closer to the Answear?

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-Mike and Norton wedding dinner, Geisha story-

Minds eye: Thank you for Making me your Plus one Michiko!
Geisha: Hey, Belive it or not but you're like my best friend. Maybe something more one day. -Smiles and sits down at table-
Fan: You're late. The dinner is already over and they have already started on the cake.
Geisha: We apologize. Me and Helena forgot the time and showed up late.
Feaster: Eli, slow down on the cake.
Seer: But it's so good..!
Priestess: I thought you didn't like sweets Eli.
Seer: I don't but Aesop is a good chef! I barely notice the cake! This Kiwi decoration is so good I can barely control myself!!
Mids eye: Kiwi? I have never tasted that.
Geisha: I'll get you some, it's good.
Priestess: ...Hey! Emily! What's that?!
Doc: Huh? Xie got it for me! Its Crowberries! They taste delicious! It's also used as a medical herb! I want to bring some with me back to my room later!
Priestess: Hm. Maybe I should try these so called Cro-

-Back to now-

Ripper: HOLD UP!
Fan: Yeah, its totally suspicious that the Doctor and the Priestess both ate Crowberries.
Xie: Yeah! And how the minds eye and the Seer both ate Kiwi!
Geisha: I'm not done talking. Helena didn't eat any Kiwi.
Joseph: I already said it! Stop blaming the cake!
Ripper: That's not what I'm concerned about! The doctor said Crowberries were also a Medical herb so why dont we Try feeding them some Crowberries!
Xie: ...Now that you mention it, Emily did bring some berries back to our room.. -Opens drawer-
Geisha: Crowberies..!
Xie: Theres only a few here..
Geisha: ...Give them all to the doctor.
Fan: ...Agreed. if it works, Then we need the Emily healthy, since she knows how to take care of the rest..!
Xie: -Nods and Throws all the Crowberries into Emily's mouth-
Ripper: ...Did it work..?
Xie: -Looks at Emily and Shakes head- No. Still black goo coming out of her face.
Ripper: Damn it!
Geisha: Can i go back to my story?
Ripper: Sure..

-Back to story-

Priestess: Hm. Maybe I should try these so called Crowberries.
Geisha: -Sits back down- I'm sorry Helena. They were all our of Kiwi. Apparently, Hastur and the Seer ate it all.
Feaster: Woah. Guilty.
Minds eye: Its okay, I can try it some other time.
Geisha: However, I got you some other fruit. You like grapes, yes?
Minds eye: Yeah! Thank you Michiko!
Geisha: ...I can barely concentrate. Is Jospeh and Aesop almost done playing Instruments? Its giving me a Headache.
Feaster: Joseph, Can you just sit down and relax?
Joseph: I would love to but the Grooms has requested Harlem shake!
Prospecc: No, you can sit now!
Embalmer: Thank God..
Feaster: Pfft. Thank me.
Geisha: Helena, how is life at the Manor?
Minds eye: Its great! I spend most of my time in my room thought.
Geisha: If you'd like, You can stay with me for a while.
Joseph: Hey Hastur! We need some help at the kitchen!
Feaster: Coming.
Minds eye: I'd love to Michiko! But I think I'm going to stay a little longer in my own bed for now!
Geisha: Allright, I'd that's what you wish.

-Back to now-

Ripper: Lol you got Rejected.
Geisha: I was not rejected, it was just asking if she would Visit me for a couple of days but she preferes to stay home.
Fan: What did Joseph need help with at the kitchen?
Feaster: Just the dishes. My tentacles makes washing the dishes go alot faster.
Fan: So nothing special.. Allright. Let me tell my story next.

