Nightingale wtf

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-Room 207-

Embalmer: You can stop Crying Joseph, you kept me awake all night.
Joseph: Well it still hurts!!
Embalmer: Not even Naib complained this much
Joseph: Dosen't Naib have a very high pain tolerance?! This is different..!!
Embalmer: I appreciate that you went through with it anyway. -About to leave room-
Joseph: Wait wait..! Where are you  going?!
Embalmer: Dont worry, I'm here. -Slides something under Mike and Nortons Door-
Joseph: ...Okay?
Embalmer: -Walks back in- Just as a Thank you to Mike and Norton for helping us.
Joseph: I see, that's nice of you.
Embalmer: So what do we do today?
Joseph: We are going to a party of course.
Embalmer: ....A party? Do you even know anyone in Paris Hosting a Party?
Joseph: Theres lots of places in Paris that has open Parties! Just make sure nobody drugs you while you're there.
Embalmer: ....Okay.
Joseph: You should stay away from Alcohol as well. You remeber what happened last time.
Embalmer: ...No, what happened last time?
Joseph: You got drunk on Chocolate Whiskey. Thanks to Burke.
Embalmer: oh.

-Voice of the Manor-

Priestress: Aaaaaaaaa..~
Doc: -Trying to Mix some meds-
Perfumer: -Trying to invent new Skin designs-
Priestress: Aaaaaaa..~
Doc: .....Fiona, what are you doing? That's very distracting.
Priestress: I'm praying to god Hastur. Want to Join me?
Doc: ...I'll pass.
Perfumer: I can join you Fiona, what do I do?
Priestress: -Makes a Circle shape with her hands- Hold like this and then think  about all the nice things to say to God Hastur!
Perfumer: The feaster, right? Allright.
Priestess: Aaaaaaa..~
Perfumer: .....aaaaaaa..~
Doc: -Sighs- I guess my Medicine can wait for another day.
Fester: -Comes to Manor through portal-
Priestess: We have summoned God Hastur!!
Perfumer: Woah! T-that actually works..?!
Feaster: I have come to see the priestess.
Priestess: -Bows Down- What can I do for you my lord.
Feaster: ....Just come with me to Phantom Castle.
Priestess: O-Okay..! -Stands back up-
Feaster: -Goes to Phantom castle with Priestess- Okay so I have come to you because I really dont know who else I can ask for help.
Priestess: What do you need help with?
Feaster: ....-Opens door to His room-
Seer: -Crying in the Corner- What is wrong with me?!
Feaster: ...-Sighs-
Priestess: Woah..! Eli! Hi, I'm here, what's wrong?!
Seer: -Hugs Priestess- Fiona! What should I do..?!
Priestess: Okay, take a Deep breath in, and then Exhale all your Worries!
Seer: -Inhales and Exhales-
Priestess: Good, now one more time..!
Seer: -Repeats it-
Priestess: Better now? Can you tell me what's wrong? -Helps Eli up and Makes him sit on Hasturs bed-
Seer: I think my other self is Cheating on Hastur..!
Priestess: What makes you say that?
Seer: I.. i dont remeber much but i remeber Kissing Naib..! ....If that's the case, Is Naib Cheating on Ripper..?
Feaster: Eli, listen to me. Your other self is not the person I love, it is you I love, so no worries, allright?
Priestess: I see.. May I talk to Naib?
Feaster: Take your time. He's in Jacks room. He's the 5th door to the left down the Hallway.
Priestess: Thank you My Lord. -Leaves and then walks into Jack's room-
Merc: Hey Fiona.
Ripper: -Drinks Tea- Oh Look, a Female survivor.
Priestess: Woah.. Ripper without mask..
Ripper: -Covers his face- W.. what do you want..!?
Priestess: Oh, I wanted to Speak with Naib. Come here Ripper. -Pulls Jack's Arm to a wall-
Ripper: What do you want?
Priestess: Stand riiiiiiight.. here. -Makes a Portal on the wall sending Jack through it-

Ripper: What?!
Geisha: ...Jack. how rare.
Ripper: Oh what a surprise! I thought you never used your room, you always sit in the middle of Phantom Castle and all.
Geisha: I'm here because Robbie is Playing with Burk and Luchino.
Ripper: ....I see.
Geisha: Since you're here, do you want some tea?
Ripper: Sure why not.

