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-Mike and Norton Room-

Postman: ....
Prospecc: So! Andrew! New guy. Tell us about youself!
GK: Uh.. are you going to beat me up..?
Acrobat: No! Why would we?
GK: ...I work on a Graveyard called Lutz.. Aesop used to work there too long ago... I bury people there and everyone called me the White monster..
Prospecc: He's an Alibino!
Postman: -Letter- "Why do you hate Aesop?"
GK: Tch... He always talked about how we should tell people the Truth about Lutz.. Ut were my only income so i accepted å hugs amount of money to Bury random people there and not only special people.. Aesop had respect for the dead so he kept transferring the corpses to where they were supposed to be..
Prospecc: ...What the heck, you're the bad guy!
Acrobat: HEY! Norton! We all have a past! Just like you and Luchino!
Prospecc: ....Go on.
GK: Because of this me and Aesop fought alot. And then he just left me one day.
???: I think you and Aesop have some real chemistry going on..~
GK: No we dont..! I dont like Aesop!
Acrobat: -Looks around- Who was that?
GK: I dont know.. it came from under your bed.
Propsecc: My cave? -Lifts bed and Crawls down- Hello?! Whg are you in my cave?!
Acrobat: Who is it?
Prospecc: I dont know, theres nobody here.
Acrobat: Do we have ghosts..?
GK: Ghosts arent real.. That's only something Lutz spread roumors about..
Prospecc: Stop being so obsessed with Lutz and come help me look for who is Ransaking my cave!
Acrobat: I dont want to..! Its scary..!
Postman: -Pushes Andrew into Cave-
GK: Ahh..! Ghosts..!!
Prospecc: You just said ghosts aren't real!!
GK: I.. I know what I said..


Ripper: Goodbye Lukas. Goodbye Arthur. I hope the two of you get enough courage to live happily together without being ashamed of our family.
Arthur: Shut up..
Merc: Goodbye Elizabeth. It were nice meeting you..!
Elizabeth: Goodbye Naib, I'll see you again next Ripperie!
Julian: Jack.
Ripper: Julian.
Julian: I hope you get a stroke and die Jackass.
Ripper: Screw you Julian, you're going to die alone.
Julian: You want to fucking go?!
Ripper: Bring it on loser!!
Sebastian: Julian! We're leaving.
Julian: Tch..
Kiara: Jack! Naib! -Tackle hugs Jack and Naib- I will miss you soooo much!! Send me a letter and tell me about your relationship! Bye bye!
Sharpie: I will send you a new Turkey!
Ripper: No no.. send that to mom..
Sharpie: -Licks Jacks Kneecap and leaves-
Ripper: .....I will never get used to that kid..
Jacqueline: Goodbye Oliver, I will miss you!
Oliver: I will miss you too. Take good care of Kiara and Sharpie.
Lidiya: Dont die within the next three years.
Jacqueline: Same to you Lidiya.
Lidiya: Screw you.
Jacqueline: No u.

-Entire family leaves-

Oliver: So. Naib. What did you think of your new family?
Merc: uh.. Its.. yeah.. Unique..!
Oliver: You're absolutely right! Now before you two leave I need to do something important.
Merc: Like what.
Lidiya: -Looks away-
Oliver: -Pins Jack down and Cuts his shoulder-
Ripper: Ah! DAD! What are you doing!?
Oliver: Shh shh. Dont worry son. -Grabs Syringe-
Oliver: -Forcefully takes a Bloodsample-
Merc: -Shook- That's... not how you take blood samples Mr. Ripper..
Oliver: No worries. -Stabs Naibs back with Syringe and shoots Jacks blood into Naib-
Merc: What the!? Hey! Thats illegal!
Ripper: -Groans while standing up- You think my dad cares..?
Oliver: The ritual has been performed! You can now leave.
Merc: Wait what?! No! What?! What does that mean!?
Lidiya: You can now turn over 2000 years old and you can give birth to a Ripper.
Merc: NO! WHAT?! JACK!
Ripper: Dad! I didnt want to do that ritual!
Oliver: Does It look like i care what you want? Now go back to the manor. It's late.
Lidiya: Oliver! Follow them!
Oliver: But-
Lidiya: No buts!
Oliver: Fine.. Come on Naib. Jack, grow up. It were just a Blood sample.
Ripper: Screw you dad.. you called me a Toddler earlier..
Oliver: Because you are a Todler. Get your legs moving.

-Phantom castle-

Embalmer: Hmph..
Joseph: That's your reason for hating eachother? It's just dead bodies, who cares?
Embalmer: I care! You sound like Andrew now! Have some respect for the dead, will you?
Joseph: Fine.
Seer: I think we can all become friends if you talk it out.
Embalmer: No thanks.
Seer: oh..
Feaster: There there. You made a Good suggestion. -Pats Eli-
Prospecc: Hey! We need some help!
Embalmer: Why did Andrew try to Bury you at Lutz without premition?
Prospecc: Are you saying I'm not special enough to get buried at Lu- ...That's not what this is About!! There are ghosts on me and Mikes room!
Embalmer: Ghosts aren't real..
Prospecc: The ghost said you and Andrew had some Chemestry going on.
Embalmed: That's it. Wheres this ghost, I'm going to send it six feet under.
Joseph: wow.

-Everyone walks to Mike and Norton room-

GK: Please let me out. I cant find anyone down here..
Prospecc: No, we're not done looking.
Embalmer: -Climbs down into cave- Where is the ugly ghost? ....wait i found It!?
Prospecc: Where?!
Embalmer: Is it that white monster over there?! -Points at Andrew-
Prospecc: -Facepalms-
GK: Stop being mean..! -Tackles Aesop and starts fighting in cave-
Embalmer: Screw you..!
Leave me alone!
???: Get a room guys..~
Prospecc: There it was again!!
Embalmer: What the..! Theres actually something here?!
GK: -Looks around- ....Ghost..?
???: What the hell? When did this come here?
Prospecc: Another Voice! There are more Ghosts!!
Embalmer: No wait..! That's..!
???: Oh crap..!
???: Hey! Who are you!
???: Nobody..! Pretend you didn't- AH! LET ME DOWN!! MONSTER!!!!
Prospecc and GK: -Screams and Evacuats Cave-
Embalmer: ...Naib! Is that you?!
Merc: Aesop!? Yeah! Where are you?!
Embalmer: Um.. Here..! Nortons Cave..?
Merc: This is Nortons cave?!
Embalmer: What's going on..?!
Merc: Me and Jack just came back home and we saw a tunnel next to the manors entrance door so we checked it out..! Mr. Ripper caught a Strange guy creeping around here..!
Embalmer: -Spots tiny peephole in wall- ...? AH! Naib! I see you! -Pokes finger through Peephole-
Merc: What the hell? HEY! You!! Ehat were you doing here?!
???: None of your concern Naib Subedar!
Merc: How do you know my name?!
Embalmer: Naib! Just come back inside!
Merc: What about the Dog?!
Embalmer: DOG?!
Merc: Yeah! The guy! He is a dog!
Embalmer: ... A... a talking dog..?
Merc: No, He just looks like one. Who's a good boy?!
???: Me, Wanna Rub my belly?
Merc: It was a joke you creep.
Embalmer: Bring the guy!
Merc: Fine! We're coming through the main entrance! Meet us there.

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