Pool day with the gang/ jen and david get closer

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Jen wakes up early as the day that She hosts parties she's always anxious and likes to make sure she has everything set.

She showers and changes into some Jean shorts and a grey t-shir and puts her hair up in a bun.

Jen makes sure the pool is nice and heated and that the house looks good.

The doorbell rings.
Jen goes and opens the door and it's court and Lisa.

Ahh my girls come on in.

They hug. Court and Lisa put their snacks on the kitchen counter.

Ahh this is exciting I can't believe we're actually gonna see David it's been three years and we're meeting cleo for the first time.

I know Dave looks great and cleo is so cute I can't wait to meet her.

Lisa and court look at Jen with the biggest smile.

What? Jen says smiling.

So Dave looks great huh?

Oh my gosh Lisa seriously?

Look honey I'm just reiterating what you said.

I mean yeah he looks good.
Well there you go court and Lisa pull her into the living room where they sit on the sofa.

Look honey we're just saying you say he looks good we know that he told you you looked beautiful.

Yeah so we're two really good friends and compliment each other.

But Jen sweetie for a second think beyond that.
It's been a couple of years since we've all talked to Dave and whose the first one he texts to get together?

But that doesn't mean anything

It doesn't except it does. I think he reached out to you because he wants to reconnect maybe not just as friends but more.

Lisa what?

Come on jen we all know you two have had feeling for each other for the longest time but it was just never the right timing.

Guys ahh where is all those coming from?

It just seems perfect sweetie think about it.
He's back in l.a got in contact with you first you're both finally single at the same time.

You've experienced everything these past twenty five years it feels Luke's it's finally the perfect time.

Look jen you can't deny that you guys had a real thing going on back then and if not for him being in a relationship and not Sebring to mess up the show.

We're almost positive you two would've become a couple.

Jens about to speak but Lisa cuts her off.
Listen jen like you always say everything happens for a reason you both had great lives you with brad and Justin and him with his wife.
And it sucks that they didn't work out for a lot of reasons but maybe it's all led up to this time.

Lisa finally finished speaking and Jen chimes in.

Guys yes I mean I can't deny that if not for a couple of circumstances that Dave and I could've been something we definitely had something amazing together but that was twenty five years ago.

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