More Shocks

925 39 4
                             yeah. This chapter makes me sad, please dont hate me- i will fix this in another chapter i promise- ....yeeeah, enjoy

-Doc room-

Seer: -Enters with Fiona and Hastur-
Nightingale: He's here.
Seer: Naib?! Aesop?! What happened?!
Doc: -Walks up to Eli and Grabs his shirt- Dont. Dont pretend that you don't know!
Seer: W-.. What?
Priestess: What's going on..?
Seer: I was gone for only a couple of Hours! I need to know what happened to them!
Doc: ...L-.. Lock him up..
Seer: What? What?!
Nightingale: ...Jack.. Joseph..
Ripper and Joseph: -Tackles Eli-
Feaster: Hey! What are you doing?!
Priestess: Yeah! We demand an explaination!
Doc: His Multi personality is back.. he Hurt Naib and Aesop in Vagas and Then Naib and Aesop tried to hide it.
Seer: I what?!
Feaster: Eli..? Is this true? I thought it was Ibis who-
Doc: Well this time its Eli..
Nightingame: Lock him up.

Ripper and Joseph: -Carries Eli into assylum map and Locks his arms and Legs to a chair-
Doc: -Follows- I'll take him through Shock Therapy.
Joseph: ...Make him never hurt our boys again..
Ripper: ...Don't kill him. Let him suffer by having to live with the guilt of knowing what he has done.. -Leaves with Joseph-
Doc: ...Wow that's dark. Anyway.. Eli, it's only us now.
Seer: D-Did I really hurt Naib and Aesop..?
Doc: Yes.. the recorder the ripper got is proof enough.
Seer: What Recorder..?
Doc: Eli. You and your abusive personality does not share memories.
Seer: -Nods while looking away crying- Why cant I just leave my friends alone..?
Doc: -Straps Shock cords to Elis head- Who knows.. These kind of things happen..
Seer: -Nods slowly-
Doc: ....this might hurt a little.
Seer: A-.. Allright..

-Acrobat room-

Prospecc: Are you feeling better?
Acrobat: Yeah, Its a huge relief to finally be home.
Axe boy: What happened in the outside world?
Prospecc: Long story.
Acrobat: Well me and Norton were fine! Eli, Naib and Aesop however...
Prospecc: Eli just seemed Sad most of the time. And then he suddenly had this creepy look on his face.
Acrobat: Yeah..! He smiled at me and it's the first time I didn't appreciate a smile! It was scary!
Axe boy: I-.. I see.
Prospecc: Aesop and Naib however.. They were.. I dont know. They had this dead look on their face.
Acrobat: Yeah. Still, I'd rather look at their dead face then Elis creepy smile.
Axe boi: Woah. Sounds like you didn't have fun after all.
Propsecc: Yeah not for those three.
Perfumer: -Enters room- Hey, Norton, You should probably head over to the the Asylum. Eli and Emily are there.
Prospecc: Why should I go see Eli and Emi-
Prospecc: Ah! Allright Allright! Mike! Robbie, let's go..!
Perfumer: No. Wait. You and Robbie go. I need to have a chat with Mike.
Acrobat: ...Me? Why?
Perfumer: Just because.
Prospecc: Allright, Do as the lady says Mike! Let's go Robbie! -Leaves with Norton-

