Engagement photoshoot

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Jen: We've been back for a couple of days now and we have been trying to keep a low profile so we could enjoy this engagement with our family and friends but of course news spreads pretty quickly and some photographers did cat us in Paris so before any crazy rumors or articles start to come out Dave and I both decided that it would be best for us to talk about this now and finally let the world know that we are engaged.

Some magazines reached out to us and we are letting them into our house for today to talk about everything and for them to do a photoshoot.

The photographers and writers arrive.
They give us each a couple of outfits to match in.

They have us pose in the house and outback for a couple of pictures.
They also take a couple of pictures of the ring.

It's about a two page article so at the end of the photoshoot and everything we sit down and answer a couple of question.

Question 1: congratulations you guys
How did you pop the question David?
Um I took Jen to Paris for a surprise trip for her birthday and had planned out the proposal in advanced I took her on a romantic helicopter ride at sunset through Paris and then we landed on the Eiffel Tower where I had it set up with rose petals and candles. And then I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me.

How long were you planning this?
Um I've had this proposal idea since a little before Christmas I actually had a lot of other ideas and needed help deciding which one was the best option so I had to call court so huge thank you to Courtney for helping me pick and plan the perfect proposal.

Earlier when you guys came out together and as a couple you said you guys were gonna take things slow why did you feel that now was the time to propose?
How do you feel about it Jennifer?

Yeah you know we both did take it slow we really got to know each other on a completely different level and I think we both just fell in love with each other pretty quickly and we're just so comfortable with one another we really just completed each other well. And you know I just eventually I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this amazing woman and be able to call her my wife.

Jen: I feel great about it yeah you know Dave and I really took our time making sure we were right for one another and learn more things about each other but it's just so East with him and after a couple of weeks it was like wow everything that I knew Dave was he is that times a million and we just work so well together and have so much love and respect for each other so when he proposed I was just so excited and happy.

Reporter: that's amazing you guys and last question
When is the wedding? Do you have any plans yet?

Jen: I mean we don't know yet right know we're just enjoying our engagement but we do want to get married pretty soon and we just have to find a date that works for everyone. And as far as plans we haven't really thought about it yet but that's something we're going to start working on here soon.

David looks over and smiles at Jen

Reporter: David we see that's smile what are you thinking? What are your thoughts on this?

David: yeah no I'm just thinking how grateful I am that I g err to marry this amazing beautiful woman. And yeah I really am going to leave all the wedding planning to her and I'll just be here for taste testing and anything else she needs. But I know a wedding is every woman's dream and I want her to plan her dream wedding So yeah just so happy and grateful and excited to get started.

Reporter: alright that I you guys were all done here we're just gonna pack up and get going.

They shake Jen and David's hands.

Jen and David :ok thank you guys

They all leave.

David helps them carry the rest of their equipment to the van and he then comes in and closes the door.

David goes and hugs Jen from behind by surprise.

*He kisses her neck*

David: I love you I can't believe that the world know that we're engaged now.

Jen: *turns around*
I know me neither it's so incredible like this is it there's no turning back now are you sure you want to marry me?
Jen says with a shy smile

David: since the day I met you I love you honey
He kisses her passionately.

They cook dinner and spend the rest of the night starting the wedding planning.

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