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I wake up this morning wrapped up in my husbands arms.

It feels so amazing  finally being able to call him my husband.

Yesterday and last night were magical It was perfect.

I look up at him sleeping peacefully and give him a kiss on his cheek.

He starts to slowly wake up.

David: mhhm good morning wife
He says as he kisses her
yesterday was amazing!!

I turn around and look at him.
It really was I can't believe Im married to you. I say as we both hold each other hands and look at our rings.

He kisses my hand.

David: and hey this time we weren't drunk or in Vegas
He says while smirking.

Jen: laughs that's so true!!!.
And this time time we actually get to go on a honey moon.

David: that's right I can't wait to go on our honeymoon together sweetheart it's going to be so amazing.

Jen: I know it's going to be so special.

They both get up shower and get dressed.

- 2 hours later-
David: ok sweetie I got both suitcases is that it?

Jen: yeah that's everything.
David puts the suitcases in the suv.

They walk out of the house lock the door and head out to the airport.
Once they arrive at the airport David grabs both bags and grabs jens hand.

They walk out of the suv quickly and into the airport
The paparazzi are all out and waiting for them David makes sure to grab jens hand and protect her.

They walk through the airport quickly not answering any paparazzi questions they go through security and finally arrive to their gate.

They board their plane and get ready to head off on their honeymoon.

As The plane takes off David grabs jens hand and squeezes it tight. She lays her head on his shoulder.

- 3 hours later-
The plane arrives in Cancun.
David and Jen head off the plane and go get Their bags.

A suv picks them up and takes them to their resort.

-15 minuets later-

David and Jen arrive at their resort

Receptionist: ahh yes welcome mr and mrs. David schwimmer  and Jennifer Aniston

The lady hands them the keys to their villa.

They both are shown to their private villa.

They open the door.

David: wow this is so great. It's beautiful. We have our own private pool and everything.

Jen: wow this is beautiful I can't wait to explore this great place with you.

David goes over and hugs jen.
They go unpack their bags and get freshen up for dinner.

-30 minuets later-

David and Jen head off to dinner

David: wow  you look David says as he grabs jens hand and kisses her lips.

Jen: smirks as she winks at him
Aww thank you honey

David takes her hand as they walk to dinner

They arrive at the restaurant where they are seated

David: wow everything looks so good

Jen: ohh boy I know!!!
I love Mexican food too!!

The waiter comes and takes our order
Jen: I'll have the shrimp tacos and rice

David: and I will do the skirt steak tacos and rice also.

Jen: oh and mucho guacamole por favor
Jen says before the waiter walks away.

Jen looks back at David who is grinning ear to ear.

Jen: what is it honey?

David: you're just so cute I love how much you love Mexican food and especially tacos and guacamole.

Jen: oh my gosh I know it's an addiction and especially in Mexico everything taste even better over here obviously.
So I'm gonna go crazy.

David: it's adorable honey I love it I love seeing you so happy and excited. You have no idea it take me back to the friends days.

Jen: aww really?

David: yeah of course like behind the scenes, in your dressing room for lunch us just having fun and hanging out all the time.

Jen: that's so true those were such fun times we were all so fun and goofy.

The food comes.

David: I just can't believe it rooms us this long to finally admit our feeling for each other and get together.

Jen: yeah I know imagine how different things would be if we had told each other back then I mean I probably wouldn't ha ave married brad or anything.
Like can you imagine us actually getting together back then.

David: I know I means I'm that case I wouldn't have married Zoe and had my beautiful Cleo. Which I'm so grateful.
So I know we keep saying this but everything happens for a reason and I'm so grateful that I couldn't stop thinking about you and sent you that message and look at us now.

Jen looks at David and smiles.
Jen: exactly here we are on our honeymoon I just I love you so much Dave you make me feel so powerful you respect and love me and encourage me and are there for me and are seriously my best friend.

David: grabs both of jens hands
I promise you I will be your biggest supporter and cheerleader you can count on me for anything and everything. I got you always.  I am never letting you go again you're special you're beautiful you're one of a kind. I love you
He kisses her hands.

They both smile and finish their dinner.
They pay for their meal and head out for a sunset walk along the beach.

They walk on the beach hand in hand where David pulls out his phone and takes a couple of pictures of  the view and Jen.

After they finish their stroll along the beach the head back to their villa and go to sleep.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now