Letting the secret out

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My phone is has been ringing non stop after those paparazzi pictures were taken of us the other day.

I get a text from Ellen asking me about it and if we want to go on her show and confirm it and talk about it.

Ellen is one of my good friends so I call Dave and ask him what he thinks of being on Ellen he says it's sounds great.

So I text Ellen back telling her that we will do the show today.

I then hurry up do my morning yoga shower and the make my smoothie.

-1 hour later-
I text Dave and go and pick him up and from there we drive to the studio.

-30 minuets later-
Oh crap it's 2:30 we're on in half an hour we arrive at the lot and go inside the back door.

Ok Jen and David hey welcome so you guys can wait here fix whatever you need to and a minute before you're on I'll come and get you guys ok?

One of Ellen's assistants says

Jen: yeah absolutely thank you.

David: wow honey this is crazy last time I was on Ellen was right after the show ended for what's my line.

Jen: wow I was here for her first show ever I was her first guests she's one of my best friends.

David: wow her first show that's awesome babe. So hey you're a pro at this at these you've done a bunch you have to teach me.
See I'm not as popular as you.

Jen: oh stop babe people love you you're an incredible actor and producer.
She says with a smile.
But if you want a couple of tips try to just be natural carry conversation and have fun.

David: okay yeah I can do that.

Alright guys you're on in a minute come on through

Ellen:our next guest have been in the tabloids a lot in the past few days and we're going to get to the bottom of it.

Please welcome some of my very good friends
Jennifer Aniston and David schwimmer.

Jen and David walk out to the stage waving their hands.

Jen hugs Ellen: hey sweetie
David hugs Ellen: hi how are you.

The applause is still going.

Jen and David: wave at the crowd smiling big.

Ellen: ok so let's get to the bottom of why you're here: ellen pulls out a magazine.
Have you seen this?

David:you know yeah we have.

Ellen: ok and what is it?

David: well it's me and Jen standing on the sidewalk.

Ellen: and hmm what are you guys doing with you're hands.

David: holding hands

Ellen: hmm Jen anything you want to add to this

Jen: yeah well we're holding hands. Interlocking fingers.
Jen says with a cheesy smile.

Ellen: and for what reason were you cold was he cold were they stuck together?
Or do you just like doing that?

Jen: yeah David what is the reason there?

David: yeah I mean we were holding hands there because we we
David stutters as he nervously trie to tell Ellen they're dating.
That's what a couple does when they show affection.

Ellen: wait a minute did you say a couple?
So wait what's going on here you guys Ellen says excitingly as the audience seem to stay smiling and clapping.

David: yeah well me and Jen are kind of a couple now.

Jen: yes we are.

The audience goes crazy clapping so loudly and jumping up and down.

Ellen: I knew it you guys congratulations but when did this happen how did it happen?

Well we met up for lunch a couple of weeks ago and hung out a couple of times and really just reconnected and talked it through and realized hey why not give this a shot?

David smiles yeah basically it all happened pretty quickly literally we went to dinner then had like a pool day at her house which was super nice and a couple of weeks later here we are.

Jen yeah so just to elaborate a couple of weeks ago I got a text from him asking me if I wanted to meet up one day and go to lunch I was free that day so I texted him back and we met up.

David: yeah and I was really nervous you know we hadn't seen each other in 5 years and so I just wanted to know how she was doing and catch up.

Jen: yes and when we started talking it's like we had just seen each other we talked for hours and it was so easy and amazing.
He also brought me sunflowers which was so sweet.

So anyway after that date you know I invited him and his daughter over to my house to swim the next day he agreed.

Then funny enough Courtney Cox one of my best friends who you all know called me right as we had finished the lunch.

I told her everything and invited her over to see Dave too because she hadn't seen him for a while either and then I decided to invite Lisa kiddos over too.

Ellen: wow so y'all had like a mini friends reunion at your house?

Jen: yeah exactly it was a lot of fun we got to hang out together and catch up.

David: yeah it was a great day she's honestly such an amazing host as I'm sure you know Ellen.

Ellen: yeah of course Jen loves to entertain.

David: yeah it was so fun and then I thought I repay the favor the next night and we went out to dinner and things just took off from there.

Jen: yeah and now here we are.

Ellen:  you well now the whole world knows so no turning back but y'all are so adorable. Also
you know Courtney posted this selfie with the whole cast having lunch the other day and it has over 10 million likes.

Jen: omg that's amazing yeah we went out for lunch the other day with all of them to meet up and to tell them the news.

Ellen: now you know the fans want that reunion.

Jen: yeah you know we'll have to see but it was so great to all be back together again having fun they all look great.

David: yeah it's awesome that we could all be together just like old times.

Ellen: wow guys welll we are so happy for you we love you guys and can't believe you're finally together.

Alright well that's all for today everyone so I wanna thank Jen and David for being here today.
And I'll see you guys tomorrow thanks for coming be kind to one another bye.

The show ends

-10 minuets later-
Ellen: wow Jen really I'm so happy for you you deserve to be happy and I know that David makes you so happy and David I'm so happy for you too. You couldn't have a better woman by your side.

David: a hundred percent I know I'm so lucky and grateful to have her by my side. I know how special she is.

Jen: thanks Ellen I love you you're so sweet.

Ellen: alright you two lovebirds hey lets get together soon to celebrate.

Jen: yes absolutely honey we will.

Ellen: alright well I'm so happy for you guys love you Jen.

Jen: love you too honey.thank you for having us.

David: yeah seriously thank you we didn't want to announce this anywhere else.

They all hug.

And Jen and David leave hand in hand happy and smiling.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now