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-Arms Factory-

Boys: -Evacuates Closets-
Merc: They're finally gone!!
Seer: Yes.
Embalmer: Guys? What you all doing in here..?~ -Opens Andrew and Luka closet-
Prisoner: -Runs away-
Embalmer: ...uh, I think the prisoner escaped?
Merc: -Wheezes-
Seer: Yes.
Prospecc: Andrew! What happened?
GK: I .. uh.. Dont know? He suddenly turned all moody and then you guys opened the closet!
Acrobat: I'll go look for him. -Leaves-
Merc: ...So. what now?
Embalmer: we'll camp like men!

Acrobat: ...He left the manor..? -Stares at open door-
Nightingale: What? He escaped to the forest?!
Acrobat: I dont know..!
Nightingale: Its only you here, Right Mike?!
Acrobat: Y- Yeah..!
Nightingale: Fine. Since I trust you, I will let you go look for him. Bring him back at any cost, allright?
Acrobat: I... okay. -Slowly leaves the manor, then looks for trails- Uh.. Looks like he went.. this way..?

-Phantom castle-

Geisha: Uuurgh.. Aaah.. nooo... no.
BQ: What's the matter Michiko?
Geisha: I'm tired! I'm bored! Screw this!!
Ripper: Calm yo tits
Geisha: You shut up jack!! Get out!
Ripper: -Steals all the tea and Leaves-
Disciple: Why dont your try getting a pet?
Geisha: noo.
Nightingale: -Enters Room- Girls, Leave.
BQ: Why?
Nightingale: I'm going to clean the room.
Geisha: -Sighs and walks out to Main hall-
BQ: Little king please calm down..!
Geisha: Y-... You're standing still?
Axe boi: -Wiggeling around on the floor- HELP MEEE
Mad eyes: Dont bother! He turned Nuts.
BQ: -Picks up Axe boy- Hey? Robbie? Are you allright?
Ripper: I'm not giving you the tea back.
Geisha: I dont want it. Go get Emily.

-Forest outside the Manor-

Acrobat: -Sees a lake- Woah.. I can barely see anything through this mist.. -Feels raindrop- ....
Prisoner: ...do you like rain Mike..?
Acrobat: Huh..? Luka..! There you are! Why did you run off like that?
Prisoner: It never rains within the manor..
Acrobat: Yeah, so.. so what..?
Prisoner: -Dips finger in lake- I love rain.
Acrobat: ...oh..
Prisoner: What if I cant Handle going so long without rain..
Acrobat: -Sits down next to Luka- I understand.
Prisoner: ...What makes you able to keep your smile up every day..?
Acrobat: Huh? Me? Uh... I have Norton.
Prisoner: Yeah.. you have someone.. you know what I have? Memories of killing someone..
Acrobat: Hey. Norton and Eli has both been the Cause of massacres. Maybe they didn't directly kill someone but they both still carry the burden of being the cause. You should try talking with then some time.
Prisoner: I already talked to Eli about it, but now I killed his brain as well.. no matter what i do i only make things worse for people.
Acrobat: You mean the thing about Eli only replying with Yes? You shouldn't worry about that! Emily will fix him up! Just, relax and dont be so Pessimistic, allright?
Prisoner: -Sighs and Stands up- Do you know how to swim?
Acrobat: Yeah, why?
Prisoner: -Takes off Shirt and pants, then dives into lake-
Acrobat: Wait Luka! Dont swim too far off..! I can barely see you through all the mist..!
Prisoner: Hahaha! Come on! The water is nice!
Acrobat: -Nervous- Nnngh.. Nightingale is going to kill me.. But you're doing this to keep Everyone in the manor happy so.. -Takes off clothes and Jumps out in lake- I'm right behind you Luka!
Prisoner: -Laughs and swims around- This is fun, Right?
Acrobat: Hehe.. Yeah. -Dives under water-

