Setting up the nursery

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David: so today Jen and I are official going to work on and set up baby girls nursery.

Jen is so amazing at designing everything she picked out all the furniture and picked out such cute designs I'm so excited to see how it's going to look when it's all finished.

We decided we aren't going to paint the nursery pink but we are going to leave it the nice creamy white color that it is.

David: I'm so excited to get started on the nursery
David says as he walks into the nursery with Jen holding hands.

Jen: I know I can believe we are actually doing this
Like we're putting together our baby's nursery you don't know how long I've thought about this moment I'm so happy.

David can see that jens tearing up wraps his
He goes over to her and wraps his arms around her as he hugs her tight.

David: ohh honey don't cry

Jen: I know but these are happy tears it's all good
I just feel so incredibly lucky to be here experiencing this with you.

David: looks up at jens eyes that are glistening as she's is smiling ear to ear.

David: I know it's incredible you have no idea how lucky and fortunate I feel that this is my life that you're my wife and that we're going to have a beautiful little baby girl he says as he leans in and kisses her lips softly.

Jen:  I love you

David: I love you so much

David: ok so I'm going to work on putting this crib together.

He takes out the pieces and screws out of the box. As he sits there putting together the crib and then the dresser Jen can help but smile thinking how loved and lucky she feels.

Jen POV: as we are working on baby's girls nursery I feel so grateful as I sit here watching Dave put together the furniture.

He's seriously so amazing he's so smart he's so good at building and putting things together without even looking at instructions.

He is seriously my Superman.

David: ok sweetie all the furniture is assembled and in its place.

Jen: I love it so much it looks so good
Doesn't it?
Jen says excitedly with a huge smile on her face

David: it looks amazing honey you're so so so good at picking out designs and making a room come to life.

Jen: I love it I love picking out furniture and colors and decorating rooms.

David: you're so cute he says as he walks over to her and kisses the side of her head.

Ok what's next then?

Jen: now we get to hang up all of her clothes in the closet and put up the cute little pictures above her crib.

Jen gets the tiny little hangers and starts hanging up all the small baby clothes.

While Dave hangs a couple of pictures above the crib and changing table.

Dave brings in a beautiful pink rug to have that big pop of color. In the middle of the nursery and put on beautiful white and pink curtain to tie everything together.

Jen:  that's it we actually did it baby girls nursery is competed and looks so beautiful.

David: it really is beautiful honey I already know that she's going to love being in here.
you did an amazing job by picking everything out and matching colors and everything it's perfect.

Jen: I know I think so too I wanted it to feel like a classy but a little modern at the same time.

David and Jen walk toward the crib:

David: can you believe in a couple of months this little baby is going to be here? in this crib in this room he says as he caresses her stomach gently.

Jen: I know it's surreal
Jen looks down at her tummy as she rubs it
Jen: in just a few short months baby girl she says.

David can help but smile at his view right now.

Jen: what is that smile?

David: I just can't stop staring at you you look so beautiful.

Jen: ugh honey come on I feel so fat  bloated and tired how can you find me beautiful right now?

David: I mean how can I not? You are truly one of a kind you have that pregnancy glow to you you look so peaceful and just happy.

Jen: you help bring this out in me honestly honey you've been so amazing and supportive through everything you make me feel more like myself than ever before.

David pulls Jen in and kisses her. They stand in the middle of the room hugging each other.

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