Proposal ideas

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David POV: Jen and I have been dating for about 7 months now and I know it's crazy especially after we said we wanted to get to know each other better and deeper and see where this relationship could go. But Ive been thinking of proposing to her.
I can't hold it back any longer every time I'm around her I fall more and more in love with her. And technically I've been in love with her over 20 years now if I really think about it. And I don't want to lose her again. She's the one she's it. And I know I'm the luckiest man on earth to be with her.
I've never felt this way about anybody before she just makes me so incredibly happy and I'm so in love with her. And I just want to keep loving her and giving her that unconditional love that she deserves because she is seriously the most amazing woman I've ever met.

When you know you know and I've been running ideas through my head about how where and when to propose because I want it to be perfect.

Since Christmas is coming up I've been thinking about proposing to her on Christmas Day at home just the two of us and make it cute.
But then another part of me wants to make this the most amazing romantic proposal for her.
So of course I can't figure this out on my own and who better to help me than Courtney.

I called Courtney up to see if she can meet me for lunch today and she said yes.

- 1 hour later-

I get to the restaurant to meet Courtney for lunch she has no idea what I called her for but I told her not to tell Jen that we're meeting up so Jen doesn't expect anything.

I see court walk in.

Courtney: hi Dave how are you?
She hugs him

David: I'm so good how are you ? You look beautiful.
He says as he hugs her back
Thank you for coming on such short notice.

Courtney: I'm good too
Of course of course so what's up?

David: ok I'm just going to come right out and say it
So you know Jen and me have been dating for about 7 months now.

Courtney: of course I know.

David: well lately I've been thinking about proposing to her. I just court I love her so much she is the most beautiful sweet funny caring talented woman I've ever met and I want her to feel loved and protected by me always.

Courtney's eyes light up
Courtney: omg David you're going to make me cry stop it!!!

David: no no it's true and I want to make it the most romantic and special proposal ever because it is what she deserves. And I need help I have a couple of ideas and who better to ask than one of her best friends.

Courtney: omg Dave I'm honored ok absolutely so what are some of your ideas?

David: ok so one is since Christmas is coming up I thought about a cute proposal at home where she open the ring as a gift and I propose.
But I feel like I that's not enough and she deserves something more special than that.

Courtney: well it's definitely a cute idea a Christmas proposal at home just the two of you you know Jen loves her home a lot but I think you're right Jen deserves this kind of love and I've really never seen her this happy before so maybe something else.

David: yeah ok thank you so I'll cross that one off
Next so you know how in New York for New Years the ball drops well I was thinking of going there with her and proposing to her right as the clock strikes midnight in Times Square.

Waiter: comes and takes our orders

Courtney: wow that's an idea for sure I mean you know that for you two that will be pretty hard because of how big a str you guys are the fans the paparazzi would be all over you guys. And then you would need extra security just on you two and it wouldn't feel all that romantic because you'll be surrounded by a million strangers and you know Jen likes to keep a lot of things private.

David: yeah those are all my worries too no I think I have to go bigger.

Ok the next one is in February it's her birthday and then Valentine's Day I was thinking of taking her on a birthday trip and To Paris or her home country of Greece.
And then spending a couple of days relaxing and planning and proposing to her on Valentine's Day.
In Paris I was thinking of renting a helicopter to take us on a beautiful romantic ride along the city as the sun is setting and then having dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower and just as the sun I setting pop the question.

And if we go to Greece I can also get a helicopter to fly us over a beautiful cliff and then I have like a nice lunch set up for us with a blanket and some wine. And with an ocean view just the two of us secluded as I propose to her over the cliff.

And that's it ok so what do you think of those?

Courtney: wow Dave well I definitely love the idea of you waiting until February for her birthday and Valentine's Day and between Paris or Greece I think you have to go Paris and do the amazing romantic helicopter ride over looking Paris. And I love the idea of you two on the Eiffel Tower alone as you are with your queen and you propose to her as the sun sets I think it's perfect and brilliant and so sweet.
And it's honestly what she deserves a proposal fit for the kind of woman she is.

Yes yes court and that was my top choice too but I was second guessing myself. I just want it to be so perfect and be fit for the amazing woman that she is ahh I'm so excited.

Courtney:me too!!!

The waiter comes and brings us our food.

Thank you!!!

David: honestly thank you court you're amazing And hey just promise me you won't tell anyone until after I propose ok it'll be our little secret.

Courtney: of course I promise it will be hard but you can trust me I'm so excited for you two I love you both so much.

They finish eating their food

And head out.

David hugs Courtney
Thank you again court love you and about the ring I want her to be the first one to see it so no you can't help me look but you'll see it on her finger hopefully🤞🏻.

Courtney: ok that's fair and of course you guys make the most among couple and I know Jen is going to say yes without a doubt she's is in love with you.

David smiles
And opens the door for Courtney.

David: ok then I'll see you soon court love you

Court: yes absolutely love you too Dave.

After this talk with Courtney I'm so exited to propose and pick out the perfect ring for my Jen.

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