J&A has nothing better to do

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-Phantom castle Jacks room-

Ripper: What's wrong.
Merc: I'm just thinking about something.
Ripper: The seer?
Merc: No, Aesop and Joseph.
Ripper: What about them?
Merc: Joseph Helped you keep your memory, so I want to help Him keep his memory.
Ripper: How.
Merc: I have a plan, dont worry.

-Room 206-

Acrobat: Nortooon..! Hurry up, I can't contain myself anymore..~ -Laying on bed breathing-
Prospecc: I need to Take a Shower first my dear! A true Gentleman always shows up Clean for his love!
Acrobat: I don't care if you're clean..! Just hurry up..!

-Embalmer and Joseph pressing their hears on the wall trying to hear what's being said-
Embalmer: ....They're acting strange.
Joseph: I know. Its that Resturant they went to.
Embalmer: ...What?
Joseph: I know about that resturant. The real reason it's so special is because there works Sience people there doing experiments with Feelings. They probably didn't know that before they left.
Embalmer: ...And that's the reason they act like this..?
Joseph: Probably. To me it sounds like Your Ability boy got Something containing Lust. And the other guy... I have no idea. Probably some kind of Need to Clean.
Embalmer: Dont be ridiculous..

Acrobat: Nngh.. I cant stand this anymore!
Prospecc: Oh no! How ungentelmanly of me to let you wait like that! -Runs out of Shower with towel wrapped around his waist-

Embalmer: ...I dont like this. Mike and Norton are usually super innocent and suddenly they act like this.. those resturant chemicals must be really powerful..
Joseph: They are.

Prospecc: -Hugs Mike- are you okay? Are you warm? Cold? Thirsty? Hungry?
Acrobat: Ehehehe..~ Thirsty..~
Prospecc: Allright! Let me get you something to drin-
Acrobat: N-Not that kind of Thirsty..! Come here..! -Grabs Nortons arm and pulls him back into a kiss-
Prosepcc: -Kisses bacc while he pulls the covers over him and Mike-

Embalmer: .....are they really going to lose their Virginity like this..?
Joseph: You lost your Virginity to Naib..!
Embalmer: You probably lost yours to Jack.
Embalmer: Pfft. I thought you were gay.
Joseph: I am! I were young..er!
Embalmer: How young?
Joseph: ....14.
Embalmer: -Smacks Joseph in the back of the head- That's way too young. You should at least have waited 4 more years.
Joseph: I'm sorry! I were young and Careless!
Embalmer: And that girl? How old were she?
Joseph: 13.
Embalmer: Okay that's it. Get ready to take your spanking you perv.
Joseph: WHAT?!
Embalmer: You heard me. Lay down and take your beating.
Joseph: BUT-
Embalmer: No buts. You had intercourse at a young age with a girl even younger then youself 46 years ago you Grandpa so lay down.
Jospeh: -Mumbles- Hmph.. I am 27 and I'm not a Grandpa..
Embalmer: Physically, mentally and evolutionary, you're 27. Spiritually, you're 60. Not my fault that you went ahead and got trapped in time. -Spanks Joseph-
Josph: Aah..!!? Dont hit so hard!
Embalmer: You're right, its not hard enough. Were is your Moonlight gentle man stick, I'm going to beat you with that instead.
Joseph: Do you want me killed?!
Embalmer: No. But in case you die, I'll take good care of your Body before we bury it.
Joseph: This is why your friends are scared of you..!

