scene.. take care of Eli.. -Leaves and walks Into Hasturs room-

Feaster: P-Please dont cry..
Dreamwitch: I- I can't Belive what I have done..!! Why would I..!? How could i..?! I can never face Eli again..!!! -Cries and Hulks-
Ripper: Yidhra..! It's fine! You can't change the past. Besides, Eli is your prophet so I guess he can observe you without fearing his life now.
Dreamwitch: But he hates me..! -Lays down on bed and Cries-
Spawn: My lady.. Eli won't hate you.. I bet he will forgive you since he knows it wasn't you, it was Cthulhu, right..?
Ripper: That's right!
Merc: Jack, Are you all doing allright..?
Ripper: We cleaned the bathroom and found this. Give it to the seer. -Gives Naib a box-
Merc: What's thi.. oh.. Oh!
Ripper: -Smiles at Naib and then turns to Yidhra again- Listen! We won't leave your side before you have calmed down.
Joseph: -Finnishes fixing Hasturs Door- That's right. Everything will be fine.
Dreamwitch: Eli should take a knife and slice me up and sacrefice my Remains to Cthulhu!! -Screams into pillow-
Feaster: -Sighs- This is going to take a while, Mercenary, If Eli cheers a little up, then please send him In to have a chat with Yidhra. -Gives Naib one of Ibis feathers-
Merc: -Takes feather and walks back in to Jack's room-

Embalmer: How did it look?
Merc: The dreamwitch is in shock and isn't able to forgive herself.
Priestress: Poor Lady Yidhra.. Poor Eli..
Doc: -Comes running- Eli!! I heard what happened..!!!
Embalmer: He is passed out.
Doc: Right..! -Starts Nursing Eli-
Merc: Who told you?
Doc: Xie and Fan..! They brought me here..! I can't belive Ibis is dead..
Wu chang: -Waits with the door-
Priestress: How is Eli going to be able to play matches..? He has no special ability without Ibis..
Merc: We'll see... guys.. I can't help but think this is my fault..
Embalmer: How. This isn't anyones fault.
Merc: ....I remebered something from my honeymoon with Jack..
Priestress: You go more of your memories back..?
Merc: Me and Jack were at a shrine and we both made a wish.. my wish were that Elis abusive side would be gone forever.. but Elis abusive side was..
Priestress: Its not your fault Naib!
Merc: What..?
Priestress: That movie we watched! They put that on intentionally! Someone tried to get Eli killed but they got Ibis killed instead!!

Seer: -Wakes up in shock- Ibis?!
Doc: Shh shh.. Relax..
Seer: -Pulls Bandana thing down in front of his eyes- Why isn't Ibis Replying..?! Why can't I see anything..! Ibis..?!
Doc: -Takes off Bandana thing again- Eli.. Relax..
Seer: -Cries and looks away-
Merc: -Sits down next to Eli and gives him Ibis feather-
Seer: -Grabs Feather and hugs it- T- Thank you Naib.. -Keeps crying-
Embalmer: Feaster is in his room with Jack, Joseph and the dreamwitch. Before we go in there, I suggest we'll hold a funeral.
Seer: F- For ibis.. yeah..
Embalmer: I am an expert on funerals. I'll help you out. Let's hold it in Leo's Memory, allright?
Seer: -Nods and wipes tears- Y- ... Yeah..
Embalmer: Fiona, Come with me. We'll go to Leo's Memory to prepare.
Merc: I'll go invite the other survivors.
Doc: I'll stay here with you Eli.
Embalmer: You hold on to that feather until the funeral.
Seer: -Nods-

Embalmer: -Finds Wu chang and goes through Portal with him and Fiona to Leos Memory-
Merc: -Walks to Axe boys room- Robby.
Axe boy: ITS ROBBIE!!!!
Merc: Yeah yeah. Come with me to the Manor.
Axe boy: No!
Merc: You get to see Mike and Norton.
Axe boy: Yay!!! -Makes portal going through it with Naib-

