Its a......

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David and Jen sit patiently at the doctors office waiting to find out the baby's gender.

David: mhhm ok last guesses what do you think we're having honey he says as he hold her hand.

Jen: I don't know oh my gosh my answer keeps changing every minute but I'm going to go with my original guess of a baby girl.
What about you honey?

David: yeah I think I have to agree with you for some reason I just keep thinking a little baby girl.

The doctor comes in

Dr: good morning you two and how are we feeling today? Are you ready to find out what you're having?

Jen and David: yes we are so ready!!!

Doctor: ok great then let me just get started here

The doctor sets up the sonogram machine and applies gel to jens stomach.

He starts running the stick up and down jens stomach.

Doctor: oh ok I can see what it is so do you guys want to find out now or do you want me to write it down in an enviros and you guys can find out at a later time?

David and Jen look at each other

David: honey what do you want to do?

Jen: oh my gosh no I don't think I can wait we can surprise our friends with the gender but I have to know already!!!.

David: ok I'm so glad I can't wait either!!!

Doctor: ok then let me just go over to the area to be sure again.

Ok you two it looks like it is a..... Girl!!!.

David looks at Jen with tears in his eyes

David: oh my gosh honey we were right we're going to have a beautiful baby girl.

Jen: can barely speak as she is tearing up

Jen: I know oh my goodness I cannot believe it we got our beautiful baby girl.

David leans in and kisses Jen forehead.

Doctor: yes congratulations you guys you have a baby girl on the way.

And she sounds very healthy so far.

The doctor prints the sonogram pictures out with the gender on the bottom.

Doctor: ok you guys so I will see you guys back here in a couple of weeks for a check up making sure baby and mom are doing good. In the meantime jen just keep taking your vitamins remember not to overwork or get stressed out and enjoy this special time.

Jen: don't worry doctor or I will thank you so much
She says as she's wiping the tears away from her eyes.

David goes and shakes the doctors hand

David: thank you doctor

Doctor: of course my pleasure.

David and Jen leave the doctors office quickly so they are not seen by any paparazzi.

David: a baby girl honey can you believe it?

Jen: I know I'm still in shock this is amazing I'm so happy!!!.

David leans over and kisses Jen softly on the lips.
I am too I'm going to have three special girls in my life.

David: so honey how do you want to tell the crew?
Do you want to get some balloons and just fill them up with pick confetti and we will pop them.

Jen: yeah that sounds good honey because we can't really do anything to big because you know the paparazzi and everything is always watching.

David: ok sweetie I know I know it's super hard with them. Ok We'll send one of the guards to get the balloons so that nobody's sees us and gets suspicious.

- 2 hours later-

Jen: ok honey mostly everyone's is coming.

David: ok that's great then
The guard just brought me the balloons so we have the most important thing.

Jen: oh my goodness it's adorable I love how neutral they are and the gold ribbon.

You can't see through them right?

David: no no don't worry honey these are what everyone uses when they do a gender reveal.

The doorbell rings
As friends start to come in.

- 20 minutes later-

David: ok honey I think everyone is here.

Jen: yes I think so ok let's do this.

David carries the balloons outside

David: ok everybody he places the balloons in between Jen and him.

He hands a needle to Jen.

David: ok honey are you ready

Jen nods and smiles in agreement

The crowd counts down in anticipation:

David and Jen pop the ballon and pink confetti flies around.

Everyone cheers in joy

David and Jen : it's a girl!!!!💕💕

Everyone goes up and congratulates them

Everyone: wow this is amazing another girl for you Dave.

David: I know I'm so blessed
We're blessed he says as he grabs jens hand.

Courtney: a baby girl just what you've always dreamt of I'm so happy for you girls are the best.

Jen: I know it's truly a dream come true

Jen and David are congratulated by the rest of their best friends.

- 30 minutes-

David: today was so amazing I can't believe we're having a baby girl.
David says as he sits down next to Jen on the sofa grabbing her hand.

Jen: I know today was honesty a dream come true I'm so excited.
Davis kisses jens forehead.

David: you are going to be the most beautiful mother ever.
He says as her rubs her tummy.

Jen: Aww honey thank you.
She says as she lays her head on David's chest.

For the rest of the night they sit on the couch watching tv and relaxing.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now