Meeting family and friends

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~10 am ~
David wakes up and checks the time he knows there people coming over in about three hours so he gets up showers and gets dressed as quietly as he can.
He sees Jen is still fast asleep when he's finished so he goes to make some coffee for them.

last night Scarlett woke up twice to feed.

And David woke up both times and sat with Jen as she fed the baby.

So they're both pretty tired and trying to adjust to interrupted sleep.

He goes in the kitchen and makes a fresh pot of coffee.

As he walks into the room jen is already awake.
Coffee yes just what I need thank you. She reaches out for her warm mug.

Wow honey you're dressed and showered already?

David smiles. I figured we'd both need some he smiles and checks on Scarlett.

Oh this yeah well I figured I'd do it because well
So I don't know if you know this yet but court coco cleo and I think maybe a couple of other people are coming over today to meet the baby and check up on you.

That's perfect I missed court I didn't talk to her at all yesterday.
I know she called me and asked if it was ok and I said of course.

Oh my gosh yeah and my dad hasn't seen her either
Or your parents invite them over too.

Already got them all I called them yesterday and they should be here in a couple of hours.

Jen smiles so big gosh I better shower then.

Ok but honey, honey don't try to get all dressed up or anything ok nobody is expecting a big get together or anything they just wanna see you and meet Scarlett ok?

Jen smiles and nods ok watch the baby I'll be out soon.

David takes Scarlett out of her bassinet slowly and kisses her and good morning baby girl today's a big day for your all your family is gonna come and meet you.

So while mommy's in the shower let's pick out a couple of outfits for you and let her choose which one you should wear.

Jen comes out of the shower and gets dressed she finds a cute pink long sleeved shirt and white jeans she pairs it with a comfy pair of creme colored shoes.

She blow dries her hair and sticks with her natural curly waves and applies a little lip gloss.

David walks in with baby Scarlett wow honey you look beautiful are you sure you just had a baby two days ago?
Jen smiles

Ok so for baby girl I picked out a couple of outfits which one do you think she should wear?

Jen picks the 2nd choice some cute baby leggings with a pink shirt that says princess.
The security camera rings as court coco are the first to arrive.

David rings them in and opens the door.
They pay no attention to him and run over to Jen on the couch.

Since Courtney already held her she lets coco hold her first.

She's perfect coco says as she looks at Scarlett. Jen rubs cocos back and kisses her head.

Courtney gets a little teary eyed as she takes pictures of this moment.

Coco hands Scarlett off to Courtney as she hugs jen tight I love you Jen.

I love you so much coco.

I still can't believe I'm holding her what is your papa gonna think?

He's going to cry I already know it I'm so excited to see his reaction.

The bell rings again and it looks like everyone arrived at the same time David let's them in.

They all barely pay attention to him as they walk over to Jen.

Hi daddy.
Hi cleo oh honey I missed you so much hey are you ready to meet your sister?

Cleo nods.
She's so tiny.

Yeah there you go just support her little head.
David starts to cry I can't believe this right now.
He takes a picture of his two girl and then his parents.

She's perfect jen and Dave good job David's mom hugs jen and kisses her hand.

Good job sweetie I'm just so proud of you.

Finally it time for jens papa to hold her.

Jen goes to stand up but he stops her.
He sits next to her on the couch instead.

Papa meet your granddaughter Scarlett Jane.
Jen hands her over to him.
He immediately starts to cry.
She's beautiful an angel.
He rubs her feet and kisses her head.

Everyone takes their phones out and takes pictures.

He hands the baby off to David and hugs jen.

I'm so proud of you and so, so happy for the both of you. She's perfect.

Jen starts to cry
He kisses her hand and pulls her In for a tight hug.

Courtney and Dave both make some pizza in the famous pizza oven.

people start to leave as it is getting late and they know Jen must be tired.

They hug and kiss and congratulate Jen one more time.

Court is of course the last to leave.

Than you for the dinner sweetheart. Yeah seriously thank you court.

Anything for you guys always.
She goes over and kisses Scarletts hand as she's asleep.

They hug tight I love you so much court.
I love you more.

Court hugs David ok so I'll see you tw.. I'll see you three soon she corrects herself.

That's gonna take some getting used to.
She smiles as she walks out.
David and Jen walk over to the baby and pick her up they put her in her little crib and change into their pajamas.

They brush their teeth and head to bed.
Today was perfect my heart is so full thank you for the surprise Dave.

Seeing my dad hold my baby girl is a moment I'll never forget.

David leans over and kisses jen. Today was perfect it's beautiful too see how many people love this baby girl.

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