Perfumer: Naib! You're back!! -Pats Naibs stomach- I heard you have a bun in the oven.
Merc: D- Dont do that..! You're embarrassing me..!
Axe boy: -Tackles Mike and Norton- Miiike!! Nortooon!!
Prospecc: Hey Robbie
Acrobat: Woah! Hey there!
Prospecc: Naib! Hows pregnancy!!
-Male survivors laughs-
Merc: S-.. Shut up..!
Barmaid: How did that even happen.
Merc: This is not about me. Guys.. Eli is heartbroken.
Acrobat: Did he break up with the feaster?!
Merc: No.. Ibis is dead..
-Ghasps and Silence-

Merc: ....We are holding a Funeral on Leo's Memory. Fiona and Aesop are already there.
Enchantress: Eli..
Cord: Damn It that's messed up..!
Minds eye: -Cries a little- Poor Eli..
Axe boy: -Opens Portal and everyone gathers at Leos Memory-
Embalmer: Everyone, Please sit down on the chairs we prepared. Leave the front seat Open for Eli.
-Everyone does as Aesop Says-
Wu chang: -Comes through portal with Eli and Emily- I got them.
Seer: -Hands shakes alot as he hands Feather over to Aesop-
Embalmer: -Puts hand on Elis shoulder- Its fine.. you'll be fine Eli..
Seer: -Wipes eyes but is Unable to stop tears as he nods and sits down-
Embalmer: -Brushes feather to look as beautiful as possible- Fiona. You can begin.

Priestress: ...We are gathered here to say goodbye to our friend Ibis. She and Eli came to the Manor together and they have together made a stronger bond with Eachother, and the others around them.. She was trained by the best seer in the world. No owl could do what Ibis could do. She could share her eyes with Eli and only Eli can learn an animal to do something like that.
But in life, there always comes a time where we have to say goodbye.. if anyone want to say some words before we take a final goodbye, then now is the time..

Prospecc: -Stands up Quickly- Me first.
Seer: Thank you Norton..
Prospecc: ....Ibis were one hell of a Bird, But she were the best bird in the world. She were wise and brave! She will never be forgotten and she will remain in our hearts. She took so many hits for us. She has a big heart and lots of guts. -Nods and sits down-

Merc: ...Me next.. -Stands up- I think I speak for both me and Aesop, But we have had lots of experience with Ibis. We have good and bad memories with her.. even in the bad memories, she made us grow closer together with eachother, and with Eli.. at one point I'm pretty sure she fell in love with me. Heheh.. she were so sweet.. but even so, She loved Eli more then anyone else.. -Sits down-

Seer: -Stands up- Me last.. ...Ibis.. We have been together ever since I were a child and we grew up together.. life without you will be very different.. and.. I'm not sure If i will be able to go on without you.. I have always taken care of you.. and you took care of me too.. Lucky for us, we have made lots of great friends who will take care of me in these hard times..I will never forget you My Ibis... I love you...

Doc: -Tears up and hugs Eli- You did good..
Seer: -Keeps trying to wipe tears but keeps crying anyway-

Embalmer: Is it time then.. to take a final goodbye..?
Seer: -Nods slowly-
Embalmer: ...Goodbye Ibis.. You will be missed dearly by everyone.. -Lights match and Burns feather-
-Silence and Crying as feather burns up and ashes flies away-

Embalmer: ....Theres a final thing Naib wants to say.
Merc: -Nods and stands up with Box Jack gave him- Eli.. Jack found something while cleaning the feasters Room. It's a gift Ibis left behind for you.
Seer: -walks over to Naib- W-.. What's that..?
Merc: -Gives Eli box-
Seer: -Opens box and then takes gift out of box crying loudly and hugs it Gently-
Merc: ...When one life ends, a new one begins.. Ibis laid an egg behind for you..take good care of it for Ibis, allright..?
Seer: -Nods many times while carefully holding the egg- Thank you.. thank you thank you.. I'm forever grateful..
Merc: -Tears up a little and smiles hugging Eli- Let's go back to Phantom castle, allright..? The dreamwitch hates herself right now and you're the only one who can make her forgive herself.
Seer: -Nods- Of course.. I will talk with Lady Yidhra now..
Wu chang: -Wipes his Tears and then smiles- Great. Let's go. -Makes portal to Phantom Castle-

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