Are They all Doomed-?

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-A match is about to start-

Acrobat: Soooo.. the hunter gets to know who They're up against but we dont get to Know the Hunter?
Embalmer: Nope. The hunter is sitting behind that Curtain over there.
Priestess: Theres No kiters on our team..
Minds eye: Are we doomed?
Acrobat: Ah don't worry! I'll kite!
Embalmer: You can kite..?
Acrobat: I can do anything! Decode, Kite, Rescue, Just leave it to me! Anything that someone else isn't doing, I will do!
Embalmer: Great, Be careful tho, some hunters can be Really fast. I can see all the Survivors in the beginning of the match so I will look for you so I can record you appearance.
Acrobat: Got it!

-Match starts at arms Factory-

Acrobat: -Runs to The closest Cipher and starts Decoding-
Embalmer: -Runs up next to Acrobat and Decodes with him- Allright I got your appearance.. Its Axe boy by the way.
Acrobat: Axe boy? How do you know?
Embalmer: You see those Random Pine trees and the Blue flames floating around them? If you see that, you know its Axe boy. You can destroy the trees but that reveals your location. Also, try to stay away to the Flames when he is close.
Acrobat: Got it.
Embalmer: I'll go record the other appearance now. I decide slower togrther with others. -Runs away-
Priestess: -Takes a Hit-
Acrobat: Ah..! -Finnsih First Cipher and Heads to where Priestess is Kiting-
Axe boy: Stop escaping through portals you Coward!! -Throws Flame at Fiona-
Priestess: Ah..! I forgot those things when through walls, hehe..
Axe boy: -Picks Up priestess and Puts her on Chair-
Acrobat: -Runs Twoards Priestess to Save-
Priestess: B-Be careful! If he uses his ability you'll take a Hit!
Axe boy: Haha! Dumb survivor! Are you suicidal or something?! -Prepares to use ability-
Acrobat: -Throws Firebomb- Wee!~ Hey there Axe kid!
Axe kid: Ah?! I'm buring!! Help!! -Tries to Use Ability- ...What did you do to me!! Why isn't my powers working!!??
Acrobat: -Rescues Priestess- They'll come back! Dont worry! -Leaps Through Window-
Pristess: -Runs through Portal- Woah..! You did pretty good!
Axe kid: -Chases priestess again-
Priestess: oh no.. he's catching up to me..!
Acrobat: -Runs Against Robbie-
Axe boy: Aaa!! D-Dont put me on fire!
Acrobat: Dont worry, I wont! -Throws Mud Bomb-
Axe kid: Aah!! No! I'm too slow! The priestess is Getting away..!! Allright that's it!!! I'm chasing you insead!! -Chases acrobat-
Acrobat: Allright! Good luck! -Leaps through Window and Axe boy hits him with Flame-
Acrobat: Oh..! Good Job!
Axe boy: Why are you being so Friendly!!
Acrobat: I'm just having fun Kid!
Axe boy: Fun..? He.. hehe..~ Let's have some fun then!! -Whacks Acrobat-
Acrobat: Aww, Looks like you got me! Good job!
Axe boy: .....Y-.. yeah! I got you! Be terrified! -Puts Acrobat on Chair-
Acrobat: Hmm..~ I wonder if anyone will-.. huh?
Axe boy: NO! Dumb Embalmer!! -Zooms away on Vines-

Embalmer: Are you okay?
Acrobat: Woah! What did you do?!
Embalmer: Its my ability. But I only have one Coffin. I get a new one every time someone saves me so I can have maximum 3 Coffins per Match..
Acrobat: That were amazing! But you were right! I shouldn't underestimate him, He is good!
Embalmer: -Smiles a little and decodes-

-Meanwhile at Phantom Castle-

Joseph: I cant belive what I'm seeing.
Geisha: ...He Cancels our Abilitys.
Spider: And slows us down..
Feaster: ...This isn't good..


Ripper: We're finally out! -Streaches legs-
Merc: That were such a pain..
Ripper: Where do we go now?
Merc: -Looks around- Find a Taxi. We are going to the hotel Nightingale Made a Reservation on.
Ripper: -Knocks on Car window- Hey! Can you take us to-
Merc: -Quickly Grabs rippers Arm and pulls him away- That's not a Taxi that's a Random Strangers Car..!!
Ripper: What's the difference?
Merc: -Looks around- Theres a Taxi! -Opens Door-
Ripper: -Sits into car- I dont see the difference.
Merc: Shh..! Hey, can you take us to.. this Hotel? -Shows Taxi drivers some papers-
Taxidriver: -Nods and starts driving-
Ripper: When we finally got out of the plane we have to sit back down in-woooah.. what are those..! -Stares out window-
Merc: we're in a Big City. Those are Skyscrapers.
Ripper: Where even are we?
Merc: Tokyo.
Ripper: Tokyo..? That's not in China!
Merc: That's why we took an Airplane. To get to another Country.
Ripper: ...oooh!!
Merc: Now you realize that?!
Taxi driver: -Stops Car outside of Hotel-
Merc: Thank you! -Gives Taxi Dude some Money- Let's go Jack!
Ripper: -Follows Naib out of car and Carries luggage-
Merc: -Enters Reception of Hotel- Jack, Can you check us In? I need a break..
Ripper: -Nods and Walks up to Reception lady- We have an Reservation..?
Lady: Allright, name Please?
Ripper: Rippe-
Merc: JACK!!
Ripper: J-Jack!!
Lady: ...Okay, Last name?
Ripper: ...Jack the Ripp-
Ripper: JACK SUBEDAR..!!!
Lady: ....Tourists.
Merc: -Sighs-
Lady: Allright, Jack and Naib Subedar, Is that right?
Ripper: Yeah!!
Lady: ...Heres your room key. If you have any questions, please ask another receptionist..
Ripper: -Grabs key- Thanks!
Merc: good Job, We already made someone weirded out by us.
Ripper: Hahahaha!
Merc: -Takes Ripler with him to 23rd floor of the hotel and finds their room and unlocks it- Here! This is our room for a week!
Ripper: -Lays down on the bed- Finally! I'm exhausted!!
Merc: You're exhausted? Hah! I should be the Exhausted one! -Laughs and Lays down on Jack-
Ripper: Lets both be Exhausted then! -Hugs Naib-
Merc: Mhm! Hmm.. I wonder what's happening back home right now..~

-At Phantom Castle-

Axe boy: 4 win Loss?! It's all that Dumb Embalmers Fault!!
Jospeh: Hey! It were not Aesops Fault!!
Reptilian: I blame the new Guy..!
Wu chang: -Laying on floor in Fetus Pose- What do we do without our Abilitys..!?
Feaster: Let's pretend we're dead and we might not be Picked out to be in the next match with him!!
Geisha: Survivors who can see where they're going without me dashing at them..
Spider: My speed..
Clown: My rocket!?
Hell ember: What shall we do?!
Axe boy: Shut up! It weren't that bad!! My ability were only gone for a few seconds but besides that he is very Nautral! He has no buff in anything but he has a Nerf at Opening the Exit Gate!!
-Hunters starts Fighting and Panicking-

-At manor-

Embalmer: You did good!
Prospecc: You won against Robbie the Demon Child! Welcome aboard Comrade!
Seer: We should all have a Guys Night out to Celebrate your Victory!
Acrobat: Really? Thank you..! But I couldn't really done it without Aesop!
Embalmer: Heh.. You're welcome

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