Shes here

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David: is holding jens hand as he is encouraging her to push.

David: you're doing amazing honey!!

Jen stops for a second and takes a deep breath.
Oh my gosh I can't anymore please

David: sweetie no, yes you can you're doing amazing ok? Just a little more.

Doctor: ok Jen that's good she's half way there just give me a another big push.

Jen takes a deep breath as she squeezes David's hand harder.

Doctor: ok Jennifer that's it she's almost out.

David: oh my goodness honey I see her head just a little bit more.

Doctor: ok Jennifer just one more push
David starts to tear up as he sees his second daughter for the first time.
David: oh my god, she's beautiful

The baby begins to start crying as soon as she is out.

Doctor: congratulations you two!!!

David kisses Jen on the forehead

David: you did so amazing honey he says

The doctor holds the baby up so jen can take a look at her.

Jen: oh my gosh she's so amazing
Jen says as she begins to start tearing up.

Doctor: ok so David let's cut the umbilical cord.

David walks to the side as grabs the pair of scissors and cuts the cord.

David: hi baby girl, it's me your daddy he says as head sheds a few tears.

The doctors take her away as they go and weigh her.

Ok she is 7lbs 8 oz.
They do her foot prints on the birth certificate.

Nurse: ok so everything is done the last thing is do you guys have a name yet?

David looks at Jen and she nods and winks in agreement.

David: yes this is Scarlett Jane schwimmer.

Nurse: that is a beautiful name.
She writes her name Down on the certificate.

The nurse wraps the baby up puts on her little hat. And walks her over to Jen.

She places her carefully In jens arms.

Jen begins to cry
Jen: Hi sweetheart, welcome to the world.
Oh my gosh she is beautiful

She looks just like you Dave says as he kisses her head softly. And look he says as she lifts her hat up slowly she's a little blonde.

David smiles from ear to ear. She's perfect.

Hey honey call court in the room.
David walks out into the private waiting area where so many people are there waiting.

She's here!
They all jump up in joy hugging David and crying.

So who wants to come in first? Courtney stand up right away and walks toward David.

Let's go already please!
David walks Courtney into the room.

Courtney walks straight to jen oh my goodness she says as tears immediately start streaming down her face.

Honey I'm so proud of you she's beautiful.

I love you so much court thank you
Hey Scarlett meet your aunt/godmother Courtney.

Jen motions for David to come near her well we've been talking and we couldn't imagine anyone better to be her godmother.

What do you say court?

Are you kidding me of course absolutely.

Courtney goes over and kisses jens forehead.

Jens hands Scarlett if too Courtney who sits on the chair next to her.

She's so gorgeous good job you two
Hi Scarlett nice to meet you I'm your aunt/godmother.

David comes next to Courtney and takes some pictures of her they FaceTime coco.

I'm so happy for the both of you congrats big guy.
David smiles love you court.

Ok I'll step out for a little while let the other come in and then I'll be back you're not gonna get rid of me.

The rest of the people come in and meet Scarlett cleo meets her sister and is so happy.

Courtney knocks on the door again oh my goodness ok it's been about 40 minutes but I need to come back in.

So honey how do you feel?
Well not bad actually just super tired.

I can imagine just rest honey ok David and I got it for a couple of hours.

David brings Jen some dinner and has her eat a little.

The doctor comes in ok you guys well everything looks good so far if everything is well tomorrow you should be able to go home in the morning.

They all get excited.

Oh my goodness that's incredible Thank you so much doctor.

Of course now please get a good nights rest and if you need anything just call the nurse.

We will thank you.

David props up jens pillows and turns off the lights to let jen sleep.

Courteney whispers to David so how are you feeling?

I'm over the moon this feels like a dream pinch me.
I'm so in love.

I know I'm so happy and proud of you guys you have no idea you two are so happy together and now look.
I love you guys.

And we love you court seriously Jen never stops talking about you you're truly her best friend.

They sit and talk for a while
Then court decided to head out ok we'll it's getting late I should let you sleep too.

She walks over to jen and Scarlett and kisses them both.

David hugs court thank you for everything court see you tomorrow.

Of course I'll be here always. See you three tomorrow she says as they hug and she heads out.

David goes back in the room checks on his girls covers them up and then lays on the small sofa next to jen and goes to sleep.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now