Encountering Cthulhu?

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-Naib and Jack Room-

Merc: So the ritual Huh?  Last time I checked, Your dad Cut your shoulder, Forced you to take a Blood sample and stabbed me in the back with a Needle.
Ripper: Sharing blood is only a part of it. There was another type of Liquif in that needle and that's what we need to know what is.
Merc: How.
Ripper: -Gives Naib Letter- We need to go to this.
Merc: -Takes letter and Reads it- ....
Ripper: ....So?
Merc: ...We are Invited to Arthur and Lukas Wedding..?
Ripper: -Nods-
Merc: ...But what if they're dead like everyone else..?
Ripper: We'll figure out when we get there.
Merc: You think you can Handle it..?
Ripper: Of course. I'm a Ripper.

-phantom castle-

Priestess: So Cthulhu has started killing everyone with that weird disease and we are pretty much some of the survivors.
Seer: -Nods-
DW: Okay? So we contact Cthulhu and then what?
Feaster: We want to know why. And what we're supposed to do.
Priestess: Then we need to start the Ritual.
Feaster: Fiona. I dont want to die in one of your Weird Rituals.
Priestess: You wont, however, Me and Eli wont be able to speak to Cthulu. Only you and lady Yidhra. However, me and Eli need to Partake in the Ritual for you to be able to reach him.
Feaster: Then let's Try.
Priestess: ...Eli, Make you and Lady Yidhras Circles. I do mine and Hasturs.
Seer: Allright. -uses salt to draw a big and a small Infinity snake Circle on the floor-
Priestess: -Uses salt to create a big and a small Cursed eye Circle on the floor-
Feaster: You two seem to know what your doing but I have never done this before. What's going on?
Priestess: -Stands in tiny cursed eye circle- Stand in the Big one Hastur.
DW: I assume I'm supposed to stay in the big infinity snake?
Seer: -Nods-
-Everyone gets in Position-

Priestess and Seer: ...aperiam in porta.. aperiam in porta... aperiam in porta..
Feaster and DW: -Looks at Eachother and starts Repeating- aperiam in porta.. aperiam in porta.. aperiam in porta..

Feaster: -Opens eyes- ....Ah! Yidhra?!
DW: Did it work..?
Feaster: ...Where are we? Everything is black I can barely see..
DW: Fiona and Eli is gone..
Feaster: ...Cthulhu! It's me! Hastur! ...R-.. Remeber me..?!
DW: I'm here too..!
Cthulhu: -Appears next to them- It's been such a long time..
DW: Ah..! Lord Cthulhu..
Feaster: ...Can Fiona and Eli hear us here..?
Cthulhu: Your prophets can neither hear or see you. They are currently unconscious is Nightingales Manor?
DW: ...Promise?
Cthulhu: -Nods-
DW: -Tackles Cthulu and starts hitting him- SCREW YOU! SCREW YOU! SCREW YOU! I HATE YOU!!
Feaster: Yidhra..! Calm down..! I hate him too but we're in an important situation!!
Cthulhu: -Just lays there and Sighs-
DW: How can you do that to me?! You made me Kill Elis Owl!! I HATE YOU!!
Cthulhu: The Prophet broke the rules.
DW: I didn't like those rules!!
Feaster: -Smacks Cthulhu- Shes right. Screw you. However, we are not here to argue with you.. we want to know why you started spreading the Virus.
Cthulhu: -Stands up- Its the start of a New Era.
Feaster: Why. Are you going to kill everyone in Nightingales Manor as well?
Cthulhu: Of course not. I love Nightingales Manor. I grew up there with my Buddy Oliver. I heard his son is there as well.
Feaster: Jack? Yeah. But still, Why are you killing everyone.
Cthulhu: Like I said, Its the start of a new Era. It's your duty to Repopulate the earth.
Yidhra: That's messed up.
Feaster: Yeah! Screw that!
Cthulhu: My decision has been made and I'm not changing it.
Feaster: I knew it would be useless to speak with you.. Let's go Yidhra..
DW: -Turns her back to Cthulu and walks with Hastur-
Cthulhu: Hey, You should Visit more often. I get lonely.
Feaster: No thanks my lord..
Cthulhu: Drop the "My lord" Stuff. Just call me dad like every other child does with their parents.
Feaster: I'm sorry but.. I will never accept you as my dad..
Cthulhu: Is that why you two are keeping it secret from your Prophets?
DW: ...I'll rather die then let the world know how related we are.


Ripper: -Walks to entrence with Naib- Hey guys.
Prisoner: -Hiding behind the Flour fort with the rest of team security- Why are you here!
Merc: We need to leave the manor to get a hold of the Ritual.
Prisoner: Not without safety suits!
Ripper: You have safety suits..?
Prisoner: No. But wear Gloves and gas masks!
Merc: -Sighs and Nods- We need to get to that wedding fast.. I hope it's not too late..
Ripper: Urgh.. I need to see my Dad again..
GK: Good luck. Dont bring back any Virus.
Ripper: -Puts on Gas mask and Gloves- We wont.
Merc: -Puts on Gas mask and Gloves as well- I hope this goes well.
Ripper: Bye guys. We'll be back as fast as we can.

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