-Mike and Norton Wedding dinner, Fan story-

Fan: ...So..
Postman: .....
Fan: I'm really happy The doctor were able to solve our little problem.
Postman: -Cuts stitches on mouth si he can eat fish soup- Yeah.. yeah.. we never really.. talked it out, did we..?
Cord: -Groans- Just have the talk..! How hard can It be!
Perfumer: ....
Cord: What's wrong Vera?
Perfumer: you see how the Fruit decor on the cake will be eaten from the top to the bottom..?
Cord: ...Yes?
Perfumer: ...Obviously, no one else but Mike and Norton can get the strawberry on the top, But the two peaches underneath looks Delicious!! I need to get cake first so I can eat peach!!
Cord: Allright. Get ready to run once the cake is Cut. Now back to you two!!
Fan: ...Victor. I'm terribly sorry for being a coward and not confess my love to you when I had Hanahaki. If I just confessed, Neither of us would have needed to suffer.
Postman: Its not your fault. I compleatly understand. However, The past is past and what really matters is that we love eachother now. Right?
Perfumer: The cake is Cut! -Runs up to Mike and Norton first to get cake-
Cord: -Rolls eyes- Damn it Vera.. however, Fan, Victor is right. Dont worry about the past.
Fan: ...allright.
Postman: Hey, let's get a room in Palace of Silence, Huh?
Fan: Of course. I would love that.
Nightingale: I already got a room ready. I prepared it after the wedding ceremony.
Fan: you're awfully fast.
Nightingale: I knew something like this were going to happen so I did it before it's too late.
Postman: ...too late for what?
Nightingale: I'm heading out for a couple of days. I need to apologize to the world for everything you guys have caused.
Postman: What? What did we cause?
Fan: Michiko. You're late. They have already started on the cake.
Geisha: We apologize. Me and Helena forgot the time and showed up late.
Nightingale: Before you came, Eli slaughtered about thousands people under 5 seconds. The hunters executed an entire town and Hastur dragged two innocent people out of their daily life to take care of lots of Children to become Octos.
Postman: ...what.
Perfumer: -Comes back with Cake- Mnnh! This is delicious!
Cord: Hey Vera, wanna tell Victor here about Elis Slaughter?
Perfumer: -Eating cake- Mmphmnhnh
Postman: No need..! I'm fine.
Cord: Anyway. ...Fan. about this Hanahaki?
Fan: What do you want to know.
Cord: When did it start? When did you fall in love with Victor?
Postman: Me and Fan shared a moment in the palace of Silence!
Fan: ...yeah. I fealt like Victor understood me.
Joseph: Gentlemen. Ladies. There's barely any cake left. If you want some, you should eat before it's gone.
Cord: Ah! I need to taste the cake..!
Fan: I'll get you some. You too Victor?
Postman: Yeah! Thanks!
Fan: -Stands up and walks up to Mike and Norton- Hey, I'm here to get some Cake for Victor and ...M.. Martha..?
Ptospecc: Of course! Here! -Cuts some cake for Victor and Martha-
Acrobat: -Laughs- ...banana.
Prospecc: -Wheezes-
Fan:   ...what's so funny.
Acrobat: Martha gets a Piece of Banana o  her cake, I just really want to see her replace her gun with a Banana once.
Propsecc: -Keeps Wheezing and gives Fan the plates- Here some Banana for Victor too! Hahah!!
Fan: ....Are you two drunk?
Acrobat: Drunk? Us? Pfft! Here take some Champange! -Pours Fan Champange-
Fan: ...uh.. -Takes sip-
Prospecc: Oh yes, That some good Champange!
Fan: -Nods- very good. I should head back to the-
Prospecc: Waaaait! More Champange!! -Pours Fan alot more-
Fan: Yeaaah... I dont think I shou-
Acrobat: Come on! It's our wedding! Have some fun!!
Fan: -Sighs and Drinks up the next glass- Okay... okay..! Can I leave now?
Propsecc: -Laughs and Pats Mikes head- drunk legs am I right?
Fan: -Sits back down- Heres your cake...
Cord: You sure took your time.
Postman: Thank you Fan!
Fan: Yeah..
Perfumer: Hey Fan, I don't feel so good.. do you know if xyhidy jxtizit ydfouxoy...

-Back to now-

Geisha: ...Yeah?
Fan: ...Yeah what?
Geisha: Continue! What did she say?!
Fan: My story Is done.
Ripper: Come on! You dont remeber what she said? This could have solved everything!
Xie: How can you not remember that?
Fan: Its not like I could help it. Those two poured me so much Champagne, I were so wasted after that. I have no memory of what happened after.
Joseph: Damn it! Jack, what about you?
Ripper: I dont really have a story. You all already know what happened with me and Naib. We left early and the only thing we did after we left was go to sleep.
Geisah: What about before the wedding? Do you remeber what happened then? Naib got sick during the Cermony, yes?
Ripper: .....
Geisha: What.
Ripper: I wasn't together with Naib before the Cermony.
Geisha: Then where was he?
Ripper: ...Now that you mention it.. I dont know..!
Xie: You dont?
Ripper: Yes! I don't know! Where... where was Naib..?
Fan: So it was the cake!! Naib might af tasted the cake before the Cermony!!
Joseph: False! Naib wasn't the only one who naver tasted the Cake, Aesop didn't eat it either! Come on guys! Why would we Poision the cake?!
Ripper: I hate to admit it but Joseph is an excellent cook. He would never poision the food.
Fan: ....Joseph might not.
Ripper: See?
Fan: I wasn't finnished.
Joseph: Let me hear it.
Fan: Even if Joseph would never Poision the cake, ....Aesop might.
Xie: Joseph! Calm down!
Ripper: I'm still on Joseph's side in this! Its not the cake!!
Fan: Then what was it?!
Geisha: ..I ate the cake so why ain't I sick?
Xie: Are you on their side too?
Feaster: I also ate the Cake. We ate all the Kiwis, remeber..?
Fan: But this is a Survivor disease!!
Ripper: We dont know that!!
Fan: -Runs over to Martha- What's wrong..!?
Cord: I can still rhyme in Vain but why are my bones in constant Pain!?!?!?
Fan: ....Go back to sleep! Your disease has but sleeping as one of your constant actions!
Cord: I agree to sleep like.. his? But how am I supposed to sleep like this..?! AAH! OW..! HELP ME!!
Geisha: Give her some sleeping meds!!
Xie: -Looks through Drawer and tosses Fan some sleeping meds-
Fan: -Gives them to Martha- Just close your eyes and you will eventually fall asleep..!
Cord: -Nods and Cries-
Geisha: ...Someone here should know what happene to Naib! And what Vera said!!
Ripper: Who!
Geisha: ...Joseph. you have appeared in everyones story so far. It's time to hear your part of the story. Before the Cermony, and during the dinner.

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