Perfumer: ...Can I sit?
Acrobat: Yeah, Of course
Perfumer: -Sits down next to Mike- So.. How has you and Norton been?
Acrobat: Me and Norton? We're allright. He is very sweet and warm and.. soft.. -Smiles a little while looking away-
Perfumer: ...Huh? Warm? Soft? Isn't he like.. Talking about being a Man? Flexing how Strong and brave he is?
Acrobat: Not when we're alone, then he is alot more calming and Relaxed.
Perfumer: Huh. I have never seen that side of him before.
Acrobat: Yeah. Yeah..
Perfumer: ....When you first came to the manor, what were your opinion on like.. me..?
Acrobat: Well, Norton talked alot about you so I fealt like I already knew you.
Perfumer: He talked about me..?
Acrobat: Yeah! He called you a strong independent woman. You're confident and a little bossy but you got the hold of things. Yeah! And that you have the prettiest skins in the entire manor! A Beautiful model who is an amazing kiter!
Perfumer: ...He said that? -Smiles a little-
Acrobat: Yeah! But everyone said the two of you were dating so.. I kept my feelings inside for a while.
Perfumer: ...Mike.. to be honest, I thought Norton were going to ask me out.. I liked him alot and... then you came..
Acrobat: -Backs away- ....I knew it.. I knee it..!! I ruined something!! -Grabs his hair and panicks- I'm so sorry!! I never wanted to ruin anything!!
Perfumer: N-No no..! Mike..! Listen to me..! ...You're the best thing that has ever happened to Norton. You made him happy.
Acrobat: ...Then why did you want to talk with me about this..
Perfumer: ....I dont know.. I just.. needed to get it out.. I dont want anything to be weird between us tho..!
Acrobat: I..  I ruiner lives.. I.. I need to tell Norton..! -Quickly leave room and Heads twoards the assylum-
Perfumer: What?! Mike wait!! You're having a Panick attack! Dont do this!!


Prospecc: Woah. I havent been here in a while.
Axe boy: ...yeah Im leaving. I hate asylums. -Leaves-
Prospecc: And theeen, I'm alone!
Seer: A A A A A A A A A A A A!!!!
Prospecc: ...What the hell? -Runs to where Eli and Emily is- What's going on?!
Doc: Shock Therapy.
Seer: -Pants while having tears and drool down his face-
Prospecc: ...Emily! This is not shock therapy, its torture!!
Doc: It only hurts a little.
Prospecc: You're frying his Brain!!
Doc: He has multiple personalities! Did you see Naib and Aesops Vounds?!
Prospecc: Vounds?!
Doc: Eli has an Abusive side!!
Prospecc: If you're trying to get rid of the abusive side, then shouldn't you fry the abusive side?! This us our normal Eli!!
Doc: It dosen't work that way! And don't  worry, I know what I'm doing!
Prospecc: Eli! Can you hear me?! -Taps Eli- ELI!!
Seer: h a a a h . . .
Prospecc: Let me get this off you bro!! -Taps some Buttons trying to get the hand and feet cuffs off-
Seer: -Gets omega shocked- AAAAAAAAAA! P L E A S E S T O P ! !
Prospecc: HOW DO I TURN IT OFF?!
Doc: -Runs over and Turns off Shocker quickly- Oh no..
Seer: -Passed out-

Acrobat: NORTON!!
Prospecc: WHAT?! Oh, Hey Mike! How was your Chat with Vera?
Acrobat: Norton.... I'm.. I'm breaking up with you...

Prospecc: . . . . .

-Doc room-

Ripper: -Looks at Naib- ...I have never seen him this hurt before..
Joseph: -Touches Aesops Cigarette burns- Didn't know the seer smokes.
Feaster: He dosen't.
Priestess: He only smokes Candy cigarettes with Sodapop powder inside. Smoking real cigarettes are against Snoik Prophecy.
Ripper: I guess He was drunk and bought some. I mean, its Vegas.
Priestess: Blasphemy!! I said its against snoik prophecy!!
Ripper: Fine fine!
Feaster: I'm going back to my room. I hope Eli is fine..
Priestess: I'm coming with you. -Leaves with Feaster-
Ripper: Talk about reaction.
Joseph: Ah, Heres Aesops Clothes! This is a white lovely sweater. ....I wonder how their lives are outside of the manor.
Ripper: -Picks up Naibs Jacket- how can they wear clothes like this. They have like.. Zippers and...Pockets and.. huh?
Joseph: What's wrong?
Ripper: -Takes something out of pocket-...Cigarettes.

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