David's birthday

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I wake up today super early because I know Dave wakes up really early too and I wanted to get up before him to wish him a happy birthday.

I can't believe this is his first birthday we're spending together since we were filming friends.

I go downstairs make him some confetti pancakes with strawberries and chocolate syrup some eggs and bacon and orange juice.

I try to write happy birthday with the chocolate as best as I could. I put up a happy birthday banner over the kitchen island.

I go upstairs and kiss he forehead and cheek.
He starts to wake up

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you I say softy. Happy birthday honey.
Jen says while smiling bright.

David pulls her in for a kiss and kisses her neck
David: thank you sweetie you remembered.
He says with a sneaky smirk.

Jen: ohh stop of course I remember how can I forget?
Hey so I have a surprise for you downstairs. It'll be waiting for when you're done with your shower.

David: why are you the sweetest?
Ok then let me go shower and get dressed and then I'll be right down.

Jen: ok dokie.

-25 minuets later-
I hear Dave coming down the stairs

David: honey omg what is all this?

Jen: this is all for you sweetheart happy birthday honey.

David: wow I don't even know what to say thank you baby.

Jen; you're welcome enjoy!!!

Jen: so how was it?

David: so good I mean confetti pancakes with chocolate icing and strawberries plus the eggs and bacon were great too thank you.

Jen: ok good I'm so glad you liked it so hey what do you want to do today?

David: oh I don't know I don't care as long as I'm with you.

Jen: aww ok well I got some stuff planned so I'm going to go shower and get dressed really quick and then we'll head out.

David:ok sweetie

-30 minutes later-
Jen: ok I'm all done you ready?

David: wow honey you look gorgeous

Jen: aww thank you
Let's go!!!

They hop in the suv that takes them to a secluded area where there is just a hot air ballon.

David: Jen honey no way are we going in that.

Jen: yes are you excited?

David: omg this is going to be so amazing

They get out of the suv and walk toward the hot air ballon and the instructors.

They finish blowing it up and then David and Jen step in with the instructor.

David: wow babe this is amazing I can't believe we're in a hot air ballon.

Jen: I know I hope you like it she says looking at him.

The ballon starts to take off and as it gets higher and higher Jens holding on to David stronger because she hates heights.

David: hey it's ok honey look at this view wow it's incredible.
He kisses her cheek and hugs her tight.

Jen: I know this view is amazing
Jen looks at David who is all giddy with excitement.

I'm so glad you're enjoying this honey I know how much you love nature and views and so I thought this would be a perfect thing to do.

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