-Phantom Caslte-

Feaster: -Sighs while Eli and Fiona sleeps on top of him-
Mad eyes: Takoyaki I need your help!
Feaster: Hey Burke.
Mad eye: ....Oh my! Did i just walk in on a Devils threeway?!
Feaster: ...A what?
Mad eyes: You know!! Threesome with two dudes! Wait.. do you even have a Gender?
Feaster: ...What do you need help with?
Mad eyes: we need you to hold some stuff! You have so many arms! Or legs! Or whatever those tentacles are!
Feaster: I'm coming.
Mad eyes: That's what she said! -Leaves while laughing-
Feaster: .... Fiona, Eli, wake up.
Priestess: Lord Hastur..! I knew I didn't mishear it the first time! You call me Fiona now!
Feaster: ...Yeah. You call me Hastur so I'll call you Fiona. Besides, you have been hanging around me alot lately.
Seer: Mnnh.. Hastur..~ -Kisses Hasturs Tentacles-
Feaster: Hey Lovable.
Seer: Hey Hastur..~ Hey Fiona..~ -Kisses Fionas hand-
Priestess: Uh.. Hi?
Feaster: This is Elis Lovable personality. Just deal with all the love he gives.
Priestess: Noted.
Feaster: -Walks to main hall in phantom castle while Eli and Fiona follows-
Merc: Hey Fiona, Hey Eli.
Mech: Hey Guys!
Priestess: Tracy? What are you doing here?
Mech: We are fixing Violettas Crystal candle Skin! Me and Burke are the ones who create most of Violettas skins in the first place!
Spider: Crystal Candle started to rust and the crystal cracked. Besides, My blade is not so sharp anymore.
Mad eyes: That's why we are remaking the whole skin!!
Feaster: And what did you need me for?
Mech: Hold these! -Gives Hastur 6 spider legs-
Mad eyes: -starts Putting The legs together while Hastur Holds for him-
Priestess: Naib, What's wrong? You dont look so good.
Merc: I'm angry at Jack.
Priestess: ...Why?
Merc: Because he didn't help me..!
Priestess: Hey Naib, I know you might be Angry but listen to me. He makes you happy ...Most of the time.. so instead of thinking about his mistakes, think that you should be happy for having him in your life..!
Merc: ....Yeah.. if I didn't have Jack, Then my life would be a Mess.. right now, I would have probably..  Baked something.
Priestess: ...why?
Merc: I dont know! It were the first thing I could think of!
Merc: Finnished!!
Mad eyes: Okay takoyaki! We don't need you anymore!
Feaster: ...You're Welcome?
Seer: -Kisses Mad eyes hand- Thanks for Inviting us!
Mad eyes: EEH?! A young Homosexual boy just made a move on me! Shoo..! Shoo!
Seer: -Hugs Naib- Heeey..~
Merc: Oh no..
Feaster: Dont worry Mercenary, Its not Ibis, its Lovable.
Merc: Ah, Okay, Hey Eli! -Hugs Eli-
Seer: Are you doing okay Today? -Kisses Naibs Cheek-
Merc: ...Yeah, I guess. I'm feeling better now after talking to Fiona tho, So I'm heading back to Jack's room.
Seer: N-No..! -Tries to kiss Naib-
Merc: -Pushes Eli away- That's Ibis!!
Feaster: Then he just changed to Ibis.
Priestess: She probably saw how you didn't push Lovable Eli away.
Merc: ...I'm going back in to Jack. -Leaves-
Mech: Hmm. I want to Touch rippers Hair.
Mad eyes: You dont need that Faggots Hair! You can touch My hair!!
Mech: Y-You dont have hair Burke..!
Mad eyes: A few years ago I did!
Mech: Dosen't count..!


Acrobat: .....
Prospecc: .... Sooo..
Acrobat: That were unexpected..
Prospecc: We actually did it..
Acrobat: And Aesop and Photoboy heard the whole thing..

Joseph: Shit..! Theg knew we were listening!
Embalmer: .....Im ashamed of myself.

Prospecc: T-They were..!?
Acrobat: Not what's important. How do you feel?
Prospecc: I'm fine, but what about you..? Do you like.. hurt anywhere..?
Acrobat: No, not really.
Prospecc: Good Good..

Joseph: ...This is super awkward. Let's go to that Party I talked about.
Embalmer: I want to Bring them.
Joseph: Why! They will bring their awkwardness!
Embalmer: We forced them to Paris and made them host our wedding. They are coming with us. -Knocks on door-
Prospecc: -Opens- .....I had sex with Mi-
Embalmer: I know. Get properly dressed and Come with us to a Party.
Acrobat: ....ok.
Prospecc: Give us 5 minutes.

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