-Emily room-

Axe boy: NOOOOO
Doc: Robbie, If you dont sit still, I cant figure out of what's wrong.
Axe boy: I'm flying!!
Doc: No, You're not.
BQ: Little King, You will be allright!
Geisha: -Slacking off in large bean bag watching TV- uuurgh...
Xie: -Watching TV next to Michiko- Uurgh..
Doc: We have to do this the hard way. -Gives Robbie Anethesia and buts him to sleep-
BQ: Poor King..!
Doc: -Does some tests- Hey, You two. Please stop slacking. Go get some energy.
Geisha: Some what?
Doc: Go jogging at lakeside village or something! Shoo! Shoo! I'm working!
Xie: -Makes portal- Let's go.
Geisha: Urgh.. Jogging.. -Leaves with Xie-
BQ: Can you tell What's wrong?
Doc: not yet. Can you give me that cage over there?
BQ: Cage? What you need that for? -Gives Emily Cage-
Doc: In case Robbie wakes up during this. -Puts Cage over Robbies Head-
BQ: Oh no.. you're going to release him?!
Doc: -Unties Robbies rope and Removes bag off his head letting his soul into the cage- Technically, This is Robbies real form. I heard all about the massacre on Halloween. Since he thinks he is floating all the time, it means there is something wrong with his brain. We need to examine his soul fire.
BQ: Eeeh.. okay.
Doc: -Carefully touches soul- Hmm.. it's too hot.
BQ: Huh?
Doc: Look at it like this. To make a Hot air balloon fly, You need heat. If Robbies soul is too hot underneath the bag he has tied over his head, it might make Robbie feel like he is floating like a Balloon.
BQ: Uh.. huh..?
Doc: ...Anyway, We should find a way to cool it down.

-Lakeside village-

Geisha and Xie: -Jogging around the map-
Xie: ... so why are you down?
Geisha: I dont know. I'm just bored.
Xie: Cool.
Geisha: What about you?
Xie: can you keep a Secret?
Geisha: No.
Xie: Okay I'll tell you.
Geisha: The heck?
Xie: Fan were listening on the girls sleepover and he told me that Emily knew I liked her but she wanted to avoid an awkward situation cause she dont like me..
Geisha: That's tough.
Xie: Yeah.
Geisha: Why dont you just turn gay like your brother.
Xie: Its not a Chosie to be gay!
Geisha: Well you're Bi, aren't you?
Xie: ..Yeah but..
Geisha: Great. So try going for one of those new dudes. That creepy prison guy or that Albino!
Xie: Why!
Geisha: I'd say the Albino! You're both White to the bone!
Xie: That's not-
Geisha: I need something to fangirl over!!
Xie: -Sighs-


Acrobat and Prisoner: -Walks in soaked while carrying their dry clothes-
Nightingale: -Sighs- Go to your rooms. You're grounded. Both of you.
Acrobat: -Nods-
Prisoner: Great. Another prison. -Walks to his room-
Acrobat: Nightingale..?
Nightingale: Yes?
Acrobat: There is a lake within the forest a couple of minutes away.. can you make that lake a part of the manor..?
Nightingale: Why.
Acrobat: Well.. Its a nice place, and it rains there and..
Nightingale: No. Its outside of the manor people can see you there.
Acrobat: Its always foggy there.
Nightingale: ...
Acrobat: I have 6000 echoes... I'll buy it.
Nightingale: You'll use all your echoes to open the Lake? You know that if you gather 10000 I'll make you a new S tier skin, right? And for 5000 of those I'll make you an A tier.
Acrobat: I know, I were saving up but.. I rather want this..
Nightingale: Fine. I'll make a Tunnel to the Lake and then I'll put a Fence around it. Happy?
Acrobat: -Nods-
Nightingale: Now go to your room. You're still grounded.
Acrobat: Thank you. -Walks to Room-
Prospecc: -Chilling on Bed- Sup.
Acrobat: Hi.
Prospecc: -Grabs Mikes hands- Did you find Luka?
Acrobat: -Quickly pulls Hands back and hides them behind his back- Yeah. I'm grounded now.
Prospecc: Woah, is something wrong?
Acrobat: I...
Prospecc: What? -Grabs Mikes hand and pulls it to him- ...? You.. took off your wedding ring..?
Acrobat: NO! I...
Prospecc: ....
Acrobat: -Tears up- I.. I lost it..
Prospecc: How do you lose it?! It was sitting tight on your finger!
Acrobat: I were swimming in the lake and it slid off!! -Cries- I couldn't find it again....
Prospecc: Lake..?
Acrobat: I will get it back but.. I need help from Hastur.. that lake were pretty deep..

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