Merc: Okay? Fiona? What's up?
Priestess: Are you cheating on your Husband?
Merc: No?
Priestess: Eli said he had faint memories of Kissing you.
Merc: -Sighs- Have you heard about the Eli Rumors?
Priestess: What Rumors?
Merc: The ones about Eli Abusing me and Aesop?
Priestess: Oh those rumors. I never believed in them.
Merc: Well they're true. He did it because we betrayed him in a Match once.
Priestess: oh..
Merc: But me and Aesop figured out that it was actually Ibis controlling Eli.
Priestess: ...Ibis..? Like Elis Owl?
Merc: Yeah. Dont tell Eli Tho, you know it will destroy him if he knew.
Priestess: yeah..
Merc: Anyway, I apologized to Ibis and once I did, Ibis fell in love with me and Now Ibis takes over Eli so she can flirt with me and it's very very strange.
Priestess: I see. Well Lord Hastur Summoned me to help.
Merc: I wish you luck then.
Priestess: You have to help out as well.
Merc: Why me
Priestess: Because you know Eli and Ibis. I will come in asking for help once in a while.
Merc: -Sighs-

-Room 306-

Prospecc: -Yawns and rolls over Hugging Mike- Zzz..
Acrobat: AAA!
Prospecc: -Wakes up Quickly- What's wrong?! Mike?!
Acrobat: Its okay..! You were just so cold it strattled me! Haha..!
Prospecc: I'm cold..? Oh..! I saw you shivering in the middle of the night so I gave you my blanket.
Acrobat: Oh no, Norton..! What if you catch a Cold? -Lifts Blankets and hugs Norton- Come here I'll warm you up!
Prospecc: -Nods and hugs Mike again-
Acrobat: But that were kind of You, I appreciate that you wanted to help me..!
Prospecc: Hmm.. I can't let the most positive guy in the world get Sick you know..
Acrobat: Hehe.. You're making me Blush.
Prospecc: hmph.. -Smiles and Relaxes- .....Wait what's that..?
Acrobat: What's what?
Prospecc: -Stands up and walks to the door and picks up two pieces of paper- ....?
Acrobat: Is something wrong?
Prospecc: Its two tickets to a resturant..
Acrobat: -Stands up and walks over to Norton taking the tickets from him- Let me see that..?
Prospecc: Theres another note. It's from Aesop. He says thank you.
Acrobat: -Ghasps- H-how did he get these tickets..?!
Prospecc: Is something wrong?
Acrobat: They're.. Even I weren't able to get tickets like these while me and my Circus were famous..!
Prospecc: ..what?
Acrobat: These are worth like Millions of Echoes!!!
Prospecc: -Rushes out of room and Knocks on room 307-
Joseph: -Opens up- Didn't I tell you two to not bother us when we were in our rooms..?
Prospecc: Where did you get these tickets?!
Embalmer: -Peaks out from inside the room- Nightingale sent them with us, why..?
Acrobat: A-and you're just giving them to us..!?
Embalmer: Yes, is something wrong?
Prospecc: Why?! Dont you want them youself?!
Acrobat: Getting tickets like these to a Resturant like that?! It's like reserved tables for the Next 3 years!! And it's super expensive!!
Embalmer: Oh. I didn't know.. but you can keep it.
Prosepcc: WHY?! Its your honeymoon, Wouldn't you like to use them yourselfs..!?
Embalmer: ...-Smiles- Marrying Joseph is a big enough gift for me..
Acrobat: -Wipes tear and then Hugs Aesop- You have such a Good Heart!!
Jospeh: Oookay Back up Ability boy, You came to say thanks, right? Now beat it. -closes door-
Prospecc: What do we do?
Acrobat: Go to the restaurant of course! Let's go!!

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