50 Echoes Daddy Legs

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Prospecc: We're back from the depths of hell!!
Prefumer: I thought you were done with Acting like a lunatic.
Prospecc: -Laughs and Pats Mikes Back- I'm just joking, Me and Mike will stay here for a while!
Perfumer: What a surprise.
Acrobat: Hey Vera!
Perfumer: Looking Sharp Mike.
Enchantress: So you're finally back. I have been excited to to talk to you all again.
Prospecc: Really? Why?
Enchantress: What's the deal with you and Mike. Did you dump Vera or not.
Acrobat: Huh?
Perfumer: E-excus me, me and Norton never dated..!
Prospecc: That's right! Me and Vera were just friends!! And we still are!!
Encahntress: -Rises Eyebrow-
Perfumer: Why would I date Norton anyway! Just look at him!!
Encahnterss: -Looks at Norton- ....I see a Strong guy, who has a Cute and Innocent face, and literally dont talk about other then protecting people. Why would someone not want that.
Prospecc: -Chuckles and flexes Muscles- You thing I'm strong?~
Enchantress: I also said cute and Innocent face. I wonder how it looks like when Mike tops you.
Prospecc: What?
Acrobat: -Blushes and covers face- W-what?
Perfumer: You got it all wrong! Norton is obviously the top! Just look at Mike! No offense Mike but loOK AT HIM! He is what a Bottom guy is supposed to look like!!
Acrobat: -Clings to Nortons arm- Why are we talking about this..! You're embarassing me, hehe..~
Prospecc: -Kisses Mikes Forhead- Yeah, Who is bottom dosen't matter.
Acrobat: Yeah! I'm more of a Teddybear kind of a person! L-Like.. I like Kissing and Cuddles! That's what matters..!
Prospecc: Yeah, what he said! -Walks into bedroom while Pulling Mike with him-

Perfumer: Time to bet.
Enchantress: 50 echoes?
Perfumer: 50.
Cowboy: Heeey! Ladies! You dont settle disagreement with Bets, you settle it with.. catfights. Who can pin the other one down first! Go! -Whistles-
Perfumer: -Smacks Kevin in the back of the head- Shut up.
Encahntress: -Smacks Kevin as well-
Cowboy: Fine fine! What are you betting about?
Enchantress: -Carefully opens Nortons Bedroom door so they can peek inside- who is top and who is bottom.
Cowboy: Norton is the bottom. Obviously.
Enchantress: See! Even Kevin agrees!
Cowboy: Yeah. No way someone like Norton can top me!
Perfumer: We are talking about Mike and Norton! Not you and Norton!!
Enchantress: Damn idiot..
Cowboy: Oh! Then I dont know.
Perfumer: They're just talking..
Enchantress: Put them in the mood somehow!
Perfumer: -Destroys the Circuit making the entire Electricity shut down-
Enchantress: What are you doing..?!
Perfumer: Shh..! We'll fix it later..!
Cowboy: Dont worry Ladies! Kevin is here to protect you from the dark!
Encantress: Go Protect Helena or something.
Cowboy: I'm coming Helena!! -Runs away-
Perfumer: -Rolls eyes and peeks inside again-

Prospecc: -Lights a Candle on his Nightstand- There, now we can see.
Acrobat: I wonder why the lights went out.
Prospecc: I would say there were a thunderstorm outside, but thinking about how there has never been a thunderstorm here before makes it less likely.
Acrobat: Yeah. And we haven't heard any thunder either.
Prospecc: Dont worry, I beg Nightime will fix it soon.
Acrobat: Yeah! You're right..
Prospecc: Are you afraid of the the dark?
Acrobat: A little, yeah.
Prospecc: -Grabs Blanket and wraps it around himself and Mike-
Acrobat: Heh.. thanks..
Prospecc: I shouldn't really joke about this, but the time i were the most scared in the Dark was when Me and Robbie walked through Arms factory in the middle of the night, and then Robbie Found a Lizzard.
Acrobat: A-.. A lizzard?
Prospecc: It was before Luchino cane to phantom castle. Trust me, I were terrified it Lizzards!
Acrobat: Hehe.. Robbie..
Prospecc: Yeah, That were actually the first day me and Robbie Bonded! He hated me at first, but we grew closer and now he loves us. Heh..~
Acrobat: Yeah, Hobbie is Cute.

Enchantress: What's the plan now?
Perfumer: They're just talking about Axe boy.
Enchantress: Do something..!
Perfumer: -Opens Bag and looks through perfumes, then pulls one out and sprays it into Nortons room-
Enchantress: What was that..?
Perfumer: it's a Special perfume.. The smell is so good it fills you with butterflies. It belongs to my caged butterfly skin.
Enchantress: -Watches-
Prospecc: Mike..?
Acrobat: Yeah..?
Prospecc: you smell good.. -Kisses Mike-
Acrobat: -Kisses back and blushes- I- I thought that was you, hehe..
Prospecc: -Shakes head- Hey, Robbie ain't here you know so.. maybe we should use the... you know.. oppertunity to spend some.. Arousing time together..?
Acrobat: -Laughs and pets Norton- You dont have to be so embarrassed when you ask Norton!
Prospecc: -Smirks and Quickly pins Mike down Making out with him-

Enchantress: Tch. Fine. -Hands Vera 50 Echoes-
Perfumer: Told you Norton were top!
Enchantress: Yeah yeah, you win.
Perfumer: We should do Bets more often.
Enchantress: I'll win those 50 echoes back one day!
Perfumer: Just try and I'll double up!
Enchantress: We'll see! -Walks into Voice of the Manor and sits down-
Doc: -Lights Candle- Hmm.. wonder why the power went out..
Perfumer: Big mystery.

-Phantom Castle-

Ripper: -Holding Wu changs Umbrella while Running around- Hahaah!!
Xie: Jack!! G-give it back..!!
Ripper: Ahahaha!! Your personality is so different when you're both out at the same time!
Fan: Son of a Bitch! Give back out umbrella!!
Ripper: Come get it tough boy!!
Fan: I'm gonna beat the Crap out of you jerk!
Mad eyes: -Whacks Jack- Narcissistic Murderer!! You're acting like the brat!
Ripper: Owie-
Xie: -Grabs Umbrella and Hugs it- I got it..
Fan: -Crosses arms-
Ripper: -Gets up and Laughs Poking Xies Forhead- I didn't know you actually were such a Coward without Fan, Hahaha!~
Xie: S-Stop poking me..!
Fan: -Whacks Jack- Stop picking on Xie!!
Ripper: Fan, Bro, listen to me. You guys are gay and Ince-
Fan: -Whacks Jack again- Shut up.
Mad eyes: Hey legs! Since when were there two of you?!
Fan: ...Since always.
Xie: You didn't know there were two of us..?
Mad eyes: I'm too old for this! From now on, You're P-legs and you're D-Legs!
Xie: P-Legs..? Why the P?
Mad eyes: Like Jack said, you're a Pussy!
Fan: Stop bullying Xie!! And why am I D-Legs!?
Mad eyes: I were gonna say Daddy legs but you're acting like a Dick so you're dick legs!!
Ripper: -Wheezes- Dick Legs! Pussy legs!  Hahaah!! Make sure you don't your legs Slip into something! HAHAAAH!!
Xie: Stop it..!
Merc: -Walks into Room- Jack.. seriously.. you dont need to be so mean to them.
Xie: Thank you Naib..
Merc: ...Naib?
Xie: Ah! I'm sorry! I mean.. Mercenary! I thought I could.. I.. I apologize...
Merc: No No it's fine. Call me Naib, as long as I can call you Fan and Xie. It would be hard knowing who I talk to as long as I keep using Wu Chang.
Xie: That's fine!!
Ripper: -Laying on the floor being Kicked by Fan- Hahah..! Stop..! This Is too much! Hahaha!!
Fan: Stop Laughing at Xie!! He is trying his best!!!
Ripper: All this time your personalitys were mixed but once you're both out you're completely split!! But you're both still emo!! Hahaha!!!
Merc: ..... -Kicks Jack together with Fan-
Fan: Thanks Naib. Come on Xie, let's go back to our room.
Xie: -Hugs Fan and walks back to room-
Merc: -Crosses arms and looks at Jack-
Ripper: Haha..~ Hey Naib..~
Merc: Stop being so mean all the time.
Ripper: -Picks Merc up and Kisses his face several times-
Merc: Aha.. haha.. No!! Jack not now..! I'm not in the mood! Hahah..!! Stoooop..!!~
Ripper: You can't be Mad at me~
Merc: Shut up, I can if I want to!
Ripper: Are you saying you don't want to be mad at me?~
Merc: Haha.. You're right..~

(Btw, I'm sorry for taking so long time- I have had lots of Exams and Presentations lately and I had to do some nightshifts at work but now I'm free again!)

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