That Escalated quick-

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-Meanwhile, Phantomcastle-

Geisha: Its rare to see you guys here. Why aren't you sitting in the palace of silence?
Joseph: ....Well. Hastur had a panick attack as soon as he took a closer look at the shark tank. He thought it were connected to the ocean but it were just one big cage and then he destroyed the glass to .."Free them" but they ended up dying because we couldn't fill the tank back up in time.
Geisha: ...Hastur.
Feaster: I already apologized..
Embalmer: There is glass and water all over the floor so it's not really comfortable sitting in the lobby, so we are here.
Geisha: I see. And what are you doing?
Seer: Playing twister.
Geisha: ...dosen't that happen on the floor?
Seer: -Points behind couch-
Prospecc: I'm not gonna fall!!
Postman: Yes you are!
Acrobat: -Is standing in what looks like the most uncomfortable angle but is pretty chill about it-
Geisha: ...You mean the three of them are playing Twister and you guys are having a Teaparty.
Embalmer: No, I'm playing too. Norton. Left hand on blue.
Prospecc: HnNnNgh
Joseph: ....Look at Mike. Hey! Aren't you uncomfortable like that?
Acrobat: Nooo, I'm an acrobat! My body is very soft and I'm used to this kind of stuff!
Feaster: You could probably do some Freaky sex positions like that.
Prospecc: -Chokes and Falls- What did you saaaAAAY?!
Acrobat: Dont give him Ideas!
Feaster: ...I apologize.
Embalmer: Mike. Nose on yellow.
Acrobat: Hey! Theres nothing about Nose on that wheel! It's only arms and legs!
Embalmer: Sore Loser.
Acrobat: ....-Puts nose on Yellow-
Joseph: This is why I love you.
Embalmer: Joseph. You're going to play next.
Joseph: I dont wa-
Embalmer: Jack would have done it.
Joseph: Fine! I'm gonna win!
Geisha: -Facepalms-

-Bzzz bzzzzzzz-

Embalmer: Give me a Moment. -Picks up Phone- Hey Naib. How is Jacks Family?
Seer: -Moves closer to Aesop cause he wanna hear-
Embalmer: ....uh, what?
Joseph: what's going on?
Embalmer: Shh...! just wash the Turkey away. ......Hate them back then... What? Who's Julian? ...... Okay listen to me Naib. Approach the Sebastian guy and tell him to eat ass. -Hangs up-
Joseph: What the hell.
Embalmer: Some Guy called Sharpie Threw a Turkey at Naib and then some Blonde Bitch tried stealing Naibs Jewelry.
Joseph: ...Who is Sebastian?
Embalmer: I dont know.
Seer: Poor Naib.


Merc: Stay back Blondie!
Elizabeth: Julian! Honestly! Stop this!
Merc: -Kiting Julian around the Garden-
Sebastian: Get him son!!
Lidiya: Oliver! Please stop this!
Oliver: No! Our son in law is showing Blondie who's boss!
Sebastian: Julian gonna win!
Oliver: No he ain't! Naib! Hit his Kneecaps!
Ripper: Play dirty! Break the rules! Break his leg too!
Elizabeth: -Sighs-
Kiara: Please don't hurt Naib..! He is Cousin Jacks Lover!
Sharpie: -Throws Turkey at Lidiya-
Lidiya: ...Okay thATS IT! EVERYONE SIT DOWN!! -Walks around Smacking every single person and then Throws Knifes at Naib and Julian pinning them to the Ground-
Julian: Hey! I almost caught him!!
Ripper: Mooom..!
Lidiya: EVERY SINGLE YEAR THIS HAPPENS! Cant we just have one single year where we get along, eat turkey, talk, laugh and then go home?!
Jacqueline: Drama queen.
Lidiya: you.. BITCH!! Its always your Som who starts it!
Jacqueline: Dont blame my son!! -Tackles Lidiya-
Thomas: Girl fight!
Oliver: Show em whos boss Jacqueline!
Lidiya: OLIVER!!
Oliver: Ah..! Beat her ass Honey! I know you can do it..!
Ripper: -Gets Naib free from the Knifes- Let's go inside.
Merc: -Sighs while following Jack inside- Your family is giving me a headache.
Ripper: -Takes Naib into bathroom to Clean him- Well, We can go home soo-
Merc: .......
Lukas and Arthur in the bathtub: ........
Ripper: Arthur. Want to explain?
Arthur: Dont tell mom.
Lukas: We just wanted some Peace and Quiet..!
Ripper: No, you two wanted a private place to make out!
Arthur: NO WE DIDN'T!!
Arthur: -Tackles Jack- Shh! Fine! You're right!! Now shut up..!!
Ripper: Hahaah! Gay losers.
Lukas: Y-.. You're gay too jack..
Ripper: You're right.
Merc: What the hell..
Lukas: -Touches Naibs Hand-
Merc: Ah! Creep! What are you doing?!
Lukas: That's Uncle Oliver's Ruby ring..
Arthur: Why are you wearing it and not Jack!?
Merc: Mr.Ripper Told me to..!
Lukas: ...Who?
Arthur: Every male on this family is Mr.Ripper! He is Trying to throw us off!
Ripper: No, The Survivors at the Manor calls Dad for Mr.Ripper.
Lukas: Aah..! The Manor!
Arthur: Why did you get Invited to the manor and not us!
Ripper: My dad Suggested me to Miss Nightingale.
Lukas: Lucky...
Merc: -Cleaning Turkey- I miss Aesop.
Ripper: Belive it or not but I miss fucking Joseph!
Merc: -Wheezes-
Arthur: The fuck is Joseph?
Ripper: He's this tiny Photographer who Is so old for his species that his ugly ass face is Broken!
Merc: No, He has a Curse from the Camera world. It's not his Ages fault Jack.
Ripper: That's probably just his Coverstory!
Lukas: Mom was a Photographer..
Arthur: Lukas, Dont worry. Shes in a Better place, okay?
Lukas: -Nods-
Ripper: You two are too cheesy! Get out of my Bathroom!!
Lukas and Arthur: -Goes back outside-
Merc: -Sighs- How long left?
Ripper: People will probably start leaving in a Couple of Minutes.
Merc: Great. And then we can leave as well..
Ripper: Yeah..

-Phantom Castle-

Joseph: -Sneezes-
Embalmer: Bless You.
Seer: Guys, I dont want to play Twister anymore.
Feaster: What you want to play something like Cards against Humanity instead?
Seer: No! I want to do something exciting! Play a match or something!
Embalmer: No. Remeber that you still have problems with the shock thing so we ain't risking you failing a Calibration.
Seer: -Groans-
Joseph: Why dont you try giving spero a personality or something.
Seer: A what?
Joseph: Ibis had a Personality, yes? Give spero one too! But not Like Ibis, give him something better.
Seer: What do you mean with Not like Ibis..?
Embalmer: -Slaps Josephs balls and Kicks him out of the couch- WHat he means is that Ibis vere really clingy to Naib. Hahaha, She always gave him Cuddles and.. kisses..?
Joseph: -Dying-
Seer: Oh I see, Ibis were so cute.
Disciple: -Enters Phantom Castle and sits down serving her self some tea-
Embalmer: ....I... uh.. dont think we have been properly introduced..?
Disciple: ....Ann.
Embalmer: ....Right.. I'm..  Aesop..
Joseph: Why are you so Nervous?
Embalmer: I'm not.. I just.. I just love cats! Can I pet it? Please?
Disciple: -Pets Cat- ...Sure. do not harm her. If you do there will be consequences.
Embalmer: -Carefully pets cat- Aww.. it's so cute..
Disciple: His name is Umbra. He's a very good boy.
Joseph: Your eyes is scaring me.
Disciple: -Looks away-
Embalmer: -Smacks Joseph- Dont be rude..!!
Disciple: Its fine..  I'm used to it..
Prospecc: Woah! It's a Cat!
Acrobat: Cute..!
Embalmer: Hi Umbra..
Nightingale: -Tosses some random guy into couch- Take care of him. He's new!
Embalmer: .....
Gravekeeper: .....
Joseph: Who are you.
Gravekeeper: I'm..  I'm.. the gravekeeper..
Embalmer: ....Andrew..
Gravekeeper: Huh..? You know me..?
Embalmer: ......
Gravekeeper: .....
Prospecc: SPIT IT OUT!
Gravekeeper: Ah..! Sorry..!
Embalmer: ...I'm..  the Embalmer..
Gravekeeper: ...Aesop..?
Embalmer: ....Yeah...
Gravekeepr: Long time no see...
Embalmer: ...Yeah...
Joseph: You two know eachother?
Embalmer: We used to work together.. I Embalmed the bodies, He burried them..
Joseph: ...Co workers.
Gravekeeper: So.. we meet again.
Embalmer: I'm not going easy on you.
Gravekeeper: I'm not going to let you beat me..!
Embalmer: We'll see about that!!
Joseph: Woah! What just happened!? You two were shy and anxious you cant suddenly Beef like that!
Embalmer: Grrr...
Gravekeeper: Grr...
Prospecc: Why dont Me, Mike and Victor take care of Andrew here and the Eli and Aesop can stay here!
Embalmer: You still get called the white Monster at Lutz?!
Gravekeeper: Have you told everyone here that you weren't even supposed to come here!?
Embalmer: How do you know about that?!
Gravekeeper: I saw you!
Joseph: What?!
Wu chang: Sepperate them..!
Prospecc: -Takes Andrew to his and Mikes room-
Embalmer: Tch...
Joseph: Tell me about that..!
Embalmer: He's the white monster.
Joseph: That's rude. Ehat did he mean about you not being supposed to come here.
Embalmer: -Groans- Its not important, okay..! The invitation letter weren't for me..! It were for a Woman I Embalmed once. I only came to look for her daughter and that's it.. However Nightingale Accepted me and said I could stay!
Joseph: Who's the daughter..?
Embalmer: That's private.
Joseph: -Sighs- I hope you and the new guy